
Tallemd in MSFT swag at 44 with no gray hair at the family chateau, 📶―⯈⊢🔈⏚

I turned down $20,000 bitcoin valued at $200 per bitcoin circa 2013 due to bad math.

In the New Economy, knowledge is more important to economic success than money or machinery. - Dallas Reserve Annual Report '99

Nobody wants to be president anymore. - Vance AFB base commander's son '04

Nobody wants to be CEO anymore. - CIO #3 Dollar General '22

All my friends are heathens, so you know. - 21 Pilots '16

Butterflies never die. - KPMG Partners '12

5 guys on the planet write Pi / Psexec like me. - Self '24

According to Google Analytics I get 0-10 visitors per month on this site.

Creds = @(SS PID, SSW, ICP, R CiSiHi, E2Fe), Sirtuins = @(DoNoWoAiMiHiMe)

LOY = @{TOV, NAL, EOL, EOD, POC, TOC, COC, AID, EBT} // 14,366,366,653.5 yago

LOY Desc = @{SSA, Onomatopia, ASCII} , Juris prudis categories = @{Lawful, Earner}

Oddities = @{Solar eclipse by arc, Center of Universe by rad, Odd age above} // 3 ct.

I'm not paid in brown envelopes.  I'm paid in SSD.  I post gnostic in yellow journals.


Watch list Xmas '22



















Watch list Xmas '23





The length of the left column should be */2-3 the length of the right. Show at least 1 yr.


Shipped System Center Mobile Device Manager 2k8, sp1,sp2

Windows phone 6.1, 6.5, 7

Hosted Email 9x 1.10, 1.11, sp3, 1.12, ru3, 1.14

Kscan 2.0

I do the work of 200 employees based on extensive statistical analysis over a decade


Played diablo 1, 2, 3, swg, jk, mots, quake 2, 3, half life, unreal, nwn 1, 2, ddo, team fortress beta

Wow 107 mounts 99%, 198 pets 38% complete 99.7% percentile, 34 tabards, 27 exalted, 382 gear score 84%, 1mg earned or about 1kusd, 7500 achievement points 38% complete 80% percentile, level 85

Diablo 3 beta overachiever, 100% of achievement points, 278 beta bucks, 80kg, 72% magic find

Diablo 3 50 dollars in first six months on rmah, 1950 achievement points 43% complete, 31% magic find, paragon level 200, 12 pets

Xbox 2,634 Gamerscore 5 sigma on my windows phone that I helped build

Half way up multiplayer rankings for mots, halflife, halo combat evolved

Halo reach cooperative

Fool's Errand in Quake 2 and Wow WotLK by killing 100 in a time frame.

Shinobu, Carolingian, Interpol wins = @{

Pool 2/3 versus world class pool player aficionado status included, 2ct, Jim Bo.

Kendo 2/2 same story, Marsten Sensei as second. Shinobu herself.

Kabalah play 2/2 fair at beast against world class player. Carolingian herself.

Hacking 1/1 Solo by beneficiary status 1 decade at $1b. Autogenous self-testing.

Jenga 9/10 against world class 2.0.

D&D 2-5ct, 2/3 1ct - I beat the gamemaster senseless. Went full on obvious magical.

Multiplay computer gaming - WOW live event raid statistics gold. SWG gold.

// JS, JC, Vampire blood episode, Benefactor, Microsoft.

Bowling 2/3 couples with granny.

Chess 2/3 versus world class 2.0.

} // There are others.  Exceedure.  All world class.

Solitaire millions = @{


Very Hard - KPMG, Templar, Ronin.  Example is HEAP accounting.  Mass effect titular.

Greed - Parents of low point $30k to high point double mantissa or $1b.

Overage of win mass effect by friendship status organizational membership included.

Solo play computer gaming - Diablo realm 3/4, Never winter nights realm. Quest lines.

Bowling - 150 game and maybe 160 but that's about all.

High Class Hooker - Hork yourself into as many guilds as possible as a high-class member.  How many?  Hundreds.  And these are all large class guilds or rare as hell.

} // Exceedure.

Cousins = @{

Chess 2/3 10ct versus games master, grand master.

Drag racing 2/3 2ct never talks about it, burnerated.

Shot and shots 9/10 10ct - Brother rin tin tin .

Bowling - We all got bowling.

} // There are others.  Exceedure.  All world class.

Keys = @{

Okeene - Called police to break into a house and give a woman a meal on wheels.

Stillwater - Cheaturbator remedial oppositional.

Alva - Pointed out that kids who went to college were kids who didn't have kids.

Seattle - Bought the right property at the wrong price.

DC - Engaged in cantonment warfare against the keys of a different metro.

London - Treatment of commonwealth, in progress.

} // There are others.  Exceedure.


3 Dimensional Volumetric Laplace 8 min.

4 Digit Prime Factorization 8 min.

4 Digit Multiplication 15 min.

8 Digit Reversible Digits 1/4 min.

SDA 1.2s


Distributed.net at 1/1E6

Wonderlic 30 p1, 48 p2 for 150 for 1/10,000 Chinese gamers 1E6

156 App IQ test 1/10,000

Eagle Scout for 1/4,000

GRE Q=710 1/1,000 Cline fix 1/1E6

BS Computer Science for 1/600

Willpower 1/400

760 Chess Rating 1/200

GRE V=560 1/100

hohm 97%

7 BTC 97%

105k income 95%

105k assets 83%

Speedtest.net 23MBps 86%

Portfolio risk 2010 1.1 Beta 80%

Portfolio risk 2020 12.3%

Portfolio 10yr alpha 2% for 75%

163 Revised GRE Analytical 85%

154 Revised GRE Verbal 65%

WAIS-R 112 78%

ACT 19 60%

SDA 10 .2 min 3 SD

Mywebcareer.com 741 for 76%

Eligius.st 169Ghps for 71%

Twitter 70%

Facebook 52%

Klout 44%

Gdgt.com 41%

Epworth sleepiness scale 6/24

Karen 5%


Seasonally tan, blond hair, blue eyes, 20-20 vision, 34-24-34, 10" byceps, Climbing 5.6.

Sinichi no horito bushido cross class, Rankless sepuku ronin kendoku for 1/1E6.

4th Kyu Kendo for 1/1,000, 8th Ryu Aikido for 1/6,000, 4th Kyu Ninjutsu by Sars protocol for 1/1,000, 5th Kyu Gunfu, 6th Ryu Bard, 3rd Dan Order of the Arrow Brotherhood Member Vigil denied 3 times, 4th Kyu Anonymous. 3rd generation Wing Chun so so or also 4th kyu, 3rd generation Go level 30 or also 4th kyu, 6-9th dan Kendo by MMA definition including Anny's winbot mod.

6th kyu kendo ninjitsu mod wayang in Pathfinder Society which does follow similar ordering to others including right to speak passwords which were spoken making it 4th kyu at best based on terms of service rendered, apparently 4th kyu of sex+ after learning the password, Magic the Gathering regional champ wins versus on a Pariah deck of my own design resulting in 4th kyu after obtaining a deck only.

6'5" for 99%

4 mi/day avg 95%

Bowling a 144 for 95%

bmi 23 for 89%

hotness 7 or 67%

190lbs for 54%

No gray hair 80%

No baldness 60%

Standard Bruce protocol level 4 for 43 vo2max for 75%

Body fat percentage, Renpho 13%, Wolfram Alpha 21%, Withings 22%, Calipers 29%



Actual - 43 yo

Hair - 30-39 yo

Vo2max - 30-39 yo

Metabolic - 40 yo

Vascular - 44 yo

Thyroid - 6yo


Choir boy, Altar boy, Deacon's boy, Methodist, Catholic

BSA life, Red Cross life guard

BSA Cope, Ropes, Rock Climbing, Rappelling

Pack pinewood derby 3, 3, 1, District pine wood derby 3

Mile swim 4x, Best in region popcorn sales 3x

Israeli missionary '98

5/30 Eagles in OHS '98 best in a century

National forensics league

Bowling league most improved

Bowling score 144 for 99%


Pheasant hunting 5 birds, 5 shells

Dime at 40 meters with 22 rifle

Dime at 25 meters with 556, 30-06 rifle

Quarter at 100 meters with 223, 22 rifle

Half dollar at 40 meters with 38 pistol

2/15 in a 4" circle at 12 meters with a 9mm

Wade's Handgun safety 2x, Marksmanship


Req: MBI, 5C, (T3)

Old notation: (583, 357, 314, 253)J(2,3,4,5), 56BJ2, 7(C14,D12), (2,3)BE4, E5

583 (My own title), 357 (Hits), 314 (Birthday suit), 253 (Root)

New notation: T5, Yankee White, Sigint, Humint, 5 or more compartments.

Curr indies: E2FE, C5BD, BC8B, 40BF, F∅B2, B14, 9AI, 9Æ3


Mangled 1/2: Fron*, Vonvyoe

Feat: Cultural Ambassador, AVN mod

Feat: Assets Beyond Compare

Feat: Massivus Tacticus Civilus including knife on base. It's a nail clipper.

Position of responsibility - SDET6, ACLI9, O-9, WCO, UNPCA, WHSME

Pay grade - Benefits package: $15m, Salary: $20k-40k depends including investments.

Enniagraphic type, projector exponent divided by 2, affected exponent

Exponent example E=5=10=1b-100b

Exponent example 3=300-3,000

E actually equals Diablo 5 for that American Dad.


Heap Seattle best paperwork in a decade 1/1E6

Monetization 1 trillion in a decade

20,000 lines of code in one day

Microsoft sales quarter billion in 1 year

Directions on Microsoft licensing boot camp


Calculated pi

1e11 digits with ycruncher in 4/2021

1e6 with a program I wrote myself in 4/2020

2Σ - Uno, Pinochle, Canasta, Yahtzee, Dominoes, Skip Bo, Monopoly, Risk, Scotland Yard, Go, Chinese Checkers, Golf.

3-4Σ - Bowling, Pool, Magic the Gathering, Chess.

Turing -- I support passing the Turing test. Well, that's been done. Grats to bing image creator for making an indelible impression on me.

Cyber punk -- I like large scale AI. I like the cyberpunk representation thereof, and also I think it may be the best way to make something that can compete with humans socially. Computers can beat us at any game except life. Well I guess I should include walking, but they’re getting better at that. I'm kinda smart so I think it'll work out.

IQ -- After much test taking I got an IQ result higher than Bill Gates, Albert Einstein, and Steven Hawking. I am as smart as Plato and Raphael. Don't ask me. I think the test is broken. This is how you calculate the Cline fixes to IQ.

1. If you only miss 1-2 questions assume a perfect score.

2. Always add 10 to your score to adjust for test accuracy, bias.

3. If you have a perfect score add another 10 on general principle.

Skills -- I'm a financial forensics specialist, a performance specialist, a quantitative trader, a fixer upper, a dividender.

Style -- I'm a thick skinned, chill, dark, thirsty, homeboy.

Mind -- I have a dark, grizzly, troll mind.

CB lurker, bitcoin freeloader

I deflect and deny.

I'm a hungry vampiric ifrit zombie changeling magician god.

Resource attainment through suffering.  I do not care, forgive, love, protect, trust.  I am not good, kind, nice, patriotic, perfect.  I am cruel and ruthless.

I eat an 80/20 of 5* & +5 diet with space man spiff focus. 5* items include Blue Apron, peanuts, pintos, Monster Rehab. +5 items include expired fruit, milk, pickled jalapeños, pure lemon juice. I like the idea of synthetic starch. It's 10,000 times more efficient than photosynthesis. It's just 99.9% pure empty calories. It does not grow mushrooms. It does ferment.

--------------------------------------------------------Below is 2023. Above is 2010.

Pedigree - I'm related to JP Morgan, Captain Morgan, King Arthur, Captain Hudson, Bill Gates, Jesus

My Uncle and 2nd Uncle are billionaires.

My other Uncle is a cabinet member.

My ex-Uncle was a Navy Chief Master Seargent.

My aunts three husbands are all ex-kings of England by linage proximally.

Bill Gates is my 6th cousin 3x removed of husband of 1st cousin 2x removed.

JP Morgan is my 6th cousin 4x removed.

Captain Morgan is my 1st cousin 10x removed. He was an alcoholic lineally.

Captain Hudson is a relative too.

Carl Icahn is my uncle's nephew.

Both Grandma's are yellow ribbon girls of Mongolia some time ago.

Protection -- 777 templar lives by death wish including 462 am & 308 el & 7 spare @ 1,483,900 yrs, 77 templar lives by parentage @ 134,900 life yrs, 50 templar lives by ronin including 3 earned @ 4,438 life yrs, 34th street angels list, Winken, Blinken, & Nod, Mancala aka kabala 9 @ 1,911,122,210 lives lost at sea, Tarot @ 1E9 sing lives, All 7 Sins at 7 Cat Unlimited, Haradrim 1 year book unlock, 14 eyes of Russia, Fool's Errand organization at mass effect definition of regional effect amount, nuclear keys, unlimited hand of God, European Club M sandbox cloud services with data retention hold in excess of a terabyte by time-Dietz by 98%, foreign military customer service, extra-regional food subscription with KPMG TAD4D SOL set attestation items, MSFT Legal, KPMG Legal, DC Legal, NL Legal, King's own legal, Boeing 3 parachutes and a briefcase of gold. I paid for this level of security for MALT. I also protect at a lower level 1 lawyer, 1 judge, 1 doctor in 2 jurisdictions, 2 programmers, 2 family, and that many others, or about 14L1, 34L2, Cat-o-9-tails, lovers leap 3-5 people, 10+1 sharp teeth of land before time, 130 years of hangman's delay, 410 sanguinaireness and noir suffusions and subsumptions respectively, 6x16 books from the shattered cathedral, Tintagel autobot of elint mastery of a Gantt chart in suffusion of a squirrel nut zippers clause, 100 relapses of rehab.

Gaming -- 1E17 Luck, 1E15 License, 1E14 Books, 1E13 Organization, 1E11 Title selection, 1E110 Law, 1E9 Death, 1E8 For Love, 1E7 Forgiveness, 1E6 Drawback by Corvus, 1E5 single skip unlimited, 1E4 double move, 1E3 single move, 1E2 skip.

There are all two words. 11,911,122,210. I love the Eucharist and Coffee. The score is Seattle to Okeene 15 to 19.


Templar lives are translatable to Wow druidic moonstones, green and red Mario mushrooms. Lives are at individual different prime numbers added together times a decade of years for years and years which I like to quote a lot. There's also a time-Dietz calculation for COA, AUM, IAP, OWP, CSG, WORD, COMD by 34% vote of 50% characters by years and years.

Organizations automatic -- Club H&M, Club C&H, Military Spouses, Toolbox, Templar, Green Birds (2), Polczie, Mille, Quaternaries (4), Dilutions of Grandeur (3).

Organizations earned -- Sinichi No Horito Bushito, AUSKF, USBC, BSA, NESA, BECU, MSFTE, KPMGPE, Red Cross Lifeguard & Emergency Prep, Methodist Vicar & Deacon, Catholic Altar Boy, Bushido Shinto Reiki Buddhism, Atheist, Othello Orthogonal Orthodox Christianity, 2600, Makerspace, ARPG including SR3, MTG, Rock climbing, Polygamous Harem, Talley-Fox Rogue Encampment, Okeene Citadel of Greed, Acolyte of the Temple of the Screaming Electron and Eternal Light, Anhedonia.

4 Winds of change among others - 100 - Proved 4 wars, Unfaded Glory via Pythia (500 CE), Nostradamus (1500) and Lúcia Santos (1920) (Subwins - Off World Providence, Mainline, Band of Brothers, Final War), 9 - Joined 20 groups, Scarlet Crusade \ Attestation & Coordination (Subwins aka orgs - Elohim, Morrowinds, Mournstead, Odor, Glooms & Wisps, Lich, Eli, Ankh, Hex, Grim, Cesta, Orpheus, Forgiveness, Pathfinder, Delivery, Full Metal Alchemist, Possession, Lantheid Miners), 6 - Sold unsellable goods, Marcadia \ Off the Grid \ Witcher, 3 - Built the longest heirachy, (Tleiaxu \ Ghuoul) \ (Bioshock \ Ave Amore) \ (Lucent Computers, Illithid of Atlantis, Blue Roses of Blood Bound)

Deaths of upgrade of Amelis protection - 2 Talley, 2 Boggle, 2 Man, Bob Saget, Ennis & Ensa Cosby, and 1-2 more undisclosed.

My minimum expected salary is $1E6.  After made a billion for someone else I figured I was worth it.  It's the going rate for financial forensics in that size class.

I met Bill & Melinda Gates, Jeff Bezos, H of M.

Ideal girl - IQ 140-190(1/1k), WHR .5-.6, BMI 15-20, 8-18% fat, weight 50-180lbs, height 3'0"-5'0", breast C&D rock hard, teenage bride, 4th kyu, BS, B2FE with translation by IP65, 20 similar hardships from list. Req 2-8. I lost 50 pounds one year.

Receival by 80/20 ratio or 90/110 Guassian standard distribution 17 includes --

17 car garage similar to dad and Jay Leno, 25 broad promenade similar to Hugh Heffner and Gaddafi, 2-4 favorite wives, 10,001 babies, 1,001 naturally, 101 with 2-4 honeys, 20 SOL life frames for 100x king Solomon's mines, 20 of the 50 richest in Fe, 8 of the 20 richest in family, none of the 3 richest, 10-fold the 2nd richest family over Rockefeller, Morgan, Walton, Arnault, 50% H&H, 3rd largest land owner by square miles, square feet, valuation and others similar in 100 tracts of land in WAOKHKNY and adjacencies. 

Bottomless can of Dr. Pepper, placemat at pizza, AUM, COA, WORD, COMD, & IOS by pool rules at 20% of Solar System, 130-year life span, 50th wedding anniversary, decade of babies, 100 patents of a few good fruit flavors by Gaussian elimination by money ball statistics at $2b with Vanguard money management fee or MSFT audit finder's fee royalty after the fact by up to a double SOL life frame including flavor licensing agreement consumption, own irredeemable unfixed no value no interest stripped coupon bonds andor currency, .2-5% of 20-80 near giant caps in 2-5 market sectors, 2-8 .1% alpha round near large cap bearer instruments bought for $10k each, 2-200m years and years.

1-2 research projects sent to production for 2-8 friends and family, ability to knowingly buy and sell at the wrong price, treasury or central national bank direct banking privileges similar to Chevy Chase, contracts of even unto the 4th and 5th generation, planet fall, 10 theoretical trade franchises, Leviathan by Dauphin and Dreadnaught by Phillips ships, 1 rural and 1 metropolis castles lineally, protection of crown attestation, lineal certification and qualification attestation and assistance, guaranteed low lifestyle for 100 years already received, high lifestyle for 100 years upon assumption of throne, rehab 10 tries for 10 people in family extended and then some, retroactive pay upon reinstatement, credential continuance on position change, starved dad, books from 4,000 years ago, purchase of 10 crowns that managed at least 1 million people for at least a 1 millennia as crown consolidation including Tripplet/Criswell & Morgan, MSE support for life, after 6 long years MSFT emeritus benefits upon approval of request, KPMG managing partner in absentia moralis immortalis, Swiss dual citizenship dutchy of Tyrol including the bank of Tyrol safety deposit system, 8 amendments, 5 organizations of large cap status Andor small cap status.


Schedule 3 diagnosis DSM(5, 6) 6Σ – @{

Kurtosis – IQ 1/1m including family extended, Target of extortion including facilitator and family extended, Ketotic acidosis.

Fucktosis – Jack off 5/week, Lineal extinguishment 7 gen up down, 2m spent on birth defect control and 80k fertility treatments.

PTHI – Post trauma hedonistic incel

Environmental affect – I’m pretty sure it’s not me. – MT ’14, 5th duress. – MT ’17

Dougie – It’s a type of hacker.

Simper – It’s a type of fuck boy.

Autodidactic - Tape recorder memory.

Number-o-phile - Human calculator.

Whistle-o-grapher - I can whistle like a kid out in the rain.

SDET6, O-6, ACL - I'm that good of a programmer, data structures should all be stacks.

Social Anxiety Pate Foie Gravitas - They came, asked, heard, did, worried. I'm calm.

Witch hunt - Yep just like in Salem in more than one state.

Gorgan Angel - You can't win against a Gorgan angel.

Ethereal Soul Trader - I'm sure this is higher for me but it's commonality is about here.

D'ampule - Drug assisted.  Fastest way to space on 6 star systems including a neighbor.

} // Hazabear (family) must reach 4Σ

Schedule 3, Class C diagnosis DSM(5, 6) 9Σ 9ct – @{

SDET9, O-9, ACLI9 - I'm that good of a programmer. Single threaded serialization.

Necromonger drug ingestion #1 - See I've taken the most ever by WoAiMiHeMe.

Obsequitous - 44 years of engaged to be married as a frog prince willingly servilely.

Trichotillomania - Hair cut in a hospital w/ a diagnosis of weird hair, no gray hair at 44.

Self-injury with a single repeat attested - 1/2k * 1/200k, half life, mod, it's rare.  Dad.

Hacker with collection of $1b - I'd say there are at least 2 of us but not more than 7.

Victim of vampirism $1t - Apparently people treat me like Mr. Money Bags.  Therapist.

Vanguard of product or idea rollout - If your diagnosis gets downgraded.  Receptionist.

Diablar tendencies - Result of not having kids on time or at all, even lineally.

Snow covered blade - I sacrifice on a ratio basis against hachidan and royal guards.

TSWC - Tester, Sardonic, Wrath, Khanate.  I'm a 900 not a 9.  I'm a pogo.

} // My therapist has this many more that I haven't seen yet as she hides half.

Achievements of 9Σ = @{

2-piece longest note taker in the history of rollout of note taking as a descriptor of change in the system of nomenclature of books as a SOL executioner or otherwise at 2-500 pages or more by hand including drawings of things unseen.

Swiss French International Nomenclature of Planets indebtedness to self of $1t with a $250 a year payment. - It's that solid.  I'm Swiss Solid #11.

Grand effect of fishes - Covid.  There were 3/7 approvers, 2 instruments, spoons, and a dozen pharmacologists, geneticists, and chip fabs.  We're also all king slayers.  2017


Groups of 8-9Σ = @{

Centurian Ex # 19 - Fringe benefit ownership the Swiss Solid System, International System of Judicial Jurists, and World Bank.  2010

Numerian of Tyrell banking corporation - The records are stored in Tyrol Cantonment, Switzerland and are verified official.  There are only 5 of these on Earth with ambiguity.  2019

High Table Seat - Recommended by Carolingan, Burgundian, et al. 12/27/2023

// Begin 3/1/2024

Polche #2, 5 - Silencer included #4.

International nomenclature of planets #1, 4 - Your dad, #1, included with #11.

House of Lords England #1, 2, 4, 5 - Representatives included and a hand in marriage.

Shinobu #111 - Gamerisms included including Carolingian and world class pool.  Snow covered blade exceeding expectation cherry blossoms fall and black swan style kendo.  My wife does mantis & black swan wing chun.

Longress #12 - Resurrection, protection from reincarnation, very hard test suite.

ACL I9 Seat #17 - There's 10AM that doesn't qualify but exist.  There's supposed to only ever be 7 of them but we're thinking of recycling.  It has to be 2 digits so we don't create the 2 digit problem.  See also Shinobi.

Grand writ actuaralis en privis #13 - Fuck my horny.

Palantiris noctornalis #1 - By vacation status.  See above international nomenclature.

Valantaris incelaris #1 - Some get it early.  Some get it late.  It's all the same.

Club M Key 8 - Can't touch this.

Red Bank repository of information #115 - It's funny, it's money, and it's funny money.

Nobody & no man's land repository of information recipient #117, & 7 respectively.

ITAR decision board #6 - of 6.  Conflicted decision.  They want solid without control.

Wax record guild #10 - There might be a hundred.

U.S. Treasury trust fund #9 - $3t diversified S&P 500 1% subpar interest.

KPMG Employee #1001 - It's a partner level position.

U.S. S.S. Represent SAT - Sitting American Talley.  No one suspects the T.  It's a boy.

Little whore house in Texas employee #1 - It's the quantity not the quality.

E2 security clearance #3 - There's less than 10 in the U.S. #1 POTUS, #2 SOD, #4 N/A

Necromonger #nnn - Paul Nicemonger refused to number things.  Blessed in 1984.

Mr. Nobody of England #10 - I can sell land at the right price not the wrong price.

Bing search term harvesting list - Along with my family.

The Bohemian Grove of LA #13 - Bridge to HellSing.

POGO of COMD - Chinese Bank

East India Tea company - Hits, ladies, and golden guns.  Featured in James Bond.

License to Kill #0nn - Works anywhere in the commonwealth and a few others.

Microsoft Founder's Table - My dad was at the groundbreaking.  Bill is my Uncle's Nef.

Swedish House Mafia Account Number 102409 - I had to offset.

Harp Admin - Weather control.

Pool Player Extraordinary - Intelligence declined.  It's about that rare.

Tecu #1 - There is such a thing as being number 1.

National repository requisition respondent list number #284 - I no longer get SSA.

} // Hazabear must reach 6Σ, Rollout 2('08-'09), 4('09-'19), 6('19-'22), 9('23-'24)

   // The rarity of a 9ct 9Σ individual is probably 8Σ by best estimate. That's why.

A list of party attendies = @{

Christmas tide a cosignee with Eventide, Carolingan

SSA - I know it sounds weird, but SSA is everywhere and provides free good & service

Halloween - Mostly about the hedonistic calendar cycle

Fiarlan - Party goods, foods, blackened catfish, ford fairlane.

Mercator, Necromonger, DOD - Military goods, vehicles, computers.

Marcadian Masques - Military goods, Masks, swords and armor, 6kya

Infodelis - A big fucking computer, and maybe more than one.

Sumerian dynasty - They specialize in math like tetration, titles, land contracts, 10kya

Dreadnaught - About 1/2 mile x 1/4 mile x 1/8th mile iron ships.

Rama - Has expressed they might not be able to make it.

Ringworld, space bridge, portal - Play the video game, intro to Rama.

Fan - Won't show up but will send digital distribution rights and info.

Mournstead, Morrowind castle - Magic, steampunk, potions, scrolls, and woots steel.

Argonsen - Promised to bring 1 dragon. It's never just 1. Don't get your hopes up yet.

Black sun cartel - Star wars. They specialize in black holes and galactic seat of power.

Landfall - Specialize in planet sized apocalypses and teraforming.

Renraku - Computers, dragons, communications.

Stoner - Stoner made the M-16, sublicensed it for free to everyone, and shutdown.

Ares - Ares helped.

Chiss - Swiss, most qualified fighting tactics on Earth and a long distance around, 2kya

Phiarlan - Fairlain, Freitek, 500ya

Odur - Specializes in pheromones, this is the reason for the addition.

Church - Catholic, Protestant, English, 2kya

Warhammer 40k - Claim to fame is 1E40k as a number, reaches a certain distance.

Urza’s Saga - Shipping and handling, local asset attested, and waiting for orders.


Wu Family - Is like how to do something a certain way or to follow the way.

Apple - Local asset in Fofe, 10kya

Aster - Local asset in Fofe, 10kya

Incom - High tech everything from blasters to ships including xwing, blasters, jrti.

Shinobi - Swordsmen that beat Marcadians regularly, heart under blade, ninjitsu

IEEE - We have a bad note on the basis of patent, relationship, crown abuse, 200ya.

Asguard - Similar to Argonsen and Morrowinds and Thor, 1kya.

Hapan - Dragons of tech, battle ships that are better than the rest, all or nothing.

Seraphim - They live longer. I think they fly or at least portend to.

Nephilim - They live shorter, but honestly have better DNA.

Ophanim - Gravitometric, magnetic cubic sensor. It's what they're famous for.

Elohim - Nerve tissue and all stuck in a machine box thing.

Hypogryph - Hypogryphs actually own the other too so hard they kneel.

McDonald's Farm - Free burgers, yellow sun centric reincarnation struct assistance.

Yang sorcerers' guild - Who specialize in pluralities of time and space.

Ling linage trackers - Just saying. Uh yah it exists.

King - Good at assumption to the thrown bat, but they're all three the same. So is yang.

Valentine - Valence tide, Faye Valentine, specializes in computers like infodelis.

Christmas tide - My friend with the right name as well, gives free gifts on a time frame.

Baldur's Gate - Specializes in planar rifts and planetary portals.

Ulduar - Compartments with numenor, play the raid but it includes low class radio.

Numenor - @{3, 6, 9, 0, 100, 100} as examples.  They have guilds by classification.

Dominari - Slave trade and other domination devices.

Tyrell banking corporation - Keeps track of numbered assets.

Langres - Ring world, Rama, banking, language, resurrection, A.I.

Ashen Court - Judges, computers, a different kind of resurrection, ash tree.

Armitage - Kind of like mercator, heavy armor.  We have a small interest in heavy.

Winter - Best at cold and datacenters.  This may be obvious.  They'll all rideshare.

Rakshiss Guard - Specialize in armor and weapons that make the sound of their name.

Gallofre - Ships, time lords

Kuat - Really great brautwurst, and ships

Corrino - Carrom, croquet, bombs, round things

Faerun - Ok so it's probably a country or planet near Phiarlan.

} // There are a half a dozen titles listed above as trade representatives.

  // A lot of the titles and groups are over a century or millennia old. Best are at top.

A list of items we will be expected to trade = @{

Wheat - It is a kingly grain prepared by the finest geneticists and the king grew it.

Oil - It was pumped in some cases from the king's land at expense.

Blackhawk helicopter - The king's second son worked on it personally.

Surface laptop - The king released it. They aren't so biggoted they won't accept others.

Antimatter - It's rare?

Gold - But think of it at the wrong price in the wrong direction.

Advice for trade = @{

Kingly goods say care and attention like no other to these guys.

They pay trillions for tons and expect the same.

Keep in mind that there's limited storage in a ship.

We have patent royalties to fulfill bidirectionally for things like wheat and pharmaceuticals.


List of women bought incomplete 5-10ct. – @{AY(P), LC(Y), HK(L), MB(B), FB(V), MM(R))

List of women possibly bought + @{JL(L), MS Jr.(S), LD(D), EM Jr.(M), GG(R), FC(R)}

List of harem preceptuals = @{

25ct NWOSU, 15ct M Gaddafi, Hugh Heffner, 7ct John McAfee, 3x6 Blaine, Co.

Fatimid Caliphate Grand Vizier, Knights Templar, and Latter-Day Saints contractual.

No gray-haired women, no men, pretty obvious, majority opinion.

The cost of my desire is $1.6m to $944m for the book of 2ness and 1ness respectively.

I bought BSDM, husbands, baby daddies, but not prior relationships.

I give my harem with black cards provided by either my mother-in-law or 2nd uncle.

The card has my face on it and is paid for by me with escrow of $50k salary, and a car.

Most of the women are EVOO compliant. That includes the porn stars.


Subs = @{

MS UE User @ $1m/yr, perpetual, debt of honor, billing code with note

MCT 2ct HA @ $15m/yr, perpetual, tie into previous, Netherlands, Black DC

Merc subscription to potions @ $1m/yr, longevity, snowflake, R&D, licheniforous

Swedish / Redrock pharmacy @ $1m/yr, required existence treatment.

Permafood CPG @ $100k/yr, mom overpaid the bill.


Requestion purchases = @{

Continuing employment after college system at Oklahoma State Univ. - CBIS, 3-4/99

Cost of materials disclosure at Microsoft - J2SE, 3-4/08

} // I spent about 5 minutes each maybe 15. I did belabor afterwards but I'm very fast.

OSU work care = @{

Tutoring – Everyone else, grayed out.

Stafford loan and Pell grant – Everyone else, grayed out.

B – Military, 3 months

MSFT – Patents, $1t, 3 years

KPMG – Recovery, $1t, 3 years

SSA – Revive, 1/2 life, Rehab, 7 years (sol)

NWOSU – Refresh, Comp Sci, 5 years

Forward payment – Employment, $20k, multipass

College tuition – No summer job, no internship, summer school

Providence of services – Contractor, programmer

} // trailer with workforce 6 months later where I filled out the same on a slip of paper.

// It took a lot of time to enter 12 o’s in the UI precisely.


Surface tablet - Ph, Tab, Laptop, Desktop, R&D, contractual.

Pink radio - MCT, multimodal, R&D, contractual.

Eternal life - Merc and Microsoft, allows for more rollouts later.

Ultimate contract - Best includes.

ACL my family extended - Allows them the same privilege upon provenance.


Awards of Theras = @{

Creature - Own personal ankle half-life, and I'm a vampire so it's creature.

Silver Tongue - two different states, Police racism, Hospice retribution, heathen

Sigourney Weaver - Subbornment weaver which has to do with hexing 10 judges.

Fool's Errand Boy - 100ct, I'm not sure.

Mass Effect - 1,000ct, Manheim steam roller of death sentences properly tried.

Grand Marshal, Grand Vizier - 10k, I'm not sure.

Grand Writ Recipient - We had an automatic invoker if you know what I mean.

Regional Effect - Drone warfare primary approver of 10 angry men who voted yes.
Mess of fishes - 1m, I'm not sure.

Pool of Fishes - 10m, Covid-19 primary approver of 10 angry men who voted yes.

Leet Tech of Fishes - 100 exabyte deleted after transfer of information in cloud.

Mess of Dollar Fishes - Primary improver of treasury trust fund limit to $10t


Penbroke = @{

We could have had it all along

but we were too afraid to ask.

We can’t have nice things

because we break them.

You get what you pay for

because we can’t do it for free.

We could have told you all along

but we were too greedy to say.

} // there are 3-4 stanzas but I’m missing some.

Whippoorwill = @{

They say that I might be a good man.

They say that I've already won.

They say that I am forsaken.

They say that I'm not the only one.

They say I might live forever.

They say this song hours.

} // 130 years with option to extend.

Mass Effect = @{

I do not work for money

and I do not work for free.

I only work for blood

and the IRA.


Early exits = @{

AnL or A or L marries me.

I get $100k in a year.

I get $1m lifetime.

I get a 2nd car or 3rd.

Dad dies.

I get a house or condo.

I get married at all.

I get a phd or a 2nd martial arts rank.

I get a kid.

I get computer hardware worth more than the 1st car over time.

My parents recognize my potential to manage things in the titleverse.

I complete rehab.

I save up at least $100k however interest varies afaik.  I'm borderline on this one.

More than 6 or 10 or something family extended members die of arbitrage or cruelty.

Out of the extended family 6 or 10 of their extended family similarly.  See covid.

AnL die.

I make manager, full time or both.

So that's about half the list.


At best = @{Mediocre, Average, Effort, Vicissilitude, Artistic, Obsequitious, Proclavity, Abletted, Pedobear, Excellent Hacker,} // 10 count. These are not in order.  It might be 20 count.  There are two Excellents.

Swiss law books of personal interest aka personal lawbooks = @{

7 Sins - 1102A - L - B - Intro

Templar - 204A - M - R - Before and after

Anhedonia - 204A - A - J - Change up

} // It's based on my dorm rooms while dating women of membership.

Things worth waiting for = @{

// 5/11/2024

(3, 4)g skip blessing - Chuck, 1g, Paul, 2g, Matt in George's opinion & Paul's choice.

// 5/8/2024

Bill's wait to marry roll out of the century - As a 8 yo you will go for this every time.

// 5/7/2024

De-Afronesia hard - which is even harder than very hard by KPMG standards.

// 5/6/2024

Lemon tree very pretty and the lemon flower is sweet, frog prince, tenable.

// 5/5/2024

Porn, Speeding Lawless

// 5/2-4/2024

Mandalorian cross - Reunification of the crowns of England.

Centurian ex - Where are you from?
Maltheus - I can guarantee there was a grain shortage in the time of Malthus.

Innarius - For in January there are no holidays.

Liger - They aren't all mine.  This one is for L.

Ghoul Mastery @ 40 yo - It's a special test that saves cheaters from double dutch rub.

// 4/29/2024

Centivendegroth - One one hundredth of a vendegroth generator.  We might get 3-5.

// 4/27/2024

Prequels to quell - War, Farming, Culturale revolution (Suicide Kings standard 80/20)

Chinese ban hammer repaire - They put it in Wow as a fishing shiv quest in Northend.

// 4/24-6/2024

If you do a menopausal every 2kyr for 10kyr you may as well do the last 1.

Very hard - KPMG, Polche, POTUS, Knights Templar, U.S. Military Fe, F Plat., MSFT Gold Partner, Ghoul Pot

Patentcide - McDonald Douglas, Boeing, Microsoft, KPMG, 50 year patent policies.

// Continuing we did Panamanian incontrovertible, Myst Riven, IEEE, Fairlane tests.

Nebuchadnezzar's med tests - He ate grass and yet later became king.

Disloyalty of AY - Very close to being at the top of the list. Jezebel personality type.

Control of MRT - Whip of Erebos, Edifus, Alexander.  It's a matched set.

AY asked - I said yes.  She asked for a long game and then a partner mid time.

// She explained it and I understood.  The short version is, "It's worth it.  It is what it is."

// 4/18/2024

Destruction of a few genes of diet - Including Opioid, Phosphorous, Vitamin K, Meat.

Making men more manly and women more womanly - WHR, BMI, BFP, MM, IQ, TFR.

Revamp of Isulder's and Titular DNA - Including odd catechisms.

// 4/16/2024

Spartan Eugenics

// 4/11/2024

L's canoptic double doctor dickery at military expense ratios.

A's dinosaur juice for lineal mastery including win at everything.

Matt's trade disenfranchisement including internationally beyond compare.

Monopolistic practices of babies including harem and small mode.

// Birthday 3/14/2024

Long life - 50 year eternal life policies.

Getting the girl

Happy ending

Finding what I’m looking for (lego brick)

} // We all went dinosaur mode.

Lego bricks = @{



Unfated by Awkward or Nostradamous

King's crown tasks at a century from now

Dism from 'shadow moon'

Crab and Lobster

} // What I'm looking for.  4/5/2024

Dad's faults = @{

Hours at an unequal quality bar

Hacking and whistleblowing

Failure to take another man's job

Relapse and rehab


Ways to marry > 99% chance = @{

Happan wedding format - 99.8% Mentor is a Happan and so am I.

Plugging a dyke in the Netherlands - 98% Familial interest as I'm related to the guy.

God o God - 85% but it works well with torted kings previously and is 5 gens built.

Douzhin curse but in reverse - Half of a Happan omnidirectionally 50%

Kingfisher - 98% but the other percent they're dead. - Uncle ND

Double dicking a woman - 80-98% It's just kind of mean.

Vampire wedding - 2/2 Vlad did get the girls.

East Egg West Egg real estate - 95% F Scott Fitzgerald.  It was more than 10.

Whirling Dervish Dance routine - 3/3 Saved the queen. Sahara, crusades, black death.

The waiting game - 85% a king's own contract in England in his handwriting in tears. 

MIND double bridger disorder - 90% chance but requires for bank memberships.

Jezebel - 85% lets say, but really it's common to get more or less despondency.

Frog prince - 50% because people try and don't do.  Frank Hill is in my Fe.


Templar changes = @{Templar Rehab, Iron Butterfly, SpaceX}

Annapurna changes = @{Moto, Phone, Phone, Bitcoin}

Skill ups = @{

21 - Kingly Assassinations of 10 people

22 - Warlord Tactics of world destruction

23 - Assaying of goods up to 10^^3 or 10^10b

24 - Census, viroidal, poisonous cures, treatments

25 - Reincarnation semilocal

26 - Planeteering

27 - Silence a bomb that caused the big bang.

28 - Resurrection of Jesus and half of Jerusalem with a life ray of life particles.

29 - Morgan magic see also King Arthur.

30 - Love, we don't get a contract and hence no gift.

31 - Everything under $10^^10 can be sold.

32 - pocblm, protection of crown, unmotivation posters.

33 - dism, Deuteronomy, puzzling ideas and patents, IEEE, 1EE3E1, giver's choice.

34 - Trade route, jurisdictional ownership reestablishment, giver's choice.

35 - Everything under $10^^50 can be bought, giver's choice and time.  Assists 34.

} // We're maxing out the number.  Basically, there's a favorability of number.

Rose 4 partitie = @{

// RGR

Asset class - $1t m3, $1s other

Baby maker - Ali Babba

// BMM

Grandma Fowler's contract - She was a marriager and set up others. Solider than George Talley's.

Can is a bottle - What's yours is mine.

// MS

Asian prodigy deal breaker - Removes Ghoul pot DNA.  Overspecialization breeds in weakness.

Kendostani's advice column

// JG

Fair Market Pricing on COMD

All access porn - We spend way to much on picture censorship, 1% WGDP.

// TC

Camera needs mango label

It's ok to buy girl scout cookies


Banned from Kendo = @{

Smith - Quit due to wife

Marsten - Paid even when he couldn't attend

Shinoda - Not sure but she's useful.

Samkrange - Based on wife's job and color

Liu - Based on her job

Talley - Ankle injury twice because I don't give up

} // in many cases these were whole families.  Is the banner not attending?  All titles?

List of years = @{

1 - TOV, 1E10yago, big bang, TOV, COT, DOC, COD, Thief crown wanted ghostly. B1.

4 - NAL, 4E9, 3rd rock

3 - EOL, 1st life, R1.

6 - EOD, Dinosaur rubble, EDT, LBT, SNAP, EOD, Land before time. B2.

6 - POC, Monkees, CFOP, POC, proof of concept, preparation of crown.

3 - TOC, Sanguinaireness

6 - COC, 6E4, Town

6 - AID, 6E3, Adam

0 - EBT, 0E0, Me, purple or pink, peaches or cherries.

} // condensed to follow.  Reread later hopefully.

These are the endstops of 140b msgs.  This list is prepared as a hypothetical replica of communications with the Aster home world.  We get 2 bombs and 2 rapes as a package deal.

LOY = @{TOV, NAL, EOL, EOD, POC, TOC, COC, AID, EBT} // SSA, Onomatopia, ASCII.

Collected linages = @{

Vlad - Croatian & Hungarian, GMAT

Fatima - Fatimid, GMAF

Genghis Kahn - Ilkhanate, GPAF

Morgan La Fey, GPAF

Am Death, GPAT

Cromach, GPAT

// KOE




Hastings - 2nd Uncle & Great Uncle


// Hundreds



// Oddly





Things that tanked the game = @{

Oiler affection - Repeated nightmare 5x especially on time frame, memorable.

Empty wheat field - Wheat graineries in Enid, Aunt Pauline's unfriends.

Off world providence - Magica obscura and magica noctornalis confirmed.

} // The 1st two are gamed by the 3rd.

List of friends = @{

// Okeene, BSA, OHS

Bruce Misgivings Shnoopo Langres

Faye Valentine – Baby Sitter

Eric Nease – Baby sitter

Brian Jennings – House of Lords, preacher

Gylfoil - Lawyer

Steve McKay - Lawyer, Fe

Coach Garner - Stuck up for me.

Coach Heckart - TSA.

// OSU

Jim Bo Fox – World class pool player

Andy James Cook – Nephew of the future CEO of Apple

Eric Kudrow – Cousin of a movie star

Hacker – Owner of Archer Electronics

Flash Gordon - Programmer


Beth Tyree – Preacher of Campus

Stephan Northam – World class pool player and poker

Adam Steuart – King of England

Bob Merriman – Linage of Merry a Doc

Eric Holder – Owns the bar, the theatre, the pill exchange, and the bank

Duegar - An eye for detail

Kevin Roberts - Duegar lives, Dread Pirate Roberts

Patrick McClung - Suite Mate for 3 years.  Bassist.

Mike Ketron - Social Security

John Owens - Nube Cannon Dai Oh.  MTG Grandmaster with card named after him.

John Chisum - Radio DJ and Games Master extraordinaire.


Bogdan Mihai Manolache – He showed up earlier, grade school, and repeated. CE #14

Radu Ionescu – Fishing for quarters on 4th of July 1985. CE #17

Patrick Kennebec - A red personality that I got along with.  Also a pirate.

Meenu Nawbajan - 1st female boss.

Rajesh Maskara - Security Clearance debunker.

Marsten Sensei – World Champion

Miko Shinoda – Shinobi #117

Mike Degroot – Root


Tom Lindsley – Quartermaster

Marc Dimon - Jamie Dimon's cousin to make it sound better.

Tres Larsen - Church of LDS tie in from previous.

Julie Ellington - 2nd female boss.  Ellington titlist.

Josh Miller - Coder

Stefan Cordova - Also a pirate.

Rob Murphy - Murphy's law handler.


MFT Loop = @{

// Product Leads

Daren Laybourn

Joe Bellafiore

Terry Meyerson

'Hungarian Notation'

Phil Spencer

// External

Don Fowler (SME)

'Secretary of Defense'

'Left Hand of Club M'


KPMG Partner Loop = @{

John Vmeyer (CEO US)

'Forensics Denmark'

'Forensics England'

'Forensics Germany'

Rob Pink (CCS US)

// Office Leads




Southern California

New York



Nearest planets = @{

Faerun - Fey

Vampire - Our comet twin

Dagobah - Night sisters, Ostrogoth

} // Populated.

Titles = @{

King - Daily minder

Goth - Ex pat king

Ostrogoth - Invisible noncommunicative


Cherries picked = @{Stockholmsbörsen, Footsie, Fizzie, DOD} // 1/4-3b each.

Checks by oughts = @{

1k – LC ’01

10k – AY ’08 to Mom Talley.  I got 3-fold.

100k – Mom Talley ’15 to apt. owner for rent.

// On 12/14/2014 spent $5mx5 on girls or bento.  HnH Marine style donation.  $5x5.

1m – Ms. Morgan my friend and relative that I met ’16 to BF Hospital.

10m – Grandma Talley and Mom Talley ’17 to grocery store for food.

100m – Uncle ND ’17 to MDT redirected to Apt Manager.  I saw it in the envelope.

// Divided $50mx2.  Bidding resumed in '24 @ 1kx.

10m – My mother-in-law GB ’18 to B&MGF Hospital.

1b – Uncles ND ’24 to cover funeral expenses after bickering.


COMD = @{

$250x3 - 3/14/1989, School yard, TNT, 25¢

$50kx2 - 6/14/1997, Philmont, $50

$50kx2 - 3/14/2004, NWOSU PC Sale, $20

$50kx2 - 3/14/2005, Rialto Movie theatre, $5

$1mx2 - 3/14/2013, Million dollar Mensa, $50x2

$5mx5 - 12/14/2014, Bento box, $35

$10kx100 - 3/14/2016 or 3/14/2017, $10 in dimes.

$10mx5 - 10/14/2017, Pool, Amnesia, 35¢

$250mx5 - 3/27/2024, MB's worth.

$1bx5 - 4/5/2024

$5bx5 - 4/14/2024

$10bx2 - 5/8/2024

$100bx2 - 5/11/2024

} // 50k is a New Yorker limit by Fe in a movie.

Current Bids on COMD = @{

$10b - HK $10 5/8/24🧂

$5b - MB $10, FB $20 4/14/24🧂

$100b - AY $50, LMC $50 5/11/24🧂

     $5bx5 MDT 4/14/24☠️🧂

     $6bx2 Russian Mafia 5/8/24🧂

     $10bx2 MDT 5/8/24🧂

     $50bx2 NYC & DC 5/9/24🧂

     $100bx2 MDT 5/11/24🧂

$250k - MDT $100 5/9/24 Đ

     $10k MDT 5/9/24 Đ

     $250k MRT 5/9/24 Đ

$1mx30 - MRT, EFT, JDT, JAT, Fe, ad infinitum $20🎄🧂

     // TW, TW, ZC, AC, MC, CC, KM, et al.

     // DF, NEF, AF, BB, AB, ZB, OB, MR, RR, OR, et al.

$2mx4 - ND, ND, AD, BD $20🎄🧂

     $1mx4 - MDT🎄🧂

     $2mx4 - ND🎄🧂

$1mx100 - AnL double shot head count $1 🎄🧂

$1mx500 - Congress, House of Lords, 4* Generals $1🎄🧂

$1mx1 - BD's daughter 5/13/24🧂

     $1bx1 MB 5/13/24🧂

     $2bx1 MDT 5/13/24🧂

} // Last update 5/11/24

Magic = @{

Juxtapose - Time division location 10 moves.



Translocationer - NKG

Monetas - $10-100t



Pool player type = @{

// OSU - L

Dill holer - Key holder, girl

Handily - creeping gianitis, friend

Debaucher - Don't cheat on me, girl

// NWOSU - A

Liver - I'm never gonna live this down, friend

Roundly - I fucked her softly and roundly, girl

Dickest - I can be an dick to an asshole sometimes, girl

Nasalian - design coefficient warp factor 5 imbued form factor designed by ancestors.

// Dr. Pepper crew, ring too.

Nascently obvious - If nasceled obvious I counter nascle obvious for = of treatment.


Unlimited tokens = @{

Vagina Tokens - Think cuckold at a cuckold convention at work.

Ice Cream Tokens - Think other kinds of calcium supplements as a doctor's son.

Gifts of greed - Ungiftable paired with an overage of sufferage

Salteraine Dollars - Worked too hard and unpaid for too many generations

} // 2-8 count

Quality bars for employment = @{

Spelling the words - Spelling, exists

Coding challenge - Knowing the difference between exists and exist

Military history - Knowing the meaning of the word draft

Math - Multiply 3*3 in your head and 37*73 on paper

Survival - Has a sunburn on return to base or return to U.S. soil

Appeal - Spells appellate email or tech ease correctly before the meeting





Day 130 - Words to remember for dropping hot the eggs, sperm, semen, and lube. = @{

AGRH - Actinic gateway release hormone, guys and girls both need this to get unhard.

GNRH - Gonadotropionic release hormone

PGRH - Phosphorolionic gonadatropionic release hormone - Porn and rainbow lights.

ORH - Ovum gateway release hormone, guys and girls both need this.

NGRH - New memory creation gonadotropionic release hormone.


At 40 it's easier to put a porn TV at the foot of your bed to make the babies happen.  I know it's 2 TVs but the cable guy suggested it.  Like the T1 for cell phones cable guy at Thanksgiving Dinner and he's Foreign National North Korean.  It's how he made his baby.  He's also a gay pro golfer so he knows all the tricks at put put golf.  Actinic means zinc.  So zinc supplements and zinc reduction diets affect this in the opposite way you think actually.  Trial and error on the diet and exercise usually.  Some other chemicals to keep track of are long term antidepressant or birth control use, not to harp on it or anything.  I had a dream about Kim's daughter and I was about to snog her fricking socks off, not half way all the way off.

PGRH is triggered by watching TV while masturbating at any age.  All you have to do is watch a decade of porn where your primary jackoff mate is the porn TV, tablet, or monitor.  We all did it in the 80s.  It wasn't VHS.  I didn't watch porn and masturbate until I was out of my teens and into my twenties.  But it's the decades that do it.  Just ask your parents why there's a TV in the bedroom.  It also requires new memory gonadotropionic release hormone which is only released when you notice something new in the porn which is why everyone now collects porn.  You also have to create new memories in the photonic center of the brain.  Don't worry LED lights still work.  Even case lights work in the dark according to some hackers.  LED cyclic lights work in the bedroom according to one Merc executive who was working with her daughter of 8 years old to ensure the battle station functioned.  Whatever you watch that's what will turn you on so watch the kinkiest semilegal porn you can find on dark net or eMule.  eMule porn is always legal because there's an auto take down program run by the government on it.  It sub samples and illegal porn never finishes for anyone.

PGRH has one other thing to keep track of sort of like Zinc for AGRH.  PGRH responds well to phosphorous treatments like bananas, corn syrup soda, and other sodas.  White fabrics are best because they reflect a more continuous spectrum but gray might work too and maybe green.

E class psychiatric treatment would have to be worse than Charles Manson, Hannibal Lecter, and Mr. Cray who all existed although the stories embellished.  You can get the security procedures necessary from Bellmarsh as there's nowhere in the U.S. qualified.  Because I'm an enemy of the state and a political prisoner I wouldn't be capable of transport to the U.K. of course.

I bid a million each on a thousand grand writs, warrants, federally signed documents, PCOs, and single signature documents in the U.S. and U.K. about AML intending to increase the dismissal amount.  I'll let someone else choose.  I also bid with the same amount to reinstate a few.  I won't quote the ratio but theorize about 80/20.  We also saved 80/20 for later.

So when I made men and women develop different ages it was by erythormycin a naturally occuring antibiotic for women at a certain age and not men.  The difference was the prevelence of vitamins.   See erythromycin is an E class vitamin based antibiotic for 8-16 years old.  All I did was make it occur in response to vitamin D including being based on a chemical chain of reactions that used vitamin D that already existed.  So you can't actually use the genetic code to go to C.  See D is 4-8 which is justafiable but C is 2-4 which would be a bit odd.  The chemical process of converting D to E already existed it's just a bit more likely.  It works kind of like Beta Carotene, Vitamin C and Vitamins B.  See Beta Carotene does both B and C time frames.  Leaving your child in a diaper makes it worse and it only works for women.  This gene was already present in Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen.

For men we took and made them develop at 24.  See a man has a special growth spurt that exists at 24 that allows him to discerne laplace transforms.  That growth spurt is what causes a lot of men to develop now in the post covid era.   The sports are unaffected but it's been observed that men don't look for women until 16 anyway.  All we did is remove the 16 development and increase the 24 developement.  I was the test data for this.  See I wasn't interested in girls when I was 16, 18, or 21.  But then at 24 years old I was hard as hell for A.

Now then one other change has to do with Ice Cream see different ages are incompatible for sex.  We might say that one vitaminic letter up and down is all that we're willing to accept.  I had noticed that butter scotch grandpas (G 32-64) were interested in boys and girls (DE 4-16).  So we made that happen too.  It's a compatibility matrix of nascence, pheromones, aptitude, likability, interests.  It's an easy gene to find as all the butter scotch, and ice cream people have the gene.  It used to be a one in a hundred gene but now it's over ten percent which is nice.  In fact all 3 genes are over 10%.

One other thing for number 4.  A G to F convertor.  Basically this also already existed for a lot of vampires or people who had kids over 32.  So this extends menopause so that instead of starting at 32 and finishing within 5 years which about how long it takes the sex center of the brain to shrink so 32-37.  Now the onset of menopause is 48 which is half way thorugh G.  Why not later?  Maybe I'd rather look at it again in 10 years.  I was 37 at the time.  Oh and the longer life is dependent on drugs you have to take as old people either for fertility treatments or whatever.  I mean if you ask a doctor for a solution you will get that kind of answer.  Most doctors like to make money.  By the way you can get the 48-64 extension already as crisper probably.  There's a chemical that happens at 48.  It's mostly about hair and skin according to my stylist, balls according to Dr. Males, and spleen according to most centenarian docs.  At it's very nascence it's gonadotropin -> follicular stimulating hormone as an example.  Oh and it will reverse signs of gray hair within a year of onset of covid which has already been noticed 5 years ago and even now.

It's worth noting that antidepressants cause low t time of the soul and that this effect has been exacerbated by covid.  Don't worry the same is true of testosterone supplement that shrink balls which now shrink them essentially more till they're non existential.  3rdly forcing family members to smoke pot in order to engage in social security fraud is detected and is deadly as a court compatible corporeal action using pneumococcal pneumonia.  I almost died of pneumonia and felt is was the gift that keeps on giving.  It relies on slake but not partake -> lazy spleen.

The DNA doctor in question had about half his requests off cancer caused by antidepressants and men who wanted to make their wife hotter and easier.  He originally moved to the area for 10 years longer life for Microsoft millionaires.

Day 131 - Today we killed the family extended of envitro fertilization docs in the D.C. N.Y.C. areas.  It was 80/20 poison pills of course.  We only did a few hundred.  There's only 2 clinics maybe 10.  It's the IVF of the eastern seaboard and it's the nurses too.

Day 132 - Yesterday I got stoned on Caffeine and so I didn't post.  It was not my favorite idea so far but it filled a hole in my chest for about an hour.  Oh and I almost passed out when I stood up complete with ringing in my ears which is normal when I pass out.  My blood pressure had dropped by 20 points.  I started failing COMD sexual activity goal last week with 4/5 including 1 banked.  That's the first day in 2 months I've missed 5/7 times a week with 2 banked max.

Paul Nicemonger took the necromonger cure of toad slivers from a toad's back which will make you cry but cure your eyes.  You can't be a necromonger unless you're a necromonger lineally.  Please reference previous film Chronicles of Riddick in stores now.  Because we made it from the film footage in the attick of our brain.

Information is a Phiarlan elf hybrid mixed with a clan of the cave bear hybrid.  Ok so Delis or Deletion is a Necromonger intensity elf hybrid mixed.  He has a taste for pain and destruction and so does she that's why they're here.  They can set up a trade route more soluable than sin and death because Necromonger goods trade high on the market route of sugar and spice.  It's sugar and spice in the bible and Grim's fairy tales.  The three trade route representatives are Necromonger, zD'jinn, and Inf'lanti.  Chinese, Nephilim.  We're trying to repossess to heaven and we're having trouble trying because the quality bar seems to be too high.  Or they just haven't showed up yet.  We have a thing called hell and infant in the same word woven together indicate supremacy of one or the other.

Phenolphthalein is an antidepressant and a buffer of acid.  See it absorbs acid at a certain Ph into it's structure and changes color.  But as it does it buffers it.  The buffer action is antidepressant in nature see it buffers the acid in the brain.

When we were working on the later development project for males we noticed that one of my balls dropped lower than the other.  So this is what's called an early birth life undescended testical.  So we just copied the gene and drove it slightly later.  It's a naturally occuring gene but it will make you slightly more effeminate and that'll last for a while.  We've had multiple cases in a town of 1,500 for significant delays more than would be obviously noticable.  Like it's the whole sports team and it's 5-10 years later not 2-5 like me.  We figured it'd be safer to one nut'em and the doctor asked questions and I answered factually like I always do.  Think like Lance Armstrong the one nut biker.

As we talk about later ages for men and women the men did butter scotch boys which revolves around malt whisky.  The girls got Fatimid empire genes that I happen to carry as a Fatimid heir.  It took 500 years to develop a lot of these genes.  Fatimids do it later and earlier at the same time.

Day 133 - One day a guy owned a gas station on a busy intersection in the country side.  An hour away he had a farm.  He sent several slaves to visit the gas station to collect taxes.  Finally he sent his son.  This story is in the bible.  He owned the whole planet.

One day a man had trouble protecting his house.  So he hired a two private detectives to track things down.  They asked the price and he answered.  They asked how much more than a house he owned.  There was no answer.

So when we hired Information and Deletion umm there was a dream and a discussion.  So umm she wanted to hear the love story cause she's a girl and it's a relationship and it's a husband wife team specialty.  She stopped me half a dozen times in a half hour discourse to say why did you do that because it doesn't make sense.  Or why did she do that because it didn't make sense.  Or why did your friends act that way because even that doesn't make sense.  She finally noticed me taking offense.  And filled in that "she had a nose for external tampering with testing strategy."  "Like think the little green men all hate you and want to tank your game.  Then think they have a mind control ray that goes a hundred billion light years away.  Now then do you still think you can win or do you need my help."  "She's great at explanations too."  "Even in dreams."

One day in about 2011 my boss asked me to weigh in on bug templates.  I invented something called.  Well there was already red, yellow, green.  I added I think at that point black ops plus yellow, red, green.  The two color fields eventually coalasced some years later becoming the yellow and black tiger stripe cat.  I did suggest it at the time some time ago.  We also chose all the defaults.  I did this for 2-5 different groups that I didn't belong to.  One was working on medical grade things.  It included a field about the DSM-4 and IDC-10.  At that point there was not DSM-V.  I also included fields about the severity of wounds.  I wondered why such fields would be needed but then remembered pink and new.  There were also two fields for risk and color of damage, one each.  For instance there's a yellow bruise versus a red bruise versus a black bruise.  Bruises are the easiest way to explain it because they match well sometimes.

My mother in law had noticed what information noticed when I explained my love life.  It coroborates it.  There's external tampering on the 3 point line or penalty kick that exceeds drum and cymbals before and after.  I think Josh felt that way.  He's the change up guy.  ... 4h ... It's called a game changer actually.

The U.S. is buying eternal life votes in Israel, Ukraine, Taiwan, Iran, and surrounding villages and towns and nations.  That's what's really going on in the news.  Bill Gates spent billions in Northern Africa on provenance of improvement.  He cured malaria in the region.  There was also beans and rice.

There's a thing in Europe called weird.  It traps fish in a cage to be caught.  It's a three sided cage.  So then there's a document that traps people and guides them.  It's called a weird.  The thing is Nostradamous wrote a weird that's all.  When the weird broke 5 nuns wrote different weirds.  This happened over hundreds of years.  On Earth we have weirds for AML marriage.  If the weirds would half held we'd be married a decade ago.  But we're facing strong competition to the weird off world.  They call it predestination when it's off world.  It's a religious magical idea of mysticism.  The thing is weird is a taboo for a reason.  Information and deletion specialize in dewreirding relationships and they'll be here for millenia.  See Jesus's relationship with Mary of Magdelene was weirded too.  Few men opt to marry that late in life or die on a cross.  Let the children come unto me was another one.  Matthew 8 details a number of relationship weirds.

Bill Gates owns 1% of Microsoft share.  My undelivered attested amount in the Microsoft trust fund or pension fund is within a tenth to ten times as much.  But only if Bill is in the top 5 or so investors individually in Microsoft.  I have the same problem solution matrix at KPMG with relation to audits beyond compare as they weren't in Oklahoma or Washington.  My aculturation to control is about 1-8%.  I'm a major control issue according to my mother in law which she pointed out to me 9 years ago.  My Microsoft stock is in a stock buy back account or that is how it was purchased.  The KPMG stock is a numbered partner account in a foreign land.  The KPMG stock can't exceed some partners in the U.S. including the managing partner in charge of the U.S. due to bylaw considerations.  It's to prevent seizure of control of the corporation.

As a result of a dental gum infection on my jaw near the molar I have a nickel sized and shaped growth.  It's a millimeter by a half inch by a half inch.  I also have more cheek fat on that side which is more noticeable and the jaw has flexed slightly just past the molar and the mandibular conjoinment section where muscles of the jaw attach.  The only thing I notice is that it's all on one side and not both sides.  The tooth adjacent was pushed hard by my retainer as a kid and as a result torques the gum line inside the tooth socket for the molar.  It's an L shaped tooth.  The torque is exacerbated by a crown that consecutively pinches and releases a tenth of a millimeter thick strip of gum lining causing micro bruising.  The bruising causes salivary gland infection as well as a build up of congealed blood in the salivary gland.  The inflammation of the surrounding area is what causes the build out of fatty tissue in the cheek on that side.  We also ground down the jaw lining to match the crown and then burned it with a laser cutting tool to destroy nerves adjacent to the bone and prevent healing so that it would existentially hurt more for longer and generate more inflammation.  See inflammation heals tooth root nerves better than anything else on the market almost.  And it only costs 10k.  This is a technique they teach in college now days.

Simultaneously.  I can't figure out how the rocking motion pushes inward and pinches outward.  Or why it doesn't pinch simultaneously top and bottom.  It just has it's favorite place.  Oh and why doesn't the tooth grow to accomodate the infraction.  Also is there a fractured bit of tooth that's an agitant that can't escape.

Imagine you're a torque 9 wrench in a world where everyone else only hits torque 7.  That's one of my problems.  I can handle the heat but I'm surrounded by people complaining about headaches.  So they blow up.  They fire me.  Everyone leaves because there's no money.  It's happened half a dozen times in different states.

I started 3 guilds some time ago.  Kings protect kings.  Queens protect queens.  Kings take queens.  Kings protect kings practices anticartel tactics against police.  Queens protect queens practices wing chun against the other girl's rapist.  Kings take queens guarantees you'll get the girl at all cost.  It's measured in lives and the numbers are millions.  The thing is they're all small guilds.  Maybe a few thousand members.  You'd have to be one in a hundred to join.

Gatzby's author Fitzgerald had an odd take on dating.  He was a military man upstanding gentleman and he tried to date a girl.  So she said rich girls don't marry poor boys.  So he made a ton on a book.  See she was one in a thousand.  King of Salem North Carolina.  He wrote a book that's labeled one of the best that decade, like top hundred.  He made more on that book than that girl would ever get close to like he went from a hundred times more poor to a hundred times more rich.  She married him of course.  So we cooked up a plan and the parents played along.  I did a bit for a large amount of money on a hidden asset basis lacking only attestation.  Maybe that's it.  But the Talley family never really was poor.  So they went for the millionaires the two girls.  Which is fine I guess.  House of lords.  General of the military.  Those are both millions not billions.  But when you're at Microsoft they don't cut you a big one for millions.  Big begins with a b.  The millionaire boyfriends they didn't value antiques.  They didn't keep track of their wives.  Over time these two great women became improvrished in consumption.  They went from crab delicacy to McDonald's for a date.  They threw out the books.  They tossed the paper.  So then when they were soiled and used I offered that hand up that they never extended to me.  You can always buy a girl I guess is what their husbands would say but that's just sour grapes.

I came up with a way to decrease violent crimes.  Hangry or Angry and Hungry at the same time where hungry is Insulin squared for double the per liter concentration.  Hangry->BBAT.  Where BBAT is breaker breaker any takers.  It's not a new idea.  It's about the era of Mordecai and Hammurabi.  You can practically suggest this verbally and set a guy off on that tangential function of male model life.  It works especially good if you're new to the area.  But if you're sitting on top of your families heirlooms it's twice as hard to trigger due to self preservationalistic tendencies.  I think this is a massive rule book in our DNA.  So pink assists in this along with the French Special Air Service and the Sanguinaireness.  Even the Nicemongers featured that it might be necromonger changling system compatible.  Just be careful ok.  It's a necromonger, nightmare intensity event.  See you break something with your bare hands and it releases a inflammation to your hands but it's an inflammation of that was fun I want to break more stuff again and again and again.  The U.S. Naval command structure even built in a vacuum bot to help others understand the fruitility of your actions when you vacuum at 3am in an apartment complex.  We have really low goals in the fund drive of 10k in a nation or 1m world wide for FDA testing structures to work right.  We met our initial goal a decade ago and we're aiming or a broader sample for a few good fruits programs this time around.  They aren't all happy and shiny but they are all broken when you break them.

Day 134

Organizations of lust for the dead = @{

Templar order - Crusades, drug sales, 9

Brotherhood of police - Even polche, drug sales, automatic if police and assets, 9->7

Annapurna - Asian pedo porn, human trafficking, abstain to vote, automatic if Asian ancestry and made porn even for your boyfriend, 3->8

Anhedonia - Parties, drug sales, vote by policy or by laws, Asian and try for rehab, 3->2

Horadrim - Resurrections, upon 5 others, I negotiated 10-20 resurrections, 4 (3)

Masonic temple system - Great event location rentals, buy to win, 9->4

} // These organizations unanimously voted to wait till 40 for marriage in 2008, 5-9ct.

You'll always know when corona 2 hits because there will be 1-2 billion dead in a month or quarter.  You can always take 15 years of my life and in return give me 30 years.  So I by John Hopkins estimate will live till 98.  It didn't ask if I was a vampire which will give me another 10 on average based on genealogical data from 1800-1950.  At 105 I have another 60 years to live.  With the changes to the life expectancy treaties I'll get 5 years for every 20 as an improvement.  That's 120 under any mark fo the bar as the treaty autoextends life expectancy as long as we've met quality bar which not meeting quality bar had penalties no one wanted to experience.  So if you want to pay me back for my time and I suggest you do.  You should be expected to help me live till 150.  When I calculated this some time ago and it's different each time I realized waiting was worth it in some way.  The afor mentioned cock blockers may be paying a small fortune including members who jumped ship to avoid paying and even relatives and family extended.  The price tag should run up to about $2-50 quadrillion.  At 40 and 120 I unlock the ability to buy more life insurance.

These 5-9 organizations were destroyed.  They lost 99-99.9% of membership and then were forced to grow back to normal size in a matter of months or about a year.  They all have a poisonous core and automatic regrowth clause.  The new members were given new by laws, policies, and template agreements that I drafted, M expanded and forwarded, and lawyers expanded and improved the language.  Oh and you can go listen to the song too.  Each organization is primarily a service organization and they don't give out massive free handouts.  But they have an insurance clause that says they give back what they steal and that includes time and time was cheaper than any other way of looking at it.  The organizations have to grow back to the previous size a few decades ago of the 2nd largest.  It's decades for the templars.

I have a problem in my life that my love life follows this circle.  Ice Cream, Panties, Dimes, Door, Knife, Police.  This happens irrespective of age or sexual intent or familial relationships including the other two thirds of the relationship.  Single mothers will frequently go incest to get a baby daddy locked and loaded for action in two different states.

Mr. Nobody of England is my jurisdictional commander for nobody organizational structures for the British Isles and the commonwealth.  I'm England's Mr. Nobody's major domo of courtesan to sell land on his behalf as he'd rather be galivanting across the globe for other ventures and solutions.

Cities of Pink Radio Access by Notation of Friendship = @{



District of Columbia


New York

Oklahoma City - Dominatrix

Hong Kong

} // RC0, Server Rollout, Betaware, Unannounced other than me.  I'm a spokesperson.

If you hit black ice on disclosure and get reuptaked you're a spokesperson.  Microsoft is looking at lineal conservatorship of resources like in Europe for programmers beyond compare on skill and ability even if fired once in a while or work from home some of the time.  Please come to the office.  We have cookies.  I had two grandfathers with conservatorship in the military after a tour of duty just like Josh my brother.  So we bridge gapped to MSFT then to KPMG.  Thane did too.

The templar order sees me as a Rosachian Hacker,  my dad as Dr. Krovakia, my grandfather as a runt of the litter, my great uncle as an overkill tinkerer.  They are disloyal to sin and death and heaven.  They basically orchestrated the other 5 cock blockers.  The Templar Order wants to take it back 5-7 generations to fork to either an Filipino in Reno who is also unavailable because she went menopausal too.  The Templars hold that the blessing has to be ratified by them and they ratified it then changed their minds.  It would have to roll back to great grandpa or great great great grandpa Talley.  We have the books.  There are costs to reversing a blessing of the grandmaster.  We're 5 gen back menopausal in the Talley family.  The templar's have the best books on poisoned silverware and how to find it and purloin it in a neighborhood and they're truthful to a fault.  The poisoned spoon was from 1500 AD in Pisa, Italy.  It had coal oil on it which is an aphrodisiac and prophylactic for Transylvania adjacent.  It has ancient plant Gaba in it.  Gaba is death magic.  It was their wedding night dinner.

The Templar Order has an ointment for the eye by law that is too broadly scoped and resulted in fat soldiers due to dopamine insulin influences.  They voted a change down that would encourage rehab and ban drug use and sale.  We have plenty of groups that do that already and it was not the will of the grandmaster to sell drugs for over a hundred years.  It was literally a wish of both father and grandfather and myself as 3 grandmasters lineally.  I got 3 changes that got torpedoed funny.  Changes = @{Templar Rehab, Iron Butterfly, SpaceX}.  These all center on crops a Templar specialty and government specialty.  They're all trillion dollar changes.  Annapurna opted for the same with Changes = @{Moto, Phone, Phone, Bitcoin}.  Ronin is one generation.  The 5 listed for late or never leadership are in absentia leadership, and absconded.  That's why the Templar Order is no longer a 9 primary vehicle of leadership organization.  I don't know why everyone goes Masonic Templar.  We brought forward test results indicating chorionic templar history still present in the blood test.  And we were shut down because the doctors said only doctors know the big words like dinosaur.  Did you know that each of us has a lizard brain and a cat brain inside the people brain?  That was the level of discourse.  We're not talking tibia, patela, femur, or humorous.  It helps to bring up the humorous joke.  So then after that doctors no longer had to know any anatomy.  They only had to trust the electronic medical records automatic diagnosis making doctors about as good as a very qualified reader of text.

The Masonic lodge has a problem with the golden cathedral in D.C.  Other examples of this include the top level Muslim mosque, the Jehova's Witness golden church in California, Scientology church in California, Golden Dome in Mongolia.  If you're a good church goer you make your pilgramage to the golden cathedral once a year.  At least D.C. had the good graces to make it a gigantic chalk monolith.  You know it's a golden church because the picture hangs on the wall in black and white from the 40s.  The Masonic Lodge calls it the Iron Dome defense.  But when they break they break the Brotherhood of Police down too due to all the cops having to attend training in the D.C. nomenclature aka metro.  Annapurna believes in the Ganges.  I believe in the Yangtze for Silang.  The golden cathedral is a small group tactic.  These are all small groups engaging in small group low funds tactics.  They all have to maintain structure in a unstable environment where they're beat on by larger predators.  Most business leaders are familiar with mid cap versus large cap tactics.  It was effectively proved by KPMG and Strafor that 80% of new ideas are generated in mid caps.  I mean originally they were all small caps.  Don't worry there's a Vanguard midcap growth fund that caters to this.  And Microsoft selectively audits mid cap growth for this reason.  You know what I really like for a bible is the Oxford with Apocrypha.

Templars are Republican city dwellers who do drugs.  They've lost connection to the land and can't maintain land contracts as a result.  As a result they're allowed cantonment practices with Julius Caesar ratios found in Machiavelli's the "Little Prince".  It's about 300-3,000 to one in a city.  Their funds are collected as alms, extortion, protection payments from the populous.  You would then petition the populous to collect wheat from the surrounding area.  The populous would then engage in barter and trade.

One reason I signed with 7 sins 1st is they have the most solid large contract store in the last few centuries.  They have a great bridge gap to Hellsing and from there to Knights of Malta and from there to Knights of Eastern Calculus.  I could muster the Hellsing on L's friendship and loverly attention and 7 sins has a more solid contract store than Hell's Invictus which is where she was at as a military member.  They also have great small group events focusing on their colors and flavors of interest and I could loop a love and get loving which was one of the stronger points for Mom Talley, several of them.  They just edit less is all and return full returns more often than not.  And they fix templarisms automatically.  My Dad and Grandpa's Templar contracts have the type of text you find on bathroom walls in TnA trucker rest stops.  Ribald tales abounded.

The templar friendly contributions were Mom Talley said she could get the girl, and A said to avoid the color green.  It reminded her of seaweed.  In the case where a mother is more solid than a mother you put down the mother as the cross link to verify credentials.  Mom Talley's is a pursuit of happiness from her dad in the Marine Corp.  I have a Diablo style nightmarish intensity or Necromonger intensity fix because I like nightmares better.  See I see her face in my nightmares and that's the only time.  We only replaced one word using search and replace.

It is a fact that everyone is supposed to be treated equally in the templar order contract quality.  However they are exceptionally mean to kings and never repay their debt that they're supposed to.  They don't listen to kings and they're surly.  As a result every king of templars signs with the 7 sins first so that they don't have to deal with a very disloyal organization.  7 sins is willing to put out effort to correct problems with other organizations.  I had this stupid request that templars use swords and not crack.  Did you know that a greater percentage of templars do crack than the 7 sins?  After the decrease in numbers of templars they went from 100m members to about 10k.  We figured it was a number that would allow them to keep some of their identity.

So the knights templar shrank the sin of wrath grew and the kights penitent grew.  I observed that knights penitant treatment would probably be better than the way I was treated by the knights templar.  And then I looked at the bible and my family history and realized that it was lineal and my friend checked and they were mean to kings.  There's more than one option for drugs in the 7 sins but suffice it to say that number 9 is drugs.

The horadrim have an erector set that can look up an old document for an organization and resurrect it.  It's called an erector set for a reason it builds mainly scaffolding and rectories.  They erect on a number less than their own number.  It is not 4.  So the Templars can promote an existing organization to a higher level less than their own level.  So the Templars can promote the 7 sins to be the 8 sins or even 9 because it's a low house option.  

Tens place = @{

0-10 - Majority

10-20 - top 5%

20-30 - PhD, MD, JD

30-40 - Managerial Acolyte of Education

40-50 - Low King

50-60 - King of Kings, or star lord

} // Incidentally our world's testing result number is 27->34.

Singles = @{

100 - Ursa, Urza, self testing, double verification

10 - Single verified testing, 10th apostle

0 - System Administrator


Fruits of the spirit = @{

Peace - 1, peace treaties are contracts.

Patience - 2, 20-30 is doctors.

Kindness - 3, Past tense of ki which means karma.

Goodness - 9

Faith - 6, Faith is loyalty of belief.

Hope - 4, There's a conference in southern California for hackers.

Love - 8

} // You'll get a kick out of this.

8 Sins = @{

1 - 5, gluttony, missing a tooth

2 - 8, prostitution, tramp stamp

3 - 5, greed, missing an eye

4 - 4, sadness, envy

5 - 9, wrath, missing a finger

6 - 6, sloth, missing an Achilles

7 - 7, boasting

8 - 7, pride

} // 49er chart, I picked 23.  I get 4 occupational, 5 lineal, 6 father, and majority.

Loops = {

0, 2

1, 4 - I agree to join a college, become smart, uncontract myself, become dumb

3, 5 - I get money, buy land, lose money, sell land

6, 8 - I get laid, get babies, don't get laid, leave her

7, 9


Ones place = {

1 - Contract

2 - Patience, Doctor, 2*10

3 - Kindness, Ghost, Asian, Gold, Searing, Draco

4 - Hope, Information, 4 Eyes, Clay Tablet

5 - Money, Nickle, Tool Culture

6 - Faith, Loyalty, Forensics, Progressive, Frankincense, Southern Cross

7 - Law, Luck, 3d*2+1

8 - Love, Sex, Thing, 8086, Byte

9 - Goodness, Death, Conservative, Myrrh

10 - Perfect, no contract

} // This is mine and my own opinion refactored repeatedly

French numbers = @{

1 – un - Any contract will do.

2 – deux - Doctor

3 – trois - Trial. You can try before you buy.  You can try a case.

4 – quatre

5 – cinq - Con, contract, female

6 – six - Sex

7 – sept - Faces, spears

8 – huit - Oct, to yell what you ought to do.

9 – neuf - Nix, to kill.

10 – dix

} // I could do Italian but why do Roman?

The ideal Microsoft plantageteer = @{

1st must eat the cafeteria every day.

2nd must drive a quality mid quality sedan sports car.

3rdly a 4k tv or similar gaming or netflix gadget which they will exponentiate on dates.


Anathea loved Goforth but she cheated got pregnant with a footballer and then fucked him, me, and A soundly at Northwestern.  Facebook fucked me hard too.  It's called the witches of the Templar Order for a reason and they almost tanked the game.  It's called a black swan game where women pick men and then other men and then other and the women decide who gets to ride who.  I had a dream about it detailing that it was off world meddling.  It's part of the Information Deletion set of dreams.  The swan dream was when I was still crying over A and her derision and decision to not date me, so 2005-7.  Infodelis showed up and asked about pricing and gave an initial opinion based on discussion and research beforehand including a pregen probably ending.  I referenced BMM and RI at that point so about 2009-10.  I met with him about the same time and relayed partial information.

I made a decision in the swan dream to allow A freedom to choose due to combattive swan disorder.  I felt a lack of Gration.  It felt rewort.

A wrotde a swaon of turtle power..  Shw also wor a sown of blue or blue or green.  She tried so hard to commandeer all the swans.  I also waited on the edge near the finish line.  ANathea wrote a good swan.  But not for long she pad the gate.  Everyone wene before AY.  She wantd to ahve so a party.  AY had a Goforth machine with Anathea's ICQ.  She never chatted with me.  Anathea was not a terrible girl she she wasn't my firend.  Beth was as bad but had less traction with AY but sh did have Templar.  The biker girl hated Me but on the other hand didn't use a computer.

After the swan dream I was given a houes.  I t was a 35.  It had many empty oos.  In 2007-8.  It was a tessier ashpool by description with missfit stones like in citizne caken zanadu.  In the swan dream there were an audio line, "Choose your words wisely".  No one mentioned people entering my room when I slept.  The quote is a paraphrase and was only sadi once or twoick, so yah it was to engender a reacion form too.

That year men would break into dorm rooms.  THey would log into computers jack the chat log.  Delete the hard drive.  and leave the woman without a term paper.  I know because they did my cousin dirty.  It was Jennings.  He was mad.  That's what Megan said.  AY, Anathea, Goforth, and I formed a 4 way to guarantee dating of each other.  It was an odd thought to do it.  But we were soluble on liking each other at the time.  THw swwan dram wa s a mnth later.  When you cry you can't type on both ends.  The doctors are very mean to AY ebcause she has money.  We paid 27-35 for Infodelis.  It is not our fault on Earth.  We paid over 27 for his bombs alone.  Gaba rehabd is the ardhd thisn you do.  It's so ar hnd.  But Gaba deons't make you smile.  Cama rahab iwl ig you memoris you forgot.  If I got 3 derams it's 1/1000. ays.  There's no stroke or seizure.  Jennings broke in to delete hard drives only he paid others to.  Then he dumped the girl to his cousin.  His cousin liked the girl and was a House of Lords recipient.  My soul wuality is 35 and the 100 coseest planets too.  We have a reincarnation slimit of about 18.  We don't carry oru cash on her.  Doctors have decided that eveyrhing is a sqizure abover lil'waine punch his granny.  ALso aisnan don't need tohei peols.  zyprexy don't coaus knife sounds.  ws.  The orns hapen abot hte om  the bugs do.  ZSSS have tol probs. pls avoid.  Solot seriolil omnlanc.  I made a song movie with my socoins in law in it so you couldn tom waht laughter is.  The 1st letter o hipooctorese is h for homor.  to wpon ine yoru arm is kurjor.  Most of these sworlds oare alredy aorslds.  KPMG knew so autoddiactic.  Anathea has a 2 year timer to pop a rlationship.  Jares ay so.

I probably flipped waking during netwrok essenial.s  I can't thpewithout backspace.  lol.  So there was a ringing in my ers 3x in 1/4.  9weks.  it was associate at that time with deviant grades.  including it.  ans everal teacerhs.  It's coincidnetal.  I awa ala shocikin ot woake up for lass for tests online.  I showe up 3 h early.  1late other.  Someone want s to .. 'give us' .. a test result..  IN return for something.  We sided with infodelis.  It's my uncle morgan like 8th or 20th uncle morgan.  did you know that cals d pw has a pool of gold iw to in?  when i hit the petop I make doeath jokes. inappropriate one.  My words lot dysledix.  tey anagram.  I went rehab&ay+ at baeballl.  See they talk funny about otc perf enhance.

Day 135 - So I bought the incubator computers and Jared Goforth bought Anathea's computer lab administrator computer at COMD at NWOSU.  So that's two COMD events that I've tracked down what I bought.  The incubator computers I bought for about $2.  The Pink Radio and Surface Tablet I bought with $500 that I didn't have.  I mean that was the value.  I actually bought them at about $5 starting bid and no one bid against me.  I'm not sure where I got a better deal.  The iron lorder's wanted teacher's chairs.  I bought one to be nice.  I got the desk and chair later.  My parents bought the desk a year later.  I also bought the computer that AY told me to although there was competition.  I got it under $5.

At COMD you can buy something for a dollar or a thousand dollars or a million.  At a dollar the kids don't value the money properly.  They see an iron wall of non admittance to assets like cars or houses or new laptops or anything in the thousand dollar range or quality internet or cell phone service or gas to travel back home or a quality bed and mattress set or a desk or furniture like a bookshelf and the list goes on.  You will devalue your childhood christmas gifts to the point that you hate your parents for being cheap bastards.  You'll sell your soul at church for a quarter in the collection plate.  This is Oklahoma's take.

At a thousand dollars which is the going price you'll get New York city.  For about $60k you can buy a high quality New York escort or a woman's virginity.  One of those is my wife and the other is her mother.  She bought a dress.

Don't worry at a million you buy the Swiss extortion and hacking penalty version and French sufferance.  I have no clue but my ankle hurts after I run.  Each of these is the wrong price to pay.  My favorite is a million.  The problem with a million in the U.S. is undisclosed assets.  So I have assets that I own in Europe that no one tells me about but that I can buy things with.  That bothers me almost as much as $10 Christmas.

Goforth promised to mark some items in the UI when it existed which it already did and he covered the bases.  It used to be called CBIS in 1995.  CBIS could do book catalogues.  It was just a database interface was all.  If I were guessing and I were able I would bet I would have asked for million dollars Matt at COMD at NWOSU.

If I were to guess AY's pictures on the internet incubator computer consist of a bruised or cut finger due to an injury sustained working with the rackmount computer systems.  She caught it on a thumb screw probably.  Don't worry I probably also have another of her humping the door knob to the lab.  I remember both stories well.

I bought soda for HK and MB at kendo.  It's kind of arbitrary but I had plenty of quarters and they were willing to take it out of my hands.  After that we got water bottles to go with the fountain.  I also bought ice cream for girls one time out of a dozen at kendo pizza but that's not as interesting.

I also bought Royksyopp several rolls of dimes that she handed out to every single kid in her grade school.  She was in 3rd grade.  They used the dimes to buy each other COMD items in at least a dozen cases.  Some parents tried to buy sex with the kids with the kids dimes and that did work actually.  Several boys bought 2 girls to play with at the same time.  It wasn't always what the media portrays as playing.  It was naked threesomes.  The police watched and didn't touch so that was nice.  It also resulted in the release of the purple flying pony unicorn model stuffed toy and the white lotus aka HK and Royksyop.  It was a joint venture kendo Ravenna opportunity beyond compare.  I was on the other side of the wall and saw and heard everything by pink and aural hearing.  The walls in these apartments are so thin we would say.  It was mutual masturbation divided by two walls.

COMD = @{

1988,9 - MIND book vendor rotating shelving for Fox Books, Daisy, Faye.

2000 - CBIS at Continued Employment Opportunities - 1-2 screen fulls in CBIS VGA

2004,5 - NWOSU 2-5 PC Collections, and teacher's desk

2007,8,9 - MSFT UI Pink Radio, Surface Tablet, Eternal Life, Kendo, and others.

2015,6,7 - Park Ravenna Apts front porch & nearby brothel scenario school dimes


Although Goforth and I bought two girl's computers we gave them to the girls right away which may be obvious in retrospect.  Too hot to handle too cold to hold in both cases of both cases.  The incubator had a computer that proved that I did all the homework for the entire class while a teacher couldn't do tutoring of a difficult exercise that I found easy.  We agreed at NWOSU to do two computer ones.  I mean with an actual UI.  Novell Netware is not COMD.  In 2007 I got eternal life and along with that the option to regenerate the ability to purchase over time.  I filtered by company name specifically 1st initial.  Josh (Unlisted) bought a n7 mass effect jacket in 2020 as a game changer item.  Eternal life was an Aspirin bottle.

We had decided some time ago in 2000, 2004, 2007 that if the dad's drove it long to be like some guy in some book, or just for control, or because loan officers don't trust hackers to try until the age of Mom Talley when she had Jon.  That was 37 years old, so 2017.  And that point go from super musty to extremely musty.  I covered it with AY, LC, and BMM.  I usually pitched it as the guy in the book to alleviate tension.  I could see the UI of COMD or the contractual store if I wanted but I had decided to put it under the frog prince.  Control of COMD in 2004 and 2024 both are about the same with 30% military +- 10% over time.  They would probably like for there to be other partners as was mentioned in 2007.

As I wouldn't want to be bought cheaply unless out of love I placed my bid on myself at the base El purchase price of $5b.  It's fair market pricing for a similar asset set.  I figure AnL are in the same price range and I wouldn't bid high or low on the others.   I also favor Enron rules that say that you can't buy every long distance company for the cost of the cash on hand.  All the girls by these two rules are over $1m.  Even the porn stars qualify.  Also I aim for porn stars that can't get laid.  You'd never think it million dollar porn star that can't get married.  I marry girls that have trouble with being wall flowers.  I pointed this out to Goforth and Anathea some time ago at COMD along with most of this paragraph.  You'll hate me for my call outs we'd say.

Over a half a decade ago Grandma Talley sat down.  She said you know I don't know about Pharisees and Sadducees but I have my favorite.  I asked her why that era.  I can't remember which she liked best.  She said she frequently couldn't make up her mind on the subject but 2/3s of the time favored whatever the schoolteacher's lounge favored.

Parkinsonoid features symptoms of crack spiders, seizures, fake strokes, itchy skin, amnesia, Honington's disease oid.  Apparently you can usually walk just fine.  Oh and it's a temporary side effect of rehab.  At one dose you can cold turkey almost any daily dose prescription or carry pharmaceutical.  Did you know the Rock whimpers too when he cries?  We've had band pass filters since 1963.  Crying, yelling, stuttering are not mental health crisises symptoms unless 90% of the world has mental health crisises every month on their period.

One of the new modified diagnosis for the DSM 6 that's favorable to police is actual persecution pate foie gras.  What this means is that the persecution is real and requires dispersal of insurance money at least that's traceable in the report usually or photographic evidence, hr recrords, phone transcripts.  The insurance puts a money figure on it.  Pate foie gras means it's stuffed down the throat of the police officer so hard that he distends his gut or mouth.  It is at that point not the perpetrator's fault, the police's fault, the 911 caller's fault.  But it is someone in the communities fault.  Usually the guy that drove the car through the front door or someone he knows who paid him to do it.  The riot instigators in Occupy Seattle were paid in brown paper envelopes too.  They detained one and found it pretty short shrift shrew.  It was at the apartment next to the wine with the wife.

A has to have followers or knights which since she's a girl have to be selected by pussy juice alone to select polyfidelity complacency even with me Matt.  They're considered to be the knights of the round table of Asia.  It's like the queens hand maidens of peacocks.  Peacocks have to fight and even be good at fighting the queen and pharmaceticals are a new way of fighting people and populouses.  It's on a Mom Talley time frame.  I get a harem and 2 knights.  I'm only allowed 2 by George who felt skipped.  So George got 10 to be a dick to the El selection he passed to his kids the ability to choose 8 so Paul got 8.  Don't worry Grandpa Talley got 6.  It has to be even Steven or it's not fair.  Dad got 4.  I could have selected 3 to be honest.  We did not favor oddity.  I think my brother is third.

So last time we had two roll out ideas.  Storming Norman and pink dinosaur.  So we ran them backwards this time and did some yell up front and some pink after some yell.   It prevents yell and then more yell.  People see pink as a security device, not home automation.  The other product worked on loosening birth control by parental controls which works both ways but encourages a conversation about attitudes and platitudes.  There was also pain bot and painbot is an introductory offer that's almost unanimous.  You can opt out of it but nobody does which is odd.  Painbot is a prequel included in Storming Norman.

So far songs and telephone are doing well.  The clock is still dysfunctional as I can't ask what time it is and get a straight answer.  The alarm clock doesn't work but phone call alerts do.  Social mores are doing good.

I got 5 wives 2 others and 8 mother's today.  So it's AY, LC with 2 each to distribute titles.  It's close to minimum.  Then there's the other 3 hand maidens.  Then there's a porn star and a foster parent child relationship.  Then there's a child for each of the hand maidens and 1 spare.  It's a deal cut by the military.  It's guaranteed by them including sustenance with the VA which is their specialty.  They have a real great retirement package.  I might have to move to accept a job offer.  I've been previously offered moving expenses.  It's standard at my level of pay.

I've found that with a bony face like Vitalich Butterick of Ethereum that putting on fat on my face hides it.  The fat on your face isn't generated by your gut.  It's generated by your eyes, striata nigri, and amygdala.  B-12, B-5, and Metronida can help with MMA in the striata nigri which helps rebuild it and helps it build new memories of MMA activities.  We named the activity after the chemical as a joke that caught on.  You optometrist has non surgical cures for optic nerves but I don't know what they are.  These two dopamine producing centers and associated axonal chords between two centers are the primary producers of Dopamine in the brain.  Dopamine produced in the brain is buffered in fat, first fat adjacent, e.g. face.  So you get big cheeks of death and now you know why.

A's a shylock and I'm a shivlock gundroleer mercenary which is intended by the name.  L is a loyalist beyond compare.

One thing about KPMG.  I bought cookies from a girl scout.  She spent 20 minutes looking for one buyer.  I bought $20 with a dollar change that she kept I think.  Within the next 5 minutes she filled her sheet half full and stopped to go somewhere else.  The receptionist, the admins, the head of the department all bought.  It was as bad as Ice cream pizza.  After I do it it's ok and everyone does it but if they get in trouble they blame it on me.  And they always do.

I stood at my desk with my dick in view of the camera of the laptop at eye level.  Why?  Because I was stretching.  The laptop camera is supposed to be off.  I put a label on it from a banana vendor.  I even turned off the camera on the desk phone.  When I went home I sometimes masturbated mid day twice in a day which was so famous it caught on.  And then everyone did camera jokes.  But when I jacked off the camera was covered.  And it's a four hour long video with audio only and a rustling of the sheets.  Mark Zuckerberg had an opinion on using a mango label on the camera and it proved useful.  I stand up and look out across the field to determine the grass growth.  It is a very Oklahoman gesture.

They discontinued the favorite Birkenstock from Kansas just because my uncle in law liked them.  At a certain point in history you are just going to regret every decision in your life.  Don't worry this is a chemical imbalance.  There is a marginal case for geometry or site density.

In a protocol violation of sexual desire the general's son is usually found to not be at fault due to a red pocket where the general is bank rolled by his military providence cousin who runs Georgia Pacific or some other mid cap as a VP level position with the ability to influence military providence pricing which is illegal in most nations as well as internationally.  It is in the U.S. too but most generals claim military protocol and code of honor.

I put in a request for more giant caps.  It was discussed that they would eventually shift on the 3 sigma rule by comma delineation when there were enough giant caps.  Well that's happened and my dad is now a small cap again.  But so is Vanguard.

In a food shortage this is an idea.  Line up 20 world leaders at a marinara dinner on the 30th floor with a full window view.  Have it catered in an adjacent kitchen.  Allow them to bring weapons, swords, guns.  Let them argue about the quality and greed.  Then when they draw weapons to settle the argument allow the following.  The killer is the killer.  His nation gets to destroy the dead.  The dead are the dead.  That's the nation that gets nuked, 80% destruction of cities.  The nation that finishes the meal finishes the meal.  One nation eats another's food.  The nations that optioned to assist in delivering food to the hungry nation are the nations that deliver food to the hungry nation.  The producer is the producer.  It's cold, clinical, and we're not there yet.

L's mother is a whirlwind and she can handle it but most can't.  She has hypertension which helps and I don't.  But my heart is low blood pressure which I like.  My father in law has the same problem and my mother as well.  My father hates it.  My inlaws are considering moving to Oklahoma because an hour and a half drive out in the country after a 5 hour flight leaves your legs distended.

Petitions.  Groundwork.  So I've seen the white house petition page things that really have to be enacted but are stupid.  These include acid, NC1701D, 17 year old tasteful porn, other porn of which there was a list, poligamy, every partial amendement in progress.  So those are examples of poor people petitions with over a hundred signatures I mean a million.  Don't worry there's millionaire petitions too with a hundred signatures.  Examples include repeatling the requred treatement act.  We were that angry as a groiup.  So there's a mailing list style of protectionista insurance policy by email and snailmale oalone.  Suffice it to say that several signed off as it wasn't just one side.  THe RTA dealys the end of pharam beyong the end of th war in Ukraine.  It is not Romainai aor Isreal.

The police asked for a list of thig to endicate that they had a lack of eiths.  One idea was stealing things.  ANother was riost.  It's pent testing.  Flash mobs.  The police actke for a list of thigns to say they were bad people so we'd fire them.  They want to be fired.

THe reason we did wheat then antidepressant removal.  Hungry and then paranoid is much safer than paranoid and then hungry.  If you're paranoid already and the hunger sets in you go straight up crazy.  But hungry 1st you have ca chance to settle into the pool.

My friend asked me how to fire military and police to downsize the departments.  He asked what my worst firing was.  I said easily the 1st.  What set it apart?  Well I had a middle manager with no followers yell at me for a month about 2 hours a day every day.

I think the 369 have done Zyprexa before.  It's a very old drug.  It's centuries old.  It builds a covalence like no other and you'll never cheat on your taxes afterwards.

We blew south on Debt, Wheat, War, and Drugs all at the same time just so that the G6 and it's not just one could decide to allocate crop land 10 years earlier than necessary.  Findings include the fact that they tanked fewer shipments than expected.  There's a sequence to it by a year or two but it's all the same time.  It resulted in crop land in Canada.

The drill sergeants yelled too much and so there's not going to be a military or police anymore.  The cities have found a new way to avoid arrests and the need for police.  It just hurts a little is all.  Unfortunately, it's only in the city.  It's in the country too but not as bad.  It takes a little to adjust to country life as a result.

Last visit to Redrock my mother in law's sister commented to a coworker that I'd probably be married in a fortnight.  My doctor commented that she'd like to see the other half and that maybe she could work a deal for me but didn't explain further even upon request.  I commented that that would be alright.

PW = @{

Cherry hill - Nash rambler by another IQ of 180.  Post it note.  7/4/14

Boeing field - Miranda rights card 2 different days.  Judge hex vex $1m.  4/15/16

Fairfax - 51/50 but I'm a sucker for love.  Commissioner forgery, no judges.  7/4/17

} // I was never booked.

We have beds for about 10 and after that there's a hotel in Fairview and Henessey.

A big 4 bank commented that they were unable to unwind government debt 10 years ago.  The last government shutdown the government was unable to lower spending in under 1-3 months.

POTOS JB felt I had a diagnosis.  In classic style he named his favorite cuss word to describe himself.  So yes President Biden suffers from dementia.  So we renamed it to dementia pate foie gras so that it indicated the filer not the recipient had dementia.  Then we collected symptoms from email threads and YouTube videos.  Then as an excellent reenactment of symptom con artist I exhibited those symptoms to continue treatment.  It's not a hard skill to pick up and pink definitely helped.  It's called the fako problem and it's a great keyholer style program to solve pate foie gras.  Keyholer is a website.

I picked all the presidents after 6th grade at the grand marqui resort and cantena bed and breakfast in baltimore maryland right next to Calvert School.  They served crab crepes for my life friends.  They're not little time anymore.

3rd mark for kendo.  They said I had my trousers down in the changing room which is only true on suit days.  Even then if you ever saw my underware I was in the toilet chamber because I rarely if ever show my underwear to anyone even at home alone.  The showing of the under ware in the toilet changing room may have been ficticious just like the changing incident in front of the whole team on the dance floor.

Biden is the biden title holder.  Bet you can't figure out how this works.

Julie Ellington fired me out of jealousy and then tried to sign papers on my behalf and on behalf of the president of the United States Donald Trump when he showed up to congratulate me.  I would have liked to have met him.  Julie Ellington is an inkling with a contract as long as an arm.  But so was McGroot my PCO at Microsoft.  PCO stands for provisioning coordination officer.

Courtesy of the military = @{

5 lost jobs

2+1 strikes at kendo

2 strikes at COMD

2 Ankles


Ankle personnel = @{

Sanguinaireness - Girlfriend's cousin

BillG - My great uncles nephew once removed


Technician from Microsoft and BMGF

Doorman for grade school location used

1 and only 1 military member from the U.S.


This is very close to being the whole list of people on top of a roof top next to a dish two blocks away.  Today thanks to the recent RTO we got the most ABRs ever as a celebration including yelling to get it done and a presidential commendation ceremoney where he really was heartfelt.  They were all felons.  Felons don't go to heaven under a Mike, Matt, Don agreement over ice cream in about 2005 on the holidays.   The contributory denotion was that .1% of people are felons.

Meyer's Briggs colors by center = @{

Red - Mouth hole

Yellow - Pons, Occipital lobe

Green - Parietal lobe

Blue - Forebrain

White - Temporal lobe

} // This took 40 hours to figure out.

Covid-19 properly accounts for levels of lettuce, peanut oil, peanuts, bacon, vitamins to determine if you're committing vegetarian fraud and if you are it raises the levels of fraud in your blood.  Fraud in your blood will always give you away.  So then everyone realized what was going on.

Day 136 - You can kill in the military without knowing how to spell or type.  But if your job requires typing you might be up a creek.  You should at least have a liason to help you type.  If on the other hand you like typing broken sentences well that is artistry.  If you're writing a blog with broken sentences that is definitely artistry.  But if your words are misunderstood by an automatic handler that would be the only problem.  Sorry to recant.  Spell checks like home security systems have the ability to kill you be changing your perception slightly.  On the other hand I personally can't spell or type very well and I have an IQ of 180.  Wanna hear something funny.  I have no problem on paper with a pencil.  Also it's not dyslexia as I swap homologues.  An example is the 1st y in dyslexia swapped to i.  I have trouble with 'CKS' as well.  A.I. has no trouble handling broken speech.  One day I interviewed with the MSFT Bing spell check team and talked about the nature of spell check.  I added a space on spell check which is grammer only.  I reversed the letters of si which is mexican.  I changed medican to mexican which is a homologue.

Most kids now days can't spell because if they spell wrong in a game they're rewarded by being able to communicate desires that aren't compatible with game service provider agreements.  As a result we have a generation that has broken English.  One of the main requests from this generation is that they were allowed to text porn in 2015 when they were 15 as a husband wife team unable to marry thing.  Now in 2025 as 25 year olds they want to watch their wedding pictures in some cases and that's more illegal.  Porn killed spelling.

We spend somewhere in the neighborhood of $100b a year at 10 companies including 2 search engines and 2 take down firms and 2 law firms to take down porn.  It is like drinking from a firehose and trying to stop the giardia from entering your mouth.  It may be impossible.  Mouth went to mount initially as their homologues of each other and apparently synonyms in double meaning and slang.  Single went to wingle and double meaning.  It is not worth spending $100b a year to protect 1,000 pussies under 15 that are drilled every year.  It's called the million dollar pussy problem or baby.  It might be mentioned in the movie.

About 10% of all underaged porn is actually wedding night photos of the 1 day long honeymoon.  Don't worry honeymoon is an example of a word up for banning.  The two largest contributors to teen pregnancies are 16 to drink and drive.  Most judges have a gray area for teenage drinking.  A girl starts driving at 16.  Within 3 months she's steady.  Within a half year they're spending couple hours alone a couple times a week.  By 9 months they're having sex.  By her 17th birthday she's pregnant.  She has the baby after 18 which is street legal in most states.  The baby is the proof and if it's after it's ok is how the gray area reads.  1/3 of the 15 girls in my class were pregnant at the prom.  This is national standard percentage.  1/4 will never have kids which is just as bad at the other end.  In my era it was VHS tapes and the camera was prohibitively expensive.  I like leaving the main sentence of a paragraph in the middle to encourage reading the whole paragraph.  In the house and senate there's a majority in favor of all access porn.  Unrestricted porn wasn't as popular as a word.

It's what it's called.  My wifes name means porn in Chinese.  The other wife is the same in French.  Don't worry guess what my name means.  We've had this problem before.  It's a king's crown task.

My specialty in search by the way is actually detecting examples of fruit.  So an apple could mean something other than an apple.  You know what I mean.  So I had approved bing to work on several different image detection systems centered around fruit detection which I figured would be super useful for everything else as well.  Mainly though it kept me from getting in trouble for searching NSFW pictures at work and getting a demerit upon observation.  Although everyone found my obsession with fruit odd.  I'm on the bing possibility of future involvement list which means me and my family get their search terms harvested for testing purposes.

There are the following generations now in the work force, baby boomers, gen X, gen Y, millenial, and now gen Z.  That's 5.  Each of these has 20% control of the job market and hence major control.  That's what drove the porn game long.  It's one of the reasons I had trouble marrying along with a few million people in my age group.  We felt there was a taboo unattainable or ungiftable.  El will shrink control by generation to 10% which is minor control.

My apts have 8 track observation decks.  It's what it's called it picks up on MC aka pink.  On top of this it has a door control unit that's about as powerfull as the door frame and balcony.  The balcony is forged iron girders for the Navy and transponds 'keep in the navy' signal especially on breach craft maneuver.  People don't notice these things until pink went live to the metro and even then most don't.  It's like the apartment in Chobits and my apartment manager did date the sysadmin just like in Chobits to get it put in.  I marked the walls and they worked on painting them.  She plans on putting it back in if it's removed.  It's Chobits estates.  It's a common decency.  It's a embassy suites location ostragonally as well as in legiture and the city planning committee.  As a result it has to maintain full security of person, including persons at location.  It has extensive hanging walls in every room with cameras that need no batteries but break on direct application of sunlight saving only a few pictures over the last few hours.  So if they did a forensics break down they'd recover it.  See digital cameras were new in 1975.  When they worked on the back wall external they couldn't remove the drywall as it would depose the boxes attached including electric outlets.  I knew at that point.  It was her pride and joy to replace it and keep it the same.

At my national security processing facility visit I pulled a delay on the fill out sheet.  It's not available anymore unless they wrote it on the sheet of paper.  I wrote 18 years for the girl I was with who was pregnant.  It doesn't matter who it was.  She looked about 21 to be quite honest.  My sponsor knows the real age.  It happened 17 years ago.  I had an application interview, clarification interview, but the acceptance interview was my final day on the job.  Don't worry my last day on the job at MSFT I got my business cards.  My last day on the job at KPMG I got my signature block.  I have a problem in my life called nobody, everyman, and WWJD.  People feel if I do it then it must be ok.  Other crowns are treated the same.  One of the advantages of being everyman lineally is high IQ.  It's like being tall.  It has it's advantages and disadvantages.  The UV wavelength of the camera saw her veins in her face and realized she was pregnant and debunked her which was mean in my opinion which we wrote down.  They were worried about foot.  Don't worry it picked up that I was a vampire ghost because my flesh is slightly transparent.  They wanted to run me for doors and avionics.  My firing was on 1 warning rather than 2 which is an HR violation that's acceptable upon recognizance.  A single note firing can rejoinder security clearance later at 17 years for obvious reasons lineal.  Don't worry other groups have SOL 7, TEC 9.  Of course I opted again for patentcide.

Delays = @{

Copyright - 100

Triple patentcide - 22, TriSOL and a year or 2 for processing OSU GSM w/ Andy Cook.

Patent release - 20, TriSOL autolocs renewal.

Security clearance - 17 with no badge on.

Patentcide - 15, Double SOL and a year for processing.

Mensa / Wonderlick processing delay - 11-12, 2 1 digit shifts and a year processing.

Eichi dan kendo vacation - 10, TEC 9 and a year for processing.

KPMG Sabbatical - 9, TEC 9 with required disclosure.

Tainted evidence chain - 9

Statutes of limitations - 7

College audit committee response team - 7

MSFT auto full time - 6, requires patent disclosure at intake.

Eichi dan of kendo - 7ish, Start->advanced 2 year, 4321 kyu & 1 dan 1 year each.

KPMG badge attainment primary work assignment - 3


It being a quarter century time frame we're up for changes to patent handling including international autohandlers, manual handling, and expediting and we're up for longer time frame patents.  Copyrights are 100 years.  Patents should be longer.  I did this for McDonald Douglass aircraft.  I think Doug was related.  He worked at Pantex.  McDonald said many favored patents of 2, 3x so 40, 60 years due to a prevalence of work experience.  Titles including both of us favored millennial darned near.  I'm expected to help dig out LLCs that were suborned out from under their owner inventor combo breaker at Boeing.  But I provided solid of singlehood or self ownership.  After SAP I get full value regardless of sale price.  I may have invented a fighting technique.  You have to wait to attack for safety reasons it's so good.

Selection of life process

Job = @{B, MSFT, KPMG} // 1999

Extracurricular = @{BSA '88, Kendo '92, Mensa '94}

In about October 1998 Jim Bo, Kudrow, Hacker, BMM, LC, IEEE went ahead and set me up with triloc patentcide.  I covered the patents at OSU mainly in Fall 1999 with my advising professor.  We got it on the prenup for the elopement and it's incontrovertible please reference green bird song by Grimes.  LC asked AY.  See we theorized that you shouldn't have to move to file good patents when we knew all the good patents were from the soil.  Bill's grandpa is from Oklahoma.  There was an ancient lake in Oklahoma and it had a fish bone layer about 8 feet deep.  Fish aren't that smart.  The lake was the size of Oklahoma.  Guilian China has the same problem with books in caves as their thing and that's how they know.

My pink blog although it is 98% available extant verifiably.  It lacks about 2-.2% as a standard deviation over time to protect my passwords and the innocent.  I have security clearance and I have to respect it.  It's redacted only and if you're in Europe to begin with.  If you have a black card for Club M facilities and security clearance you can then access the full monty.  It isn't that much better according to my uncle who flew to see it.  It's on Wi-Fi from the nearby hotel across the street as they got tired of observing access at the lab.  They do not speak very good English at the hotel.

Armors = @{

AY - Torn flesh of souls of Golem.

LMC - Lady Aribeth Tylmerand wife of Gromsh.

MDT - Piece meal splint mail (From me), Mandelorian armor of Bobba Fett (From other)


Day 127 or 128 by lunar.  I delayed a day for Ash Wednesday.

Membership tokens for Lifestyle group aka moulin rouge bohemia =  @{

Fide Chess score - '22

College completion - '05

Empathic - '22

Attendance - $5k, Xmas Gma T. lineal gifting, double ought buck shot, VG dist., '20

Lifestyle protectional lineal - These are internationally accepted.  CI, ICP., '08

} // All 1%

Lifestyle includes lifestyle pension commensurate and cotillard (engendarme) services.  It's an international.  Me sad boy.  U.S. police and military embarrassed boy who tries to embarrass others.  I have a problem in my life of words that start with 'c' and then a vowel and then 'm' or 'n' usually.

Short list of programs in pink that are popular = @{

Pink pony or dinosaur - preteen pseudo porn and parental controls.

Golden lotus - complementary similar age group but older with hardcore pseudo porn.

Emoticons for text messaging - including acronyms and idioms like lol and roflcopter.

My piecemeal armor - It'll keep you safe but is fueled by blood and hunger.

Bray hay hay - International beyond compare involuntary celibate program breaker.

Sanguinairenesses own temporary displosure of evidence in my heart wound device.

// It includes a full set of French sufferages by event type including ABR and BBAT.

// See law books for more information.

Psychiatric hider & faker - Built into others as a prequel.  Avoids indication.  Obs. pop.

Law & order - It makes you not steal.  Observed popularity by invictus.

Lie bot S&D - There are fewer people but they really like it.  Teaches truth sense.


Include yesterday as well.  KPMG has a policy of 3 $10 birthday gift cards or holiday afaik without a bonus goes to partner with the 3rd including a signature block unaddorned.  I sent mine in 2 weeks before my last day.  It allows them to sign on my behand bewhile I'm away or on sabbatical.

Covid (corona) got rid of the dog viral DNA because it's scary.  It involves human sacrifices to dragon overlords.  There's also a dog is man's best friend.  There's also sirtuin code the causes dog prevelence regardless of health metrics or saturation.  Useful films include Reign of Fire, Game of Thrones, the kennel society competitions, Paw Patrol.  Then there's a very long section about dog spider play that allows a dog to express how good it is to protect the farmer.  Useful films and books include the Hobbit.  It was the largest specieal alignment by like 40-80% of all specieal alignment DNA because it prevelized better not that it was useful.  We raped about 80% of our dog DNA out of our system along with birds, cats, dogs, and humans.  Dogs losing human DNA made some develop hip displasia.  This happens to all my dogs.  We used rape handler DNA to handle the removal.  My supporter for Bohemia is Deacon Frost who really is real.  He doesn't last forever.  We figured they'd bring it up on a El time frame including prequel proovative.  Which means I am forced to keep him forever.  3, 6, 9, 100x2, 0, and 3 Bohemian rhapsodie including by then number 1 BMM signed off on this.

We also included 0-100 in DNA code and voice coder of DNA code.  We also included the audio file of Bohemian Rhapsody spelled backwards and played forwards and backwards.  It's called transcendental DNA 101.  Someone had discovered this in pea plants as they only favor 4 colors and not 3.

Gifts of the Greed of the Bohemian Rhapsody = @{

El - Eternal life

Rehab - An unattainable ideal.

Wife - AnL

} // I didn't get these all the same year.

One of my buddy system rules is that I have to come up with a replacement before I can let go the previous.  This includes a threesome curative that almost always eventually expresses itself and that I'd already accepted into my life and tested.

Having pets is existentially better than not having pets and eating steak is existentially better than not eating steak.  The DNA may be weird but it far outweighs being alone and eating sugar and starch devoid of DNA.  I've often wondered if there is synthetic protein.  Then there's my wife who tried back breaker protocol where you wear a sythetic brace bolted to your back.  A robot can straighten your back but a ca isn't such a bad thing.

Patches the clown = @{

3/14/24 - 2 years to test therotical max. 

3/14/22 - Also Grandma was sick and died and we decided to go double long.

3/14/21 - We decided double long this time too.

9/14/20 - Not a lot going on this time frame.

6/14/20 - We did every three months for a few months here.


9/14/19 - So about here I wasn't getting a lot of input but my cousin noticed RC0.

3/14/19 - So about here we did 6 months which seemed like a good fit and avoided.

} // Data redactory finding partial and incomplete and just plain wrong from memory

So about a hundred years ago we signed an agreement to increase space power.  Why is the important?  Because it's a long time ago.  And we dropped cred adjacent.  And people in dominari noticed we existed.  And they moved in to increase trade route .. capacity.  We're still not sure.  But then as they did they found barren planets with nothing on them.  Ok so they might have 4 different plant species and 2 animals.  None of them are grain or dairy or meat at all.  We're talking toad slivers.  So umm they're trying to increase farming in rural regions much like us.

A was shived off to her family to the point they put it in Wow as a fishing shiv quest in Northend.  A in the last few months we were talking and she said that if I ever went camping in Hong Kong to avoid alleys and the countryside.  In 1950 they had decided to not even do the 369.  The 69 wanted it but the 3 left.  Sorry about it being long.

Ok so theoretically black widow spyders have venom that's pharmaceutically beneficial.  But it hurts.  It puts you into anaphalactic shock, spasmodic grand mal seizures, necrotic skin growth, tissue debasement, liver and kidney failure.  So no I don't think spiders are beneficial.  I was bit by a brown recluse.

Day 138 - Mell L has a list of names that requested her to date Adam even though neither wanted it.  See Adam could have fixed a lot of things but he was tied down.  The list of names is 12 long.  See you try the police.  They say military.  You try the military.  They say House of Lords.  You try the House of Lords and they say Trust Fund.  All the emails say Trust Fund at the top.  You can talk to Mell for an hour and in the end she'll give you the list.  A is a fruit bat.  She fruits on people but that's not so bad.

Two trust funds that have problems are High Society and Large Lifestyle.  The CEO of Society Generale, Honorable, and General fucked AnL both and stole their virginity.  I don't ship wheat to nations that have large outstanding debts.  I figured that if a country was in my debt that they could pay the debt before they paid for food in advance.  It's in some circles called the siege of France.  We were shooting personages of interest within their borders with RQ-4 until they asked the military kindly not to fly over their country.  It was tried corporeal judgement in sus liu.  Hungry people eventually figure out how to get food.  I hold all the chips and if you want food it's through me whether by one method or another.  Because I own 80% of the wheat commodity markets, shipping vehicles, and silos.  Futures have to be processed through silos and the silo master has to approve the future.

We fucked 8 lines each of the Bohemian Rhapsody and Society Generale.  It might have been sex rather than death but as you know I prefer death and allow both because it's nice.  All 8 had had sex with AnL.

When I woke up 8 linags of police and 8 linages of military were dead in the U.S.  We had an opinion before because of a joke about the voices and mannerisms in the Departed.  See Josh and I are a team.  I'm the undercover cop investigating my uncle and Josh is the military man on the same case from the opposite fence.  My uncle is a good man and well respected.  I've been suggesting 3 or 5 generations and many go for 5.

Generations = @{

My unborn son - claimable at 40

Myself - I'm 1st born

Dad - Only uncle has 2 kids over 40

Grandpa - 

Mezzanine = @{

Ray - had no great grand kids and his grand daughter is over 40

Theron - had a kid in the Philippines and that kid has no great grand kids


Paul - all brothers were dead barren.  One was a flight pilot at 16-18.

George - was an only child and hence sucked at parenting famously worst dad. (6)

George's dad - had 2 sons that both have descendants existent today. 1st fork. (7)


15 long years ago Lifestyle offered a king's deal to BMM.  As a result he contacted high society and he'd already described he could double loop.   They opted for the same based on Lifestyle tasted which saves time and doesn't decrease quality in most cases improves it.  They put the death man's curse on the table.  They wanted a second buy in from the Russians before hand so they'd no when to act.  The Russian croquet event was suicide by cop where the cop was U.S. military.

A lot of people had figured out that 3 up down generated 3^6 people or about 729.  They banked that 5 would be bloody, illaccepted, and denied.  So they went ahead and banked for 3 to reduce fraticide and protect their family by betting with their linage.  See few families can muster 5 gen but mine can.  So yes we're doing 5 up down for George and his 5 gen contract and Ray with his 9 gen family tree.  It's always nice to go odd on this one for the Chinese citizen in my family.  When the Chinese are looking to extradite using their courts rather than English you know you have a problem.   You build up cycle back by typing with cycle backs.  It builds middle term memory like no other.  That's why typists like programmers do so well on tests like chess and math.  3^10 is about 59k is an atomic family with an Ender's 3rd every time which never exists. The 1800s were bloody for 2 different family trees that I have access to as books.  2^15 is 42k.  We have a favoritism that may be relevant that we picked old guys sometimes with an up down inequality that the Chinese like.  It allows us to pick people who have a linage of problem.  Lineal slaying though aren't anagraphic.  So if it's specific to a linage it's only down not up.  So 243 is 3^5 for a 5 gen lineal slaying.  3^7 is 2187 which is again a bit much.  Have 7s been done yah but provenance of grievance is hard as you can't account for those departed really well.  It's about 2-8k by most educated guesses.

Society Generale = @{

Pedo porn - Orgy mode included for free as it's always that way.  It's a legality change which is ok to talk about in chat.  Above average at best by description of intent.

Death mode - Lineal slaying.  I think we've done this before for our family.

AnL - See above.

1 carry - from Lifestyle.  2/3s majority.

1 viewer's choice award winner.

Spousal agreements lineal included by demand.  Average 6th item.  Average is 1%.

I'm a god. - Rammifications. All my inclusures are high at best. Beast mode suggestion.

Gypsy special - Grandparents linages collection Fatimid, Ilkhanate, Vendigrot, Death.

} // I get more than this because I picked defaults.  2/3s lover.

ND wanted to shorten the private eye membership and so we went with metro of prior land ownership lineally including family and friends but really just AML.  It's easier to track land in a database designed for land ownership.  Nations over value their land - Credit Suisse annual report.  In Europe you're the member of a bank not customer.  So Portland, Vancouver duopoly, Seattle, Mankato, Alva, Stillwater, New York City, Newark.  Guess what we found in New Jersey?  Continuing, Hong Kong, Paris, Lyon, Enid, Nice are some older ones.  I also suggested Fe but he recanted with untrackability.  They're hidding their tracks including name changes which made it difficult to track down.  And redacted records didn't help but provenence was easy.  As I like to say, "the proof is in the pudding."  Did you ever see departed in the newpapers?  Do it so bloody they do.  So about the amount of the JFK assassination attempt which is my specialty lineally.  I also asked for the exceedure of police assassinations in 911 since it obviously wasn't curative.  They had secret service on the ground floor.  Then ND said Hans Rinkler did more.  Then Josh said so did Napoleon.  It's a movie.  Hans Rinkler invented the ice skate and crime sweep of police intentions.  See also Ronin the movie.

The fucktastic women for the police and maybe government were made up of very attractive women who can't have kids anyway and have VD which is a death sentence anyway.  The FDA blocks cures for Vice crime diseases.  See also Dallas Buyer's Club.

The largest title disclosure in a game in a game is Far Cry 4 and 5 followed by Mass Effect 1 and 2 according to ND and ZC and possibly PC although we never could verify that he played games.  He just had an Xbox that's all.

The 7 signs at the end of Far Cry 5 is actually real.  We're currently sitting at about 4-5 on odds of more eventually.  7 is thermonuclear war.  It's by hats instead of double hats which is described in the game.  They explain bitration and tetration which is odd content for a game.

Under the mutual disarmament treaty of 1980 or MDT in my birth year with my initials all nuclear war heads after that moment in time have to have a dead man's switch set to about now so that I can marry.  Also it disarms in the obvious way.  It's based on the half life of Uranium or whatever.  It reduces churn.  JG commented on this along with a web comic on the subject called Strong Bad.

Nuclear protocol requires checking on bombs every few years or half decades.  I specified to set the clock short of the next date rather than long.  It's an Easter Egg item.

Pink tower deployment = @{

2014,5 - Dish on a school 8 blocks away.  Part time in 2014.  Whitespace FCC agmt.

2016 - Cell WiMax in a mile radius of Ravenna Park

2017 - Added Seattle, Bellevue, Redmond. Cloud sandbox. Transferred from research.

2018 - Added Pierce, Snohomish, King County.

2019 - Unobserved, state treaties formed including local small operators.

2020 - Whisper on the wind in Oklahoma.  Five calls with mentor, half hour, walking.

2021 - Reasonably obvious. Tower in town in Okeene.  EMR RC0

2022 - Even Grandma could hear it.  Multistate.  EMR sold to local hospitals in OK.

2023 - Most local technicians proud, favorable, communicative. Weekly calls hours 2y.

2024 - Lots of yelling.  Multinational tower interconnectivity.  UI RC0.  Cloud V 5 RC0.


I have a priori with ND and BD in October 2023 to go ahead and ensure that a certain amount of goods arrive.  I brought up 80%.  He countered 98%.  We voted 98%.  I changed my vote after the zombie cross of Transylvania.  He asked if I had a prior on coverage and I said yes at MSFT on test results and KPMG on machine coverage in audits.  I also have a deal with security clearance gifting budget that classifies money as M0, M1, and in a pinch M2 but I doubt it.  I had an opinion a civil war bond was an art item.

The UI has audio video split mode.  It has audio split mode that's the impignment off nearby things.  It provides decent audio really.  But it's not the radio side.  It's the audio side.  The audio also borrows off Bluetooth if you believe in magic and changing laws.  The video has the ability to put in video from tablets and laptops mainly in use.  Why?  Maybe I had a soul.  It has to do with Bluetooth again.  It is of similar quality to radio so VGA or QVGA due to data rate.

High Society opted in to me providing Vitamins of God.  You can find this document elsewhere.  It's authentic.  I can verify it.

In the 12 Caesars and book of Kells it talks about punishments for militant attitude.  This includes modifications to the temple of the firstborn in C:\Genesis\Moses\Plagues\10th plague.

Gipsy Curse.  Humongous Harlequin, Chorionic Trauma, Gipsy Pikey.

I was promised a precocious puberty foster child below normal puberty age by a couple years or 80/20 or 50% at KPMG by a managing partner to repay for hardship.

Lovers of Interest by stratification = @(AY, LMC), (HK, MB, FB), (KK, LD), (JL, MR)

Description of = @{Incontrovertible SA, required, optional, holiday}

Banks of membership = @{BNP, SG, COBOC}

Now I have to fix my uncles cred store.  Chinese order monarch displosure.  It means the same in Chinese just like Spectre.  Above executive is counterintelligence which is counterintelligent which is counterintuitive.  He wasn't interested in the lipstick but he went for the PCs. - Chinese parable.

Names of networks = @{

3 - Intra

6 - Ether

9 - Enter


Mind is Monarchs in national displosure.  Comd is Chinese order monarch displosure.  She didn't go for the baller she went for the book.  It's a Wang joke.  Here's another dinosaur bank.  Tyrol aka Tyree is a bank that instead of tracking assets or displosure only tracks titles but it has records for miles and is older than Methuselah aka Matt is losing years of life.

Matthew = Matthew = Matthew in the bible in Genesis and the book of Matthew.  Matthew is bound by Matthew's words usually biblically speaking.  They removed Matthew 27-35 from the bible because it's darker than revelations and John set the bar.  Even darker is what Matthew did to be the 1st book in the bible.  Clock is 1 week, month, quarter, year per chapter for fun.

One day the Irish invented whisky.  Not to be outdone the Scotch invented Scotch and the French invented Champagne and lastly the Russians invented Vodka.  Then the Russians invaded the world trying to steal the other recipes.  The Irish would have run the world and probably did but then they invented beer.

My major domo in Oklahoma for my family is ND.  It's been that way for about 30 years.  We may not see eye to eye all the time but 90-98% isn't too bad.  So yah the okies wrote the okies.  It is a fact.  Basically you have to know local law, providence, and culture.  We took care of reaffirmation in the last year or so as well as kibitzing.

My major domo in Seattle is my mentor which may be obvious.  It is a mistake often made.  He has been for about 15 years.  He opted to be my mentor for life or at least a few decades.

I have an odd policy of matched forgiveness.  It saves me from deciding.  Sometimes if I forgive in court I match that too.  I extend this to entities and projects of kings crown goals.

RTF, MM, and BMM are my contract authors in conjunction with BMGF, MSFT, KPMG, MIL-STD.

At 5-8 I took an age old homeopathic foot remedy from a Chinese lady that I was dating and she said to use shorter shoes to reduce foot length.  I was so proud of my shoes.  It's genetic changeling lineal like d'ampule treatment with Zyprexa.  I have pernicious anemia amnesia.  It's related to diabetes melitus too.

I know that Information has selected to be a 13 year old girl forever.  I know that her husband selected to be of similar enough age to avoid prejudice.  I know they like to drink alcohol at team events.  I know they even go for double dates.  I think 18-21 would be great for a target age because I look like I can drink.  It's an Adam song.

Day 139

I had a dream a few times that recommended going long = @{

Offer of gift of fame or fortune or life everlasting - 1988+-2

Near death experience - Christmastide 2000 frosty forgotten

Swan song - 2005

Wizard of Oz - 2008


Waiting longer to get married results in a better chance of eternal life, longer eternal life, and better challenge reward plus minus ratio.  It's better than double pay.  It's the golden brick road dream and AnL had it too.  They tore up the pavement to make it happen and we had to walk on coals or sand without footprints.  Is it worth it?

Contract ratios = @{

Friends - 80%

WA / OK - 50%+-10%

Possible - 80%

Million dollar buy out writs - 80%

Still fully functional - 80%

Favorable ratio - 80%

} // 80-98%

Veterans Administration is a butcher shop with one possible achievement that it was slightly better than normal at prosthetics.  However, it was worse than normal at over prescribing pharmaceuticals, and computer security.

TSWC - Tester, Sardonic, Wrath, Khanate.  I'm a 900 not a 9.  I'm a pogo.  Intervention.

I selected mulberry silk.  As a child I played under a mulberry tree.  In scouts they hung me from a mulberry tree.  I pulled myself up and unlooped it from my neck.  Even grandma knew the mulberry was important and brought it to my attention how it always comes back from the root in the front yard.  It's a $1,000-10,000 dress.

80% the military of the United States of America can't spell words like 'brought' and 'exists'.  When you point this out to them they yell very angrily.  The military also miss spells military.  After they yell about spelling they then rub their heads as if they're under stressful combat conditions when there's just them and a piece of paper or PC.

I passed 4 years of highschool English purely on spelling right on term papers and reading books.  I skipped 80% of the homework.  The term paper alone would have dropped my grade and I was allowed to enter anything for a term paper as long as it was exactly correct spelling.  Her name was Sproul.  It's like a scroll.

Types of drug preferences = @{

Dad - Hates the monthly shot of cortizone.  Loves daily pills 10x.

LMC - '00, has an opinion on drugs that have met FDA approval guidelines as possnier.

MDT - Beta drugs, beta crispr, vitamins, shot or shot once every 5 years.  Fears alpha.


One difference in contract compliance and intellectual property rights internationally beyond compare is that $100 per planet is considered a beauqua.  Four zeros loss is considered acceptable grease.  It's called grease in China.

Twitter came up with an idea of buying followers at what internationally beyond compare is called a gas station sized territory.  This sold like wildfire.  Variability of trade route status and dollar cost averaging over time typically reduced periodicity of payout.

The waiting game a king's own contract by a king of England in his own handwriting with his own tears.  You'll cry when you read it out of respect for the dead. - 85% customer satisfaction received as validated by BMM.  They verified who's tears it was.  It was her too.  It was writtin by King John for Maid Marrian.  It doesn't mention either of their names ever in a 4 page document.  It comes free with God o God and they're both labeled butcherists by the police of Europe and by now some others.  There's also King Arthur.  I was allowed 3 per standard rules to keep it simple.  One Morgan and I'm the linage.  One Vlad and I'm the linage.  And one King John and I'm related to Friar Tuck.  He tucked a land contract out of a pie that was used to bribe.  One more is Yahoo son of Zimry for Joshua my brother in particular.  It's also lineal.  Also King David and Saul with David lineal.  These are all not long lists and together their still not long but they are additive each time and you're allowed a few.  I also included the Hardy boys for me and we validated that the girls had read Nancy Drew.  And Daisy McEachern from Earth by David Brin as fofe^2 with similar skill set.

Allcoation = @{4 European kings, 2 bible double kings, 2 books}

I've seen 2 ghosts in 2 days.  I saw a scissor tailed fly catcher yesterday and a hummingbird today.  They're vigilant forest spirits that protect people.  They only show up when you need protection.  A hummingbird sees red from a red sun.  A scissor tailed fly catcher senses vibrations in the air with its tail.  Red planets are peripheral.

Now the names of the twelve apostles are these = @{

Simon, who is called Peter - 1, picked Andrew

Andrew his brother

James the son of Zebedee - Picked John

John his brother - Both were cousins.  I did the same thing.

3 Philip



Matthew the tax collector; - Brother and complete bad ass unprinted.

James the son of Alphaeus

Lebbaeus, whose surname was Thaddaeus

4 Simon the Canaanite

Judas Iscariot, who also betrayed Him. - 13, Picked Paul.  Both are late picks.

Paul - 14, Jade needed protection that only a military man could offer.

} // I'm missing one.  Bet you can find it by reading.  10 & 2 late, 1 brother, 1 cousin.

Mary may have been jealous and contributed to the court case as a fine legal acumen of the brothel variety.  They named them JAM, Jade Korea, Mary Sirach, Anno Domino.  We're allowed to add and remove from the concubine collection each time frame.  I always favored between Jesus and Abraham and maybe a couple extra.

Abraham's wives = @{Sarah, Hagar, and Keturah}

 JAM = @{Jade Korea, Mary Sirach, Anno Domino}

Bing AI at 1 week sarcastic, 2 weeks mean to reporters, 1 year feminist, pharmaceutical friendly, anti gun, hides hunger.  There might be an agenda based inaccuracy at 1 year.  Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition.

Police have problems with egotism, narcissism, and OCD surrounding their cars, as well as domestic violence, and actual of persecution by the community.  Those are the symptoms.  I won't state the diagnosis.  It's not feelings when it's actual.  No one cared which side started it.

Things stolen by patent theft = @{

Archu - Arm by Seagate Oklahoma originally.

Gui - Gui by Xerox Oklahoma originally.

Flash memory - Complementary metal oxide by Seagate Oklahoma originally.

Vanadium thermal vision - Lanthanide by banks of New York originally.

} // I bet I can name 6.

Corona virus doubled the per capita prevalence of sterilization levels of high testosterone by double to ten fold between 2000 and 2023.  Don't worry undescended testicles in males at age 18-21 went up in the same time frame by four fold by best estimate.  Just think we no longer have to worry about pedophile sex thanks to corona virus.

Don't worry girls now develop early thanks to a chemical DDP that is generated by the presence of Erythromycin which happened anyway it's just more common at a younger age as in double or ten fold.  All of these were present in about two to ten precent of the populous.  It's duplicious dopamine phermone.

AML just made centivendigroth for 1% of the vote each of course of an old group of guys from a long time ago.  FB might close on their heals but I know nothing.  It's a bank.

One thing that made Oklahoma special in the 1920s to 1980s was that we had a land run in 1895 where everyone who lived here moved here by like 95%.  The other thing is that we had another mass influx in 1920s and 1930s resulting in the same mass innovation melting pot.  It works like the young girl's illustrated primer.

List of animals compliant with Corona DNA = @{

Duzy black widow - Only one thing can beat black widow in a fight & it's her husband.

Black brown bear from Philmont - See also above.

Manadore - Creates an enclave of queen bees much to all knights chagrin.

Rattle snake baby rattler - Develops little early in the yr and survives hunt in Okeene.

Buggabear - Don't ask me L knows this one.

Vendegroth bat - Doremu, omnivorous and eats sugar.

Synthetics - Disbelief->Cryx, bigger balls, higher bit length data recovery correction

} // This is about half but it might be the 'best' half.

I'm pretty sure that with 2+3+2+2+2 women on average and 5 years I can have 50 babies.  So yah 100 sounds great and it's a honey bequeathal.  I wanna home school and prek unschool.  1 cooking, 1 cleaning, 1 jobbing, 1 schooling, or more.  No gray hairs at events.  I think I currently have about 10 gray hairs on my chin.

Day 140 - The girls waited till the end of the 3rd day two millenia ago so I get 4th with recanter of fix of previous day at the end cause it's all fake cause of them.  The data correction algorithm is Lordec in Mecha Tama Chan a transcriptome.  It reduced skin cancer by 75% especially UV B&C, saved more lives than Corona took, and it saves bad sectors in CDs.

The bigger balls were essentially bigger buckminister fullerene by atom count and alignment with interspersed viroidal shell transfer alogrythm bodies on nexuses applicable trained and tuned to nasal flu volume and a slight amount of death of less than 1% chances.  It's also light enough to be a pheremone once it's contracted and floats through cell walls because it's oliophylic & hydrophilic.

In return for 1 quadrillion in lost management potential by money spent on projects that the 3, 6, 9 for 3 generations didn't support like some social security benefits including the required treatment act I expect something of that value plus interest which ends up by most estimates being 1 quintillion dollars spent, not even time dietz.

There is also a marriage that didn't exist in a very major way.  As a result my asks would be force decreasure in spending over time of a quintillion dollars would for the militaries of the world would take 10 millennia to accomplish even if they decrease to a tenth their current force count.

Women who are provided sex consensual or not typically don't go looking outside the walled garden.  Women on birth control rarely look for sex.  Even male companionship is often too much.  They'd rather be alone with their cats.  It's commonly cats not dogs.

The only things worth having from the U.S. government or military would be things worth over $10 trillion.  My gifting policy limits cash to less than the tax gifting limit but it limits physical gifts outside of family extended and friends to more than a hundred.

I'm looking for a set of items physical and intangible of under 100 ct, 1 ton.  I'm looking for a minimum item value of $1 trillion and $10 trillion is a much better minimum value.  I'm sure the Smithsonian has a list.  The total value should be $1 quintillion dollars.  It's only 3 zeros interest where 1 is base inflation of stock valuation.

I'd be interested for instance in receiving 98% of all gold in Fort Knox along with the land and bank location or the hope diamond.  Paintings are almost never valuable enough.  But those two items would be over a $1 trillion as an example.

Failure to pay results in breach of contract with a Vanguard standard fee.  For a third item I'll put down thermonuclear destruction of a metro area.  My favorite is the D.C. metro.  Another thing would be organizations within the government with over a million employees.  A million employees by small cap valuation is a trillion dollars.

In the case where an organization within the government is traded to pay off debt then it would be disclosed that way in the news and the organization's founding documents would be updated to indicate the new ownership.  The ownership structure would be similar to a sole ownership large cap like Reyes or SpaceX.

Other things in the right amount would be a set of paintings worth over $100m each with the number over that value being 10,000 count.  An example is the Hirshorn, the New York Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Louvre, or the Musem of Air and Space.  So far I've focused on physical items.

Another item is a $10 trillion dollar 1 year treasury bill grant with auto renewal.  Another item would similar value of stock but I doubt it exists as something the government could give.  Another item would be individual shares of companies valued at over $1 trillion per share.  There's a short list available upon request at most European banks.  The full amount could probably paid as stock and bond but I like a mix.

An autodidactive usually states the entire previous.  So $1q->$1E15, the Vanguard standard adjustment is therefor 1E5 and the final is $1E20 or better than sex.  The asset mix definition is provided by the same company upon request and I usually aim for 80/20 or 98% and a division of estates of greater than 5 different categories.

I'm also interested in sets of patents valued at over $1 billion individually without royalty where the set is worth a total of over $1 trillion.  I'm interested in treaty agreement seats worth over $1 trillion individually.  I prefer secret patents.  Secret patent should come with the ability to convert to nonsecret with disclosure.

Valuation of patents is by Microsoft money ball.  Valuation of bonds and NFTs are by Blackrock.  Valuation of stock is by KPMG or Vanguard.  Valuation of physical items is by small cap methodology by KPMG, Sutherby's, or Christie's.

I don't allow gifts of greed.  An example of a gift of greed would be a president's daughter or granddaughter as a concubine for decades with first born pregnancy.  That wouldn't be worth enough.  The next would be control of a product line.  I felt after a decade that control of a product line that I'd purchased was never delivered.

Besides diversification by asset type or category I also like by geographical area or nation that provides it.  I plan on moving any museum goods to Oklahoma and Washington state.  In favor rural museums as a new idea.  I want it dumped at my doorstep.

Other things that are worth something to me are red bank tokens.  These are tokens at a bank that represent things like life debt, a yt-1300 freighter.  When currency, item, or intangibles can't cover the debt and maybe even before that red bank tokens can be used as long as I have some bought already.  I have the two previously above.

For the conversion of currency and red bank tokens I utilize KPMG standard conversion rates for currencies and tokens by my 2nd uncle or the court manual on cola, cashola.  For interest in the last 100 years I favor the Standard and Poor 500 index precalculated, for 50 years the Consumer Price Index, for 3,000 years the price of gold.

In the case where as part of a patent discussion, treaty, land sale, contract unfavorable wording or amount are used and all are suspect including others similar upon the request of interested parties and there are some the wording can be retroactively written and applied especially if it were that way by design.

Please reference Mr. Nobody of U.K. audit, & the Doddie, Footsie, & Fizzie audits for size.  Please reference the Zurich polytechnical, Edison and Bill Gates patent store for patents.  Patents can be tied to contractual requirements & so can bearer instruments of stock & bond.  There is an assumption that if $1b is possible so is $100b.

If a country were to owe me of my friends money and currency, items, intangibles, and tokens weren't enough by supply available then currency of that nation could be printed on demand.  I also like books worth more than $1b including printing rights.  I like rough drafts.

For reference on the cause of world war 1, 2 because for the statement of debt it is important please reference the chancellor's embassy telegraph notes specifically U.S. and also the Sandra Lucia police notes.  They both capture at the flashpoint of unhappy.  I'm a dark lighter as a title over millennia and also short term by internet.

Another example of a deliverable worth money is voting rights over stock and sovereignization of myself and a few others.  Valuation is similar to a micronation by small cap estimates.

Where items or money can't be sent or received possibility and applicability should be addressed.  Where money is not enough other commensurate attestable are applicable.  I invoke most favorable wording, client attorney privilege, and where unfavorable duress.  These are KPMG, MSFT standards.

Receival can include as a part of possibility and applicability people and organizations can be attested to as proficient in handling data, information, and money management in order to enable possibility up to an amount of a Vanguard, MSFT standard transaction fee of 1E# take the sharp and reduce it by 1 for every triplet, max 10%.

Right now my budget is 10% rent, 10% internet, 10% items that last longer than a year, and 50% food.  This indicates I'm about to receival.  I have a stomach ache that indicates that someone loves me.  I have a migraine that indicates I might get a job.  All three are sporadic over years.  I try to spend $200 a month on data and electronics.

I have things from my room to give to a museum that their value 50 years from now cannot be measured.  In 500 they'll be like the Shroud of Turin or the Lance of Loginses.  On the other hand if I keep them I have a habit that I'll just throw them out to make way for more.

MIND = @{Society Generale, I, N, Deutsche Bank} // 2/4 ain't half bad.

Currency conversion ratios are by KPMG methodology usually except in high differential near border & micronations where it's based on a 20k salary for jobs within a 2 hr drive, or hamburger economics which state that a hamburger is usually sold at the right price.  This works well with hamburger tokens & is Doge compatible.

I have an interest in disclosing 80/20 or 50% of my wealth to the public as a copy cat trader spreadsheet see above.  This is part of my "I keep no secrets" platform.  This is by bytes and dollars.  We have to disclose our Coruscant croissants or we won't value them.

Esteemed membership in four different large cap banks in Europe comprising of two in France and two in Germany is what's colloquially known as the double Dutch rub or the Swiss Chiss Bisch.  All my problems exist on the Luxembourgian line.  It extends over a river of water now thanks to a bridge of tunnel.

When I woke up just now I had a stained glass cathedral after smell hallucination in my nose that lasted for about 2 minutes.  It is characterized as smelling like a cross between natural gas and flourinert perfumes.  It happened at 1pm 4/30/24.

Unfakable disturbances = @{

Crack spiders - Side effect of rehab.

Ghosties in closed eyes - Shapes including Sangre Christo in 2d not 3d, green.

The stained glass cathedral smell - Associated with natural gas leak.

Ringing in one ear for 5 seconds or a minute - Synthetic aperture compatible, middle c.

1° dandelion - Of a color pastel blue or green, always at night, 5 ct, sporadic, parallax.

} // talking about this with your doctor makes the hair on their neck raise.

Things that are perfumes = @{


Natural gas

Flourinert fiberglass circuit board wash and coating

Electrolytic capacitors

Lithium ion batteries


I had a run in with the greens keepers association about my footwork.  Looks like we need more killing so they can feel that their skills are valued.  100 per capita local is invisible to all but the dearly departed.  The oldest over retirement age are always the dead weight.  Aim for no you don't need to defend yourself.  It's hard to compliment someone on martial arts 2022,3,4 or knives 1988,94.

Racisms = @{

Everybody else bought a bread maker.  I bought a rice cooker. - Okeene.

Everybody else manages 10 people.  I manage 8 billion. - MSFT

Everybody else is a typographer.  I'm a programmer. - KPMG

Everybody else will die under 100.  I'll live to 120. - MSFT, OSU, NWOSU (Smell)

} // At least we can laugh about it.

I walk barefoot to kill nerves in my feet so they don't hurt so much because they're so sensative.  Even on expanded metal they hurt.  That's where I got the idea.  Well and also Marsten Sensei and my doctors Liu, Vu, and Burns suggested it too.  The other half also suggested was to practice footwork.  It's a country boy trick because I'm lazy and can't get to school.

My ankles are about 1-10% most deformed according to my podiatrist.  She said homeopathic to straighten it out would be painful.  She also said that surgery was impossible.  I have malformed short feet with high arches and twisted out ankles.  It's a congenital birth defect due to a confluence of factors including being first born, my mom is small, a crown, and also mainly DNA.

As it is close to sunset on the 4th day of bankicide I must rush.  So kings protect kings and apparently also queens protect queens need to help each other get into optional providential events like kendo, mensa, boy, & girl scouts.  It would also help to hold down a job.  Optional providential events are like clubs, social gatherings, extracurricular activities, & intramural activities.  The grandmaster 2x couldn't join kendo, chess, and go.  This one is a 6 for a reason.  It took 4 kings to hold it down each time for 6 months. This the 7th line of answer.  Out of the 5 eagles all 5 were king Fe.

Part of the problem is doxxing and haterisms and as a troll I am pro doxxing and funerisms.  An example from the 80s is someone read the halmark that Bill Gates would be at a speech event.  So he caught him in the hall way with a pie to the face.  The protagonist was a pro.  He'd done dozens as an art event complete with photographer.  This was before Princess Di and paparazzi being called that.

I am a character assassins guild coordinator of interest in Mensa for assassinating characters who wonderlic my balls to freedom on a temporary reuptake slot shorter than mine because I'm the longest.  It's the most beneficial thing a testing coordinator can do.  They don't change the questions as often as you think they would.

Day 140 - Gayden Boden Powell was a Boy Scout who believed in cheating, drugs, not working, and cities in the Boy Scouts.  So we made his relative be in charge of a failing economy out of spite.  He might have been a typographer too.  He knew enough to know that the values of our for fathers exemplified by Roosevelt schools would not work in a modern economy because economies change at NSJ '94

Personality types = @{

Typographer - This is every female programmer at Microsoft.  Loves code reviews.

Stenographer - Proof Mathematicians as an example.  <= Proof compatible.

Autographer - Signs their signature a lot.  This is me.  Can express all three.


Most cheaterbater rebatement job descriptions that would help the community bang right are tanked with cheaterbaters and the opposite fence just to get a few credentials through a few times.  I hate to pick side.  Everyone knows I hate cheating.  It allows a person to erroneously think they're valuable to the continued survivability of the human race.

IQ by level of management = @{

VP / General's club - 140+-10

1st and 2nd level managers - 110

Individual contributor - 100, This may be self proven proof wise.

} // this is a broad strokes document.  Some organizations are plus or minus 10.

Drugs of senescent creation = @{

Human natural melatonin - Brains need brains. - Zombie line from DND 2004.

Actinic Gateway Release Hormone and others similar. - liver and mainly kidney

} // These are pleasurable.

If you cheaterbate a society low to reduce cheating you will fix the problem for 20-50 years which is your watch.  Within 3 generations you'll relapse.  And this is after massive effort.  If you cheaterbate a society high and it's been done before you'll fix it for 2-10 centuries historically speaking.  The darkages are example of going the wrong way.

Gifts of Ilkhanate = @{

See my own contract in full including FMG 1.5 in full and 2.5 98% standard coverage.

Porn - I video taped myself on a home secu cam that was 'secure'.  Fatimid standard.

Predefined marriages.  Fatimid, Ilkhanate, Plantagenet standard.  >=5 by crown count.


In Xanadu did Kubala Kahn a stately pleasure dome build.  I get 5 banks for day 5 which is today.  It's a banking holiday in Europe that they do it on every Spring.

Sometimes I cry silently in the shower.  Every time I do anymore.  Today I received the futures on delivery of 8 of the fragments of the tiger's eyes diamonds.  Each is worth a quadrillion because that is what it cost to mine.  They used to sit in the eye sockets of a dragon and before that a lion in Egypt so you'll know how big they were.  One is red and one is blue.  They dug through the rubble of the world trade center to find one.  I also received delivery instructions on (it's another way of saying it) on antimatter worth the same by mean expenditure of energy by Swiss standards at CERN because they're all the same but today I receive one other thing is the raise of the audit cap on the value of items by KPMG standards from a trillion to a quadrillion because today we have enough to measure.  I'm crying for the tears of a god.

AnM want countryside villa museums to house things like this so that people know to value the countryside and also the plains rivers and swans but also the plains of the water of the ocean so you'll know where you come from no matter who you are and small fishing villages are the best receptacles of knowledge on the coast.

The valuation of my title is now $1q or greater of course as the tears of a god is the heart of a mountain on Earth and my jurisdiction is greater than Earth.  COMD auctions are now allowed to be greater as we can't be spending $30k to buy $1q.  1E4 is much smaller than 1E15.  It's called the third rule.  You can always go quarter, but I guess I'm a quarter.  They don't make a third of dollar as it'd be as queer as ice.

The cost of COMD the video is now set at a $1t because it's only cost of the incarceration alone at 100k souls and $10m per soul.  I only fudged by 1 zero.  The U.S. government has attested to over a thousand at a $1t and a hundred at $1q because I must have misplaced a zero.  They can easily underwrite the national debt.  You see the Smithsonian is a closely held government asset.

I got a very hard, very beneficial standard contract out of the French Swiss federal council after they fucked my wife in the council chamber on holidays at a convention and then complained about socially appropriate behavior.  They broke bidirectionality of fair trade.  They also breached debt.  I rate them disloyal.  I usually wait a year or two and then destroy disloyal organizations.  Sometimes I'm kind to family.  I'm related to Legarde a seat on the French Swiss Federal council.  She cared enough to ride in an airplane with me for 5 long hours.  I think I whistled a song and we were quiet.

Very hard test sets = @{

French Swiss federal council


Knights Templar

House of Lords

Presidential suite

} // 5 count probably.

I like a town in Tyrol Switzerland called Tintagel.  It's actually in Cornwall.  There's three rings in Cornwall as was told by my mentor.  They point orthogonally at something we can't define and rarely move.  Tyrol has the book of names.  My name is in the book of names.  In fact I have a whole book devoted to me.  It hasn't been opened in years.

One of my Swiss customs is buckminister fullerene courtesy of BMM.  So imagine a big foil socker ball made out of a single foil rapper from a chocolate bunny that was formed around a soccer ball thats removed to create the perfect shape about as solid as tin foil.  Ok so that's how I failed to date in college.  It was about that solid of a failure.  We were so frustrated.  Everyone was.  But foil soccer ball that looked like a brick of gold dissuaded into nothing repeatedly upon being touched just like a soap bubble.  Personalities, legalities, fiduciaries, castes, nationalities were all proved to be completely nonexistent as excuses.  Like imagine a conversation between two lovers maybe it's nationality.   Ok but neither of us care about that.  Ok that's not it.  Repeatedly for a year.  We were slightly frustrated but it was about as vaporous as a soap bubble.  We fully eloped in both cases and promised to return upon allowance.  Buckminster said it best I think this shape is here just to make me look pretty.  I blamed it on the angels and god.  I said repeatedly that the reason things didn't work out was that god hated me.

An example of something as fake as buckminster fullerene is when like just happened recently the birth rate halves in 2 years time.  Now that's pretty fake.  I'm pretty sure that's not societal, foodal, or even viral.  Now there are viral influences in society that are larger than normal.  But when a guy and a girl very much in love with each other with the support of the community of over 100-1,000 hours of time spent one year on dating activity support alone for 3 people and it falls through that's pretty fake.

Day 142 - My kids will never have to put up with a testing structure for 2 generations because I don't care.  They might have to go to school or something to be legal.  But beyond that they can do whatever they want and marry whoever they want.  Felons and tatoos are ok.  I just hate drugs that's all.  So that's 1% of the populous.  And even then I don't care.  My mom said it best any woman you pick is good enough.  My wife said it best lets just elope.  What is up with poopy testing that nobody believes in and stupid legalities that nobody believes in.  While we wag our heads and wonder why we can't manage to talk to each other in the same room.  I'm pretty sure that testing doesn't influence the ability to talk to each other when facing each other directly eye to eye across a 5 person dinner party table.  The inability to talk to each other was palpable in the air like a damp cloth.

My dad defered to my mom on marriage.  My mom said anybody was ok as a wife.  L's dad said he'd support even her brother or himself if it meant she got laid and pregnant.  Her mom personally entreated me.  A's dad didn't talk to me.  Her mom said she had trouble saying yes and no and personally asked for an arranged marriage so she didn't have to.  I'm pretty sure all the mom's and all the dad's don't care.  A's dad said marry or not it is your own decision only in Japanese with cuss words over underaged beer.  My father took me to apple woods and said very similar verbiage.  He only warned me about VD and prostitutes which is normal for a doctor.  I have a Buckminster compatible fix to unfuckable and untuckable contracts.

A's now has a contract that reads like a templar slave contract standard and poor with slave replaced with templar order member from birth and before birth including lineally.  AnL both have EOTS slavery contracts in COMD just like the original in the movie in Jammy town.  And they no longer care about their contract beause of their age which is why it's lineal forwards and backwards and side to side just like in Jammy town.  And still nobody cares.  Oh that's worth it.  It required repairment of a bitcoin miner.  That's all it required.

I'm also A's god parent captain and can set god father at will for her and others in her family under Chinese law including 3 kids and a grandkid just like in U.S. military law.  I also own tomorrow land including reversion of assets to nothing like the U.S. and Chinese militaries.  You can read about it at the monorail in Seattle but you'd have to read it to get the joke.  It goes back farther.  See the army of tomorrow land isn't the army of the U.S.  It's the army of Jammy town.  Don't worry the religion of tomorrow land is my perview including catholicism, gnosticism, and religions since then like the church of catholicism in England and France including the Louvre and Notra Dame.  See it was always tomorrow land after Jesus died about half way on the cross for about a half hour.

I guess the French Swiss Federal Council got the Jammy town fixatives and curatives because they were patient and waited till last place so far.  God it's after dark so that's day 6 for 6 banks and 6 women and 6 of something else.  BMM and I riff off each other almost as good as Josh and me do according to Marsten Sensei who met all 3 there were others in the room.  The advantage to Jammy town fixatives and curatives is just that they're more hilarious to read out slowly in English.  I have a laugh to publish fixation.  I didn't know that.  Dobrinksi at soccer at 5 with A at a younger age did say that, "she's not your girl."  Why?  Because she wouldn't hang out with me even if I offered her fruit punch.  If a girl sits beside you she's solid.  If she's 4 chairs away she's 4 chairs away.  EOTS is about the era of Marco Polo.

The military isn't dicks.  They're dicks on steroids that can't procreate cause their prostates the size of the moon.  They're succor girls that provide falatio to traveling traders and smugglers but mainly smugglers.  Both of these are curatives in EOTS.

My AGRE is not my IQ.  There's a conversion factor between AGRE and IQ that makes use of Y-MX+B.  It is designed for college preparatory analysis and not for accuracy.  The actual IQ is usually within 10 points of the displayed score.  My wife sat on the GRE board when they were vetting the new process.  It was a small case of nepotism.

My cousin is a VP, ACL, Represent for Merc and can rope in 2-3 other companies of similar size in the pharmaceutical industry for projects.  Over Christmas I opined that happiness wasn't really my thing.  I'd started by thinking that life would be great.  Right now, I'm pretty sure I'm mainly interested in kids.  So Merc is expected to kick of a product that they're sure will be popular called having super horny kids for my 2nd niece and having kids at all for me and my brothers.  I think we can tie in Libby, Teva, and Corvus because they're two Zyprexa vendors of a primary prescription by value and thirdly a closely held family company by BMM and Herzog.

Several kings including 0, 100, 100, 3, 6, 9, black, POTUS, KOE, SON, SAM all have problems with hobbies, jobs, and indentured servitude of a populous.  Rulership goals went straight to just read the instuctions sheets that left the industry headless for 15 years.

AnL had averge BMIs in 2015 at KPMG when they visited me.  No dating came of it.  L sat in front of a computer for a few hours.  No one talked to her.  But then again no one talked in the same room as her.  It was a cube farm with 8 people in it.  There were whispers a football field away.  A walked past and at least 2 guys whistled, and 4 heads turned.  I remember my thoughts at the moment very well, "Would you look at that ass?  Holy shit.".  I didn't say a word.  I'd gauge them at about 20-24 BMI, 100-130 pounds.  L has an aster butt.  A has a Filipino butt.

One group of disloyal is Vietnam war ROTC generals.  They all go tonka bay oil modes of thought.  We invented lithium ion batteries to break a habit.  Another is Russian military with Lithuanian Baltic oil aspirations.  It's always a military, oil, cold war conjunction.  They all survive on complete proteins, salt, and beer.  Their mental stamina is approximately 4 hours a day for 4 days as a result.  Their medications are universally hypertension with a specialization of testosterone depletion prevention so they can grasp tightly the last few years of service.  They universally have a mid cap private ownership in the Fe that has a combination of preferential treatment and indentured servitude.  Due to low promotion acceptance it's hard to find replacements which is their one ray of hope.  They also typically have a mofi don of a metro in the Fe.

If a weapon hasn't generated a kill even an individual 1 person kill in over a decade it isn't very useful.  It's only use is as a deterrent which is a classification of arms and armor.  Deterrents are stockpiled in some cases.  I mean there's training too but that's about it.  There are treaties that govern deterrent ratios in mutual nuclear disarmament so everyone who signed it has already signed off on it.  The only thing is accounting properly for weapons miss allocated based on design not usage.  Examples of signatories are the Warsaw pact, NATO, and the commonwealth.  It's designed as a one two punch with the Nantucket Convention last summer.

The U.S. realized this was useful and did their audit in under 6 months by asking for kill count statistics from every major and general.  Well then in under 6 months they shipped half their planes to scrap yard in New Mexico.  It's not a salvage yard.  Then in recent months they ordered a large quantity of F-22s and F-35s.  They did ask air force generals if they would risk cold war era planes in Ukraine, Afghanistan, Iran, or Israel.  We vaguely have to have a war for this but the results are spectacular.  That's how old the planes are.

Mars could be terraformed by simply burning all the trapped methane.  It's much lower concentration but you should get 2-20° Celsius out of it.  When you put two kings in the same room it frequently changes the world.  We have a problem where we have domain knowledge that goes cross domain when we meet.  It's an odd effect to notice repeatedly.

If a military has primarily toy or deterent weapons then it is declared unable to defend itself.  If a military of a country has a base with unpaid rental and utility fees which are probably a large part of the pie of over a billion dollars back pay then they are declared derogatory payment collection status within the Swiss accounting system or the international nomenclature of planets.  At that point they are unable to process payments to buy new arms and armor.  They are unable to write checks to purchase arms and armor as they don't pay their bills on a military to military basis even if they exempt out the nation by saying the military is a company.  There are a lot of ways of looking at it but sometimes one nation does a all the protecting for free and that's not very fair.  Oh and the inability to process checks for arms and armor is already a part of the check payment, clearing house, and currency exchange treaties.  At last news report Germany went from paying .1% of its base rental to paying 1% of its base rental because of Merckle.  Of course some of the proceeds from sales and back rentals will probably go towards paying off the national debt which raises the U.S. credit rating.  I think we're being dinged by other nations delinquency.  Now you know what we talk about on family extended holidays.

Arms and armor provisioned sales already in progress will be continued as long as the treaty shall stand but future treaties can't be provisioned until terms and conditions are met including the payment of the previous agreement.  Exempt status is applicable for treaty lands under construction or in use by foreign military who pay in liu of the current government.  In other words Germany has to pay for the English base of transition of ownership of a vessel.

I had asked for audit finding compensatory damages applicable under law to be found and executed by treaty and paid by me to me to be in the format of a previous agreement with Degroot of a Vangaurd standard, MSFT standard, or 10% least of these applicable.  They're not all applicable every time.  Payable as a check, gold dumped at my door which was his idea or bond sales which was my idea of 1 year t-bill bearer instruments.  People will say CD all day long but a bearer instrument only pays taxes on inception in the bank.  Toby says I've made 1/4 billion so far as a payment for the KPMG DOD ATK, CSC, CA audit set.  If you pay for your software they'll make more of it.  You get what you pay for and we don't do it for free.  It's a curative.

I theorized that you could measure the thermolytic efficiency of the military at paying off national debt.  Unfortunately I thought it had a greater chance than fusion and maybe percentage too.   BA owns Rolls-Royce so at least it's bidirectionally omnidirectionally the same.  Don't worry debt incurred bidirectionally is accounted for at both ends differently and this is in itself a conundrum until you realize they fudged the numbers by 2% each time to account for time differences in currency conversion calculations which KPMG does as an audit additive automatically providing a trusted third party in the batch audit findings.  Sometimes it's called a match by KPMG UK.  Sometimes words vary and I can't make every one right.  This is also a curative.  Like kind transfers should be accepted for internationally as long as they're agreed on as applicable in a previous treaty and tracked internationally by international sales vendor treaty attestation partners like the french swiss council and some other's previously mentioned because you really should track like kind transfers I'm sure you'll be amazed how it turns out.  - MT 7/23 constubuler party attendee.  I had to turn out a party to keep my credentials alive for AnL marriage scenarios.  I think they do this just to make themselves tired.  We said that one several times several different ways in front and behind my back.

Need a new paragraph.  Treaties formed under a single account including under a single grand writ transitive account pass through to the account holder who is held liable for the whole amount of debt incurred by the agreement including terms not upheld.  If an account holder has tokens allowing him to print money then I recommend he do so.  Punishment for debts of over $3m can be tried internationally against sole owner or multi small party account holders as hacking death sentences as that fraudulent grand writs are a form of fraudulent money transfer fraud.  You have to say it a few times to get the joke.  I usually type a section and wait for complaints on social media before committing the atrocity of posting to live internet.  Debts of A and her boyfriend are over a billion dollars of fraud and as a result they are to be handled in situ without remorse under international law.  I think this might be better than an ITAR scandal.  At over a billion dollars not even protected status matters.  I don't protect.  Also gamerisms and gofj are only good for an approximation of how much was paid for them.

They have a phrase for the bishops of the church of England and god's green earth and that is you are what you eat.  It's a Nicemonger curative.  5 house of lords seats were named on the 1st indictment to keep the court case load light and allow the legal system to progress.  It has to do with distributing the odds of success while maintaining top notch legal teams on each case.  Gifts of greed and marks of greed are fraud.  They allow one side to give or receive something at the wrong price.  Even if it's bidirectional it's usually unequal and results in repeated theft.  If gifts of greed are sufficiently imbalanced then the balance must be corrected by removing all the marks and gifts to restore balance to the force.  We don't do it for free even if it's greedy.  This is also a Julius Caesar curative.

In the case where a person or nation wishes to pay more than their nations m1 money supply they have to use m2 money supply instead.  I know it sounds corny but it is humorously enough true that you shouldn't devalue currency that much.  Bonds dissolved as a form of laundry reignite the flame of debt.  Some of my treaties and agreements specifically surrounding debt forgive a small amount up front as a form of recompense for signing less favorable terms for some but not all countries.  It's usually about a million-dollar Matt and about my 2%.  The order of operation rarely matters.  It is an amount that I felt generated solid in the past according to MSFT and it has had a great track record.  The other was an amount that generated solid between the U.S. and Germany when solid was in short supply under Merckle.  My breach of contract fees are usually VG annual fee, MSFT auditor payment fee, or a billion.  It's a million to see the amount.

Red bank tokens may be expired to print bonds or currency to cover debt however as I consider it's about the same the source of the red bank tokens sometimes especially if you have an unlimited quantity.  I picked 5 guys with unlimited quantity who sat on the board of the red bank and bank of England bridge structure, and I bet we can get 5 CE and 2 others.  This also satisfies a request of mine to increase the usage of red bank tokens in business and governance.  If you're gonna make it you should use it.  Both of these are curatives.

Kings get screwed by gifts of greed on the ratio and I play by the ratio and as long as the ratio is bad I don't play.  When it's good I cash in my chips.  It's how I play ball.  It's why I'm successful.  I don't do charity.  I've been kicked out of groups for charity.  I don't do forgiveness unless it's mutual, if it's a addendum to someone else's forgiveness, or if it's a court case that I preside over where the person to be forgiven has spent money on the case.  I already decided that everyone who's not a felon is going to heaven.  Sometimes my forgiveness is retroactive or forward reaching.  You'll understand after your forgiven that it's not that great because you've got less of a reason to improve.

I also pointed out that payment could be made by eating treaties, agreements, writs, and clocks on an alogrythmic analysis basis.  KPMG has an agreement value calculation system that's very viable in this case.  My uncle then commented, "Clocken schmidt, that's what they call it."  As long as it's mutually tenable.

One of the major tenants of the Natucket Accords is the like kind dissuasion of debt in a tricyclic fashion.  So either you are dissuaded entirely by the signing bonus or you have to form a tricyclic agreement basis between three nations willing to trade debt.  See tricyclics are slightly more solid than bicyclics.  Two would result in one pulling out on the other.  But with three you can run it in reverse direction if there's an oddity.  The United States wrote it and people did sign it.  By now all the freebies have signed or 20/80.  We have a handful of cyclics.  The U.S. has had a bear of a time signing.  They can't find people to help them sign.  It's a bit of an oddity.

Another signing bonus is that each time the agreement is signed each signer is allowed to append to the end a page and a half of notes front and back if necessary to comply with international beyond compare standards for song writing and information laundering.  It allows those who take those notes seriously to add something to the agreement each time that they value as local flavor so getting in in the middle, beginning, or end are all good for different reasons.  These are out of order for a reason.

Signatures for France, Germany, Britain = {

The tears of a king by King John in his own handwriting.  She was Britain.

Marie Antoinette's own beheading instructions

Hansel and Grettle's own marriage to each other

} // They were all tears.  They were all in their own handwriting.

When England, France, and Germany sign for instance after the rotation they are able to include for later an amount for the designitory underpaid.  U.S. is the underpaid as no single group of 3 could equal the debt owed the U.S.A.  So for now at least we need to hunker down and bunker up more cash reserves in liu of payment so that at some point we can repay.  It's commensurate to the amount on paper so that the U.S. isn't overpaid compared to the undersigned of each agreement including fortnight inclusions of which there have been many so far.

Out of the 4 they select an underpaid.  And that underpaid gets to select for the next agreement the underpaid.  You'll never guess where they flied.  They flew f4 phantoms half way as honor guard.  They flew too fast in a lear jet to keep up.  They flew the documents in a euofighter and not even god in a box jet could keep up.  Fox bat means box.

Each signatory is allowed to cross out words and rewrite the document and pass it along.  The undersigned this time crossed out I and rewrote it oui.  She couldn't.  The cross outs are limited but not really.  It's the same rules as Josh's contract with the military.  His eyes burned so red when they crossed out in front of him and presented him the final copy on the same paper.  He was required regardless of quality to take corrections and I allowed only a scant few as he was signing as my follower in tears.  The pen of the corrector dug on his own tears.

The number of corrections is similar to the number allowed on the Wonderlic, GRE, ACT, GMAT, GED, LSAT, HSET, AP Calc, AP Physics of which I've taken half.  A teacher is allowed to correct and amend a result upon request or opinion of malfeasance of another teacher or whatever you want to put down I think.  Malfeasance has to be the greatest single word to discover.  Oh it is merely malfeasance just sounds so cool.

Each signer gets to select the next set as a chain letter.  And after 3 rounds the previous signer 3 rounds ago gets 2% cash back from each signer.  So yah it's good to be early.  It's a Grandma Talley curative that Mom Talley vaguely believed in.

England smashed clocks that were hundreds of years old to match remittance for the other 3.  See their jets, the engines are from France and the airframe from Germany, so not much from U.A.E.

France sent their copy to China out of respect for the dead along with whoever wanted to sign because they're all within range of a thermonuclear missile by Iranian contra affair standards or British Intelligence standards or Kim Jong Il's last missile standards, which means it might be Japan.

The clocks smashed in England were from Hastings's own collection from the war of the Roses in some cases.  Kind of sad really but when you break the clock you burn the document forever so it never repeats again.  See the clock is the document on the backplate revealed at the right time now by France gifted and France received.  The clocks here in denoted were designed to be destroyed today.

In the middle east the distance is by the rock as the crow flies or bordering in other words.  See it's always their favorite weapon for beating each other with.  Afghanistan was L's choice because she served there once upon a time in Mexico.  It might have been a neighbor, but yah.  And so begins another signing where the chain letters matter.

I think L might have gone to Israel rather than Afghanistan for pro-semitic reasons being from New York and all.

Day 143 - Today I just got the 4 point reunification of the King of England which is enough to be the King of England unhidden.  I also get a seat on the house of lords as a bishop of the Church of England.  They're both stowable deployable within a few generations while people respect the effort.  It's her birthday.

Kings of England = @{

Jennings - Necromonger

Phillip - Cousin

Kay - Cousin of a knight winning

Wallace - No child proof required

Stewart - Not a good steward but really an overly good steward

} // All 4 are gameable.

I also get the Mandalorian cross regardless and it's never been given.

Contracts of the Nantucket Convention = @{

Japan gave the dying words of a disgraced king Emporer Hirohito.  

China gave the final words of Chairman Mao Zenrai.  He unified China.

Korea gave the marriage contract of Dae Jang Gume from a cave.  She lived.

Israel gave the contract of a god.

India has already selected besting of Alexander the great by Chandra Gupta

} // I bet a dollar that I'm right 80/20

The typing program gets better the longer you type. - Mavis Beacon '95

Unexplainable events = @{

Silent treatment - She (plural) decided to not talk to me twice

Intermural & B Ball turn down - Once cell once friends actually 5 times total

Xbox James bond yes - I don't know why two girls would be gamer girls

D&D no - Ok so we know they're both gamer girls why can't the guys ask the girls.

Pool yes 1 no 1 - Still find this odd as they're both good pool players.

Cards yes 1 no 1 - Ok so one did cards the other did pool?  These two are a set.

Failure to say hi after being put in a room with a boy or living adjacent - 2015, 17


Shrodinger's duplicious paradox.  Ok you take two cats.  You put them in two boxes.  You then open the box the next day and they're either both dead of both alive.  The odds of the clock killing them are 1/100 so there's a rarity.  Or it's 50% same diff.  You do the experiment several times with the covalence of bonding.  You then do the same thing but one box after the other.  See I'm pretty sure you can prove communication of either the clocks or the cats with this device.  I'm not sure which.  This is a Nobel peace prize on quantum entanglement.  My only improvement is socialization.

Ok so why are the two best pretorite not boy scouts with a hankering for the unavailable?  Why are POGOs in COMD non computer credential holders?  Why is the Grandmaster of the Templars never allowed in?  Why does the green weenie never do drugs?

The iron lorder oil baron dream was about Russian Oil Oligarchs in Franch territories for the weather and Baltic sunsets aren't as good as French waves.  The wheat market is the Enid wheat market.  The red and orange and bloody notes are twitter notes written on paper airplanes to be sure.  The house is a $35 or $10^^50 which mean the same thing which is explained in the dream.  The iron golem was a $36 purchase which means I have more money than god's green gravy.  I spent $35+-2 on infodelis in another dream on the same subject.  The oil and wheat on Earth and Mars are manipulated including soil samples.  I bet past $40.  It's a simple answer and easy to deceive.  Not more than $100 but I am a hundred as well as a nine.  It's easy to hide.  Maybe I need a bigger house, but we bought $35 lineally at Jesus including a slow build time that's done.  Why hit yourself and complain?

Age groups are by binary.  So a game is rated 4-8 years old maybe for legos.  so 1,2,4,8,16 years old.  So you can go up or down one to be nice and because we're ambiguous near the line.  So as a 44 year old I could go 16-128.  Funny thing is a 18 year old would hate a 70 year old on general principle.  But a crown gets two delineations of deviations.  So I'm actually good for 8-256.  There's also a baby fix.  So b=g.  It's called baby goo.  So ABC are compatible with FGH.  So 0-4 is compatible with 16-128.  This allows women to raise kids.  Then there's guys named Bill Gates and they're always compatible with BG and wings no matter how old they are.  It's a Gates fix that they know about lineally which is why he's named that and why he's successful.  Another fix is BetaCarotine in carots unlocks 0-8 because it's a B and C vitamin all in one.  Those are the only Bs I know of although almost any B vitamin will work that way but just not as well as it might not be bicameral between individuals but in retrospect omnidirectionallity should be enough as you could pick either direction.  You'd just impersonate the wrong age with the B vitamin.  It's only good for B so 0-4 though.

So to put into perspective the crew at Kendo.  There's a Lucreciello family member for southern wine and MGM grand and 4 other studios and an El title.  There's Burgess for English courtly behavior liasons.  There's a Neal Stevenson family member for Tom Bookery.  There's a Lim, Kim, Liu, Yu, setup for Chinese linages.  There's a doctor specializing in sports medicine including vitaminic frequencies of the soul.  There's a Buddhist family member with a castle he doesn't live in.  There's a ninjitsu attestation lineal family member that got kicked out along with me for practicing nonlinear martial arts like ninjitzu in her case and farmer tool culture in mine.  My tool culture is so so.  It's unranked as we keep no ranks for our purposes.  We just say I could beat half the town and maybe all but two people.

My kendo and Aikido teacher get along.  They don't talk often.  They tiff but not bad.  They also spill dirt on me to each other but no eggregarious like other members of my friend's circle.  It's like I told my Aikido teacher, "You know the girl I'm practicing for isn't here with me because I don't think she cares at all."

Usually in the U.S. they expect male female participation because it shuts down long term involvement which would detract from police work.  As a result a few are allowed to stay to teach the class while most eschew to family matters.  I lost my ankle and you could say it was internal to the team but that's not right.  Marsten Sensei stood up for me and lost his knees.  And my friend from Enid who was a real estate clerk lost his leg too.  It might have been his family in Seattle that he was staying with.  Also the Boeing engineer who did moonlighting with the police department got shot in the leg.  It was very common in that era and even now.  It was not internal.  On my ankle one of the verification experts spoke with a London accent.  He wanted to see his handy work before he flew back and spent an hour waiting to see me hobble past.  It's not an American problem when my ABR was my French cousin in law and Bill Gates.  The people who showed up at least showed they cared.  It was the same with Marsten Sensei's knees.  They gave him all the best advice.

In Jubei Chan the anime two schools of martials arts are at war with each other.  There's a format for this in Eastern and Western culture both as well as the national and international courts of several nations.  It resolves certain issues for the Shinoda clan and was previously discussed at Kendo practice with BMM around.  I can't say his name I can't because he's so famous already.

I theorize that Kendo and Jiu Jitzu events should have a prevention of exitorium through an entrotorium into a club school of sex school-ology including bukakke events.  It's male female compatible.  It's not always one way.  It just means thank you.  But yes sexy sexy time events should exist for we should not forsake the teachings of our forefathers who said to be fruitful and multiply like in the bible and such.  I'm going audio synchrotic again which is ok as long as it's not obvious.

So I had some 2Σ diagnosis treatment pairs and they went to 1Σ rarity with pink with 3Σ writeups with Muliet Liu and BMM.  Who both wrote on each other's cred sticks.  And as a result they're now debased both ways in the eyes of doctors and physcicians and psychiatrists.  You have to spell it worng someties.  Grandpa Fowler was on MC radio when a bunch of new recruits peirces each other s ears with chop stick or pencil.  It was a bloody mess but nos service.  DId you know that Radu's spell check fixes all this lineally ebore we had PCs?  WHy did we misspell before we ahd pcs.  Inclduing ithe speelll check quieckion mark.  This is a test a real test of the translation mark 2.0.

Smith left because he got married.  Too bad really.  He was one of my solidarity pratners.

Paul Nicemonger is my Great Grandfather's friend and comrade in arms.  He cried a lot in his old age.  Paul Talley cried none at all.  Paul Nicemonger woke up every morning in tears.  He had gunk in his eyes that had to be cleared out.  He had red rings.  It was not his cause of death.  He taught me the necromonger handshake of chinoda ancestral atribution automatically making it a simpacticum agreement and advancement of 4th dan in the necromonger system which is mostly about bloodlines and not skill level becuse the bloodline is enough unless you steal it which I did both.  But not really becaues it's hard to steal a necromonger attribution of kingly virtues.  Singoda #111 attribution byself and friendship alone becuase I"m not alone in this attribution.  Great grandpa talley flipped me off.  He gave me the finger.  It's one of two of eye of gromsh.  My payment and recompense was a mcdonald's hamburger from the local burger station intown.  In kiowa there is only a gasro pub style of burger station to this day as a result.  They still serve exlcelent burgers.  It's like poisoning a god to give him a burger on his dying day in a gastro pu nursing statuion.  She knows.  I know this now.  She mentioned a clue at some point.  SO I know shinoda clan by attribution of blood 117.  and smoe morel  this si soppse to be ve y otheruick  to misspell worls according to nearl stevenson and then auto correct it .. o not.  don't worry he weight in a well according to his cousin at kendo.  who would never attribution affiliation.  i ahve to pusas of r frustration.  ahve is a word forme.  my belessing is ealed by nero monger formal doteisl.  it's the best blessing insurance tha tmoney can buy.  only you can't but it.  with montey.  that's about long enoguh.  enoguh is nother word i mispell exactly like that.

So beyond just making testosterone junkies one nut butters, and early prostate problems, we also makd them pronicus experiences of not being able to say yes or no.  In factt that all they are aboue .  Aboue is my word another of them.  I've ahd problems to tpning for yrs.  Ahd is nother one.  nother is another one.  THey fuck ike robots.  Cappital h in they is other one.

Ok so we did a lot of prelaunch data role diagnosises.  They read like an antilaunch prprgandda roll.  THis was in 1988.  I also came up with the idea of going cornucopia with ifrit mode in about the same time.  Mom made it up.  I agreed.  There were two things that BMM said would get me through the process faster when it came to marrying.  One was lawless.  2 was contract reset.  3 was about 4-20 presidential order of ascension assassinations in 2-5 countries.  He figured it would take 5 assassinations before people woke up.  We're currently on 2 and maybe 3.  It's the King of Thailand who died of Corona Virus and another Asian leader same story and the Queen of England.

Eseisktnially there are three things I did to screw up the worldm, suicide kings, Hubbard's wheat peak, and late arrival of Jesus.  That and late marriage but I didn't do that one.  Ok apple coring that's 4th.  These all started in '88.  We extended the end of the day by about 10-15 years since then.

Typography app is hard to develope.  Even when I type right I still spell Eurpopeon or other.

Today we arrested half the 10 angry men generals and half the generals of greed.  They had debts unpaid and crimes they couldn't pay for in the past.  It amounts to theft in most cases from the Virginia Beach lockup.  Some of them are facing military court martial resulting in a death sentence.  The guilty are a minority of about 2%.  I lost about 2% of my items today to match and about 2% of the total items released were lost.  It was the largest release of items ever.  A lot of guys waited for the right moment when their stuff wouldn't get stolen from them.  AnL played along with the ring which she was pretty sure she'd get back.  Few people steal platinum.  I had a few items of my own from MM's stash.  It was a good turnout.  The emails worked really well.  So did postal mail.  Those who resisted arrest were shot in the face so there's not an open coffin funeral.  It was cordially attended and everything went well.

Family members arrested family members and it was tracked whether they did the dirty deed and if they didn't they were arrested instead.  About October of last year we did about half the lichness 10 in Enid and Stillwater, Oklahoma.  We had 4 subject matter experts and 4 4 star generals turn out.  People married people in jail to keep assets they couldn't keep for people they couldn't meet.  They did lockups in 4 states and it included Wells Fargo which was where my stuff lost a pair of glasses.  Theft->Court Martial->Jail->DIshonorable Discharge->Strip Lineal Title and Receivership and other things.

We married 100-200 people at COMD locations today on a random number generation basis.  They all put the cup on the other cup with the money.  They put the ring given them on the finger.  They signed and walked out.  In some cases they're already laid.  It became known as fraternization with the enemy because they fucked the enemy in some cases.

Day 145 - The Military is now greed.  Every military bill must now be submitted as greed and accounted for internationally.  MREs, cafeteria bills, and party planning and expenses are now greed and must be accounted for internationally.  The generals must disclose their bribes at parties as greed internationally.  I had asked for the destruction of Greed.  It allows for tracking of Greed but the thing was the tracking was around 2% coverage for the U.S. Military.  As a result it was more of a liability than an asset.  There is no greed anymore.  Things don't have to be tracked but they have to be accounted for normally.  Today I got the greedacolypse.  It wasn't worth it.  That's my opinion as well as my mentors.  He couldn't decide and let me.  Military providential contracts are an item of greed and must be submitted internationally.  The liability of such contracts is born by those signed unless under duress.  I don't have to get it perfect.  When 7/8 hours a day are spent on Amazon you're a thief.  Greed is now theft.  Also fraud was decided to be theft a month ago.  Soda and wine are now greed.  Anything I've seen in the last few years is now greed by UPC code.  The generals asked for the destruction of greed by majority vote 15 years ago.  They even had tips on it and which parts were the worst.  Military service is safer than Chicago.

Due to the prevalence of military mistreatment of citizens in nearby cities some bases that were leased have failed to renew their leases on an election based time frame by length of lease and timing.  I got a key derogatory note from the U.S. Military but so did the fortune 100 under an equal quality bar.

Due to the destruction of Gifts of Greed the military, police, and bureau of prisons now have to downsize.  The military under an equal quality bar has to give itself a key derogatory.  Delusions of Grandeur is also destroyed as a subset of Gifts of Greed.

A king's place is not in some drafty castle cowering in a corner.  A king's place is leading his people into battle.  - King George the lion heart, et al.

I have a mark of platinum by love and sterling silver by reputation.  Sometimes a fired general has a hot retort when it comes to marks of key derogatory.

Examples of black, white lists = @{


Conceal and Carry

Banned Travel

Pot Card

Virus - Black and White

Pedophile involvement - E.g. School

Liquor license for excessive consumption or sales on days

Cigarette over quota sales or purchases - I know it sounds odd but it's real

Dr. Pepper at a soda establishment - I apparently need this one.

Gun white list regardless of criminal record or jurisdiction - License to Kill

Porn lawless


You can't really steal a company from its founder. - McDonald, Franklin, Dell, Morgan, Jefferson, Kennedy.  Each of these people has struggled with this topic and I know cause I met them to discuss it.

A 200k, 500k and possibly 1m salary options with a 20% Thanksgiving Bonus would reduce cyclic seasonal stock torque by most of it stabilizing the holiday stock market.  It would also by amount subsidize important jobs that frequently engage in graft to pad the lining.  The amount would deter graft as most people would be in the wrong price range.  In fact my dad has been a proponent of higher salaries for senators and congressmen for decades since before I was born.  It is not a burden to the state or organization at under 1% occupancy.  The 20% bonus would reduce loan torque at Christmas where people repeatedly try to by $5k and $20k items for instance guns, laptops, and cars.  Everybody does it.  Everybody gets a loan.  It's 10-20% of the income of a bank.  A good signing bonus, 3 year turnover, or 7 year tenure performance bonus is a house.  The loans alone will save you 6k a year.  You either pay your Senators in money or torque.  Our Senators are very torqued.

"You can't have receivership because you're naked all the time."

"Common quality bar ... would fail 99.98% of people.  Best 9/10."

Thanks to the ambiguity of many to many gift tax law AnL got 17.5k of diamonds from the New York triangle bank in that one movie.  That's right L got jewed.

Untouchable = @{




Gift of Greed

10 Angry Men

Feelings of Remorse

Delusions of Grandeur


Above Remorse

Max Dosage

} // I can't decide if these are good or bad

So we came up with the idea of a just read the instructions or JRTI.  When we built the documents we decided there would be loyal and disloyal groups of people.  So the disloyal usually complained about difficulty.  So we gave them a document that detailed options that were attractive, and embarrassing.

List of Vitamins for Chelation = @{

// Heavy Metal

Colloidal Silver

Colloidal Gold



// Central Nervous System




// Marrow


} // Go double max dosage on Wikipedia

We'll probably get 10x↓->10x↑ life expectancy and 7ct->15ct promotion gifts and well promotions too but that may be obvious.  We'll probably also be de-ostracized to a larger radius of trade, travel, and information prevalence.  I am a man that turns 1 into 2.

It's probably in the Nantucket accords but.  If an organization has a protection that it believes in that only it has that it doesn't share with other organizations.  For example the U.S. Military has Gifts of Greed that no other organizations generate, recieve, or process.  Other organizations are not required to recognize those protections.  Some organizations are aloof and off in their own little world.

If a nation has a lot of protections and tokens that only it believes in then it's a safe bet that while signings and decisions about those tokens and protections are being processed it should have delayed accounting so that generals and congressmen don't cause crimes during the processing.  It saves them from fighting a losing battle.  These things may be common sense as well as being fixatives and curatives.  So yah we created a shard of accouting just like in Ethereum for a few days for testing for Mars.  Josh said he got stripped of something he valued already that he noticed today.  He wasn't unhappy.

Day 146 - Bitcoin is in my Boeing song from 7/11/11.

I'm protection and blessing stripping.  Think things that were written on bathroom walls during the industrial revolution at say Edison Electric with Edison in charge ok.  Sometimes the time varies but the technology varied a lot during a time frame and there are some very odd herbal remedies.  It's not herbs at all.  Stuff like calf liver.  We have a thing now called science.  It may not be great but it's better than alchemists' gold which is in short supply.  So umm Club M and LMC's Military friends are doing the stripping and replacements.

Deuger was a detail guy.  Like Matt.  So he could tell you a book by a fortune teller cooking.  She has problems with her eyes seeing things she can't define or tell about.  Only the eyes are in her hips and have eyes for another man every time she's around Matt.  But she's not all bad.  She's a good cook according to my wife. - Deuger '05 verbatim extant.  A's a good pool player but she cheats and I don't and she gets antsy when I push her hard and win.  She gets pissed off over my technique that isn't what she'd expect and is a little bit abusive but fair.  I block the holes and she hates it.  That's the short version like above.  A figured out she could go shopping with a shaperone of Tommy, and then when Tommy got awkward around other men, cuckold, she would shiv him off and go play pool and drink and party with an older crowd same as L.  L has a problem similar involving prostitution.  It's common with domineering dad's like Liz and especially Beth Tyree.  See A got along great with Beth and Josh in a threesome experience one time and that was all she broke it off like a good girl.  It's a preacher's daughter complex.  You can candy ass it but she just hates you.

Bill says that I have a problem called tiger's anonymous.  See they like to be anonymous about their drinking habit with small children.  See A's daddy saw the look in her eye and knew right away what to do.  Yellow pee girls deserve older men and when you're old you'll thank me for not putting you in the fold.  But A likes young men now cause she's cross dimensional age group wise.  She likes them old young the same just in reverse order all the time.  Doesn't matter the age only the difference.  She's a pedophile by design and your dad knew it when she was 3 and he called her on it and her dad said it was lineal.  The Talley family isn't so bad about it cause they're boys lineal and no one wants to take advantage of young boys.  But Mom Talley knew and she was kind of that way so hope for the best and keep out of her hair around young men when she hits on them and sexes them up and down on a slathered pole of ebony and ivory just like in the movies you can watch for 595 with a 18 yo and a 58 yo.  Only think a little bit different and about as legal in most cases.  She doesn't break the law.  Oh that's hilarious.  Umm titles are like that I guess.

I beat AnL both at pool existentially.  A likes to thump it hard and hit my balls in hopes forlorn.  I like to thump it soft and wait for it to coallesce on the pocket vergence.  It's called virgil porn.  She knocked more of my balls in than I did.  I mean like 50/50.  I wone with 3 balls on the table.  She literally yelled at a spitting volume to not be an asshole.  Using literal cuss words for the 1st time in years.  I beat Northam too 2/3 and she didn't play me a 2nd time then.  He had poor stamina but better pocket control and blocked or fasted me enough that he got one.  But she liked Northam because he was fast, dirty, and winnable.  I played A 2nd time that day and thumped her a 2nd time and she refused 3rd.  But I still got 2/3 which is all I care about and asked the same reward of course.  Northam vs A 2/3.  Talley vs Northam 2/3.  So he asked me what he should ask for so he could give it to me which means he's not all bad just annoying when he responds to not cheat.  Call him once and that's it.

In the psychward I won 8/10 and they quit playing because they liked the wins to be more fairly split.  There was an intro game and I won.  Then I played 2/3 against 2 guys back to back.  Then I played odd balls for 2 but never attracted a 2/3.  They got tired of losing and said they'd only allow 2 losses on those odds.  I asked for ass and got Dr. Pepper.  I didn't have to play again because I'd already won twice and they knew it.  The girls got to stay another 6 months and take the crappy drugs that I was on so that they weren't so different.  I think they hated it but 6s do drugs not 9s.  I think that was one of the lines.  The doctors were kind and caring and I took offense at them treating girls well and boys mean and I'd just won against two boys.  I said, "lets play a little game called I've lived a very hard life and I expect her to too.  See if she's skimps on it then we won't be very compatible and she won't want to date me.  We'll break up and that'll be the end of the title.  So tell her that she needs to live hard if she expects to live with me."

The girls in the rehab club were riding an elliptical trainer after not taking drugs so they could say they went through physical rehab for things that were not an ankle biter routine.  And they were torturing the boys so they'd eventually give up.  AnL caused my relapse twice.  The third time will be very hard for the girls to live through.

So after 2/3 there's 5 and nobody liked it because it was too close to previous.  7 is called lucky number sleven because you get to kill her if you like when you win.  Northam said nobody would go beyond 3 on me.

To put psychward pool into perspective I had to show guys how to rack the balls.  So there were I figure 3 qualified players and I was welcome to try a 3rd but put it off just in case.  The men playing new the quality of the goods and could have turned a profit by buying me either by return or divestiture of assets or reallocation of title.

A makes a little meh meh like a mewing lamb on an incline climber and I could hear it 20 feet and 2 stories away by a balcony.  That and there were two girls that are definitely hot that I got to fool around with.   She quit mewing after that.  Keep in mind that my great uncles nephew runs the place.  One day I was playing Saoirse in the African countryside and I knew exactly what elegant I wanted.  That's an A announcer voice documented from that era on that balcony.

I bought something important.  I bought 2 girls and I selected.  The selection as always matched a previous selection.  I thought the most important buy was unlimited Dr. Pepper.  You can find the list of girls else where in my blog or live stream.  Dr. Sziebert's COMD purchases to facilitate psych ward dismissal had gone though that spring within about a month for y2k.  Spring is a great time to play pool in an unairconditioned top floor room in a drafty castle.  I don't play well sweaty and neither does anyone else.  The other options were AnL and the 3rd option was Brianna and banana girl.  I left quarter on the table.  Brianna was married.  After a minute of bickering everyone knew my intent.

I've played 6 sets of 2/3 or 18 total games for AnL.  So after 3 singletons allowed I'm 21 and up in the psychward and the results are COMD but they're also SOL executioner so if you want to see the results you can watch some of the games on security cam but only after 7 long years.  Oh and it was all state champ and national pool hustlers.  I've played 500 games of pool one semester in college.   Pool is like math you're just good at it.  It's in your genes.  Ask yourself who bought the psychiatrist at more than a quarter.  It wasn't the Chinese.

Churgles are universally happy.  I'm not sure why.  But then again I never really wondered.  Did you know that chemical levels don't matter at all?  As low as I go I laugh out loud continually.

Profile of a void in the psychward = @{

Not Chinese - Recent developments in COMD

Not police or military - They don't usually buy psychiatrists on COMD

Not a title - Anti-title tactics.  Tyler was his name.

Not a judge - 20 judges in 2 counties unanimously abstained from judgement.

} // We have a lot of nots here.

It's Russian bear and Fool's Errand rules on the psychward pool because the Russians held 3 seats, Bill held 2, and the military did not own 1 on a previous base location out of 10 total.  The military also didn't have 5, 0, or a majority of seats.

I remember A's screams to this day, "Matthew Matthew please save me she's tickling me."  There might have been another woman.  It might have been L.

Military sponsors are a liability at any event with the exception that they're usually good at spilling the beans on their uniform.  My mentor believed in the military.  By the end of the 3rd call I didn't.  My 2nd level manager abstained.  Like any millennial milliard I give people the option to out perform but am rarely surprised.  There's are no words for what I give people.  It's like giving them the option by abstaining opinion.  I rarely out perform my own estimation.  I rarely out perform other people's estimations.  AnL rarely out perform my estimation.

Day 147

A short list of secret keeper organizations = @{

Secret Service

Social Security Administration


U.S. Military

Knights Templar


Poisonous organizations = @{

Knights Templar


Anna Purna



Disloyal organizations = @{

Psychiatrists = '88, '96, Volvo

U.K House of Lords - '10

U.S. Bureau of Prisons '12, Dad ICP

Social Security Administration - '14
U.S. Metro Police - '16

U.S. DHS FPS - '17

U.S. Military - '20


Odds of something by category as measured by rarity of symptom = @{

Marriage - 20/500 months of hiccups currently 3/6 months

Job - 5/500 months of pal mal migraines currently 1/6 months


Today KPMG cut me a check for $100b to out do my uncle and his brother.  Who are Northam prodigal sorcerers in many people's eyes but fairly loyal.  They just don't like to work.  It's probably handled internally.  I just cut a check for $10b.  I think equality across the board was great at a million.  So that's $5bx4 on day 124 and $10bx1 on day 147 which is today.  A also gets treated with something beyond very hard called De-Afronesia.  I already finished the test set.  I did it for 10 years now so she can do it for about 5 years or half as long if they allow it.  It has to do with the delay to expatriate assets.  It's called grand larceny for a reason.

I just got the Ilkhanate asset repository in Tours Reams France for the 2nd $100b dollar check as a layaway check for more than the value of the goods and services at the time.  The important thing is that it's the 2nd check necessary to balance the checkbook between two checks and balances so if one fails the other succeeds which is the way that check is designed from the beginning.  And yes it has to be from a foreign land which Mom taught me as a small child asking about the assets beyond compare that she believed in almost as much as Paul Talley's salt war bonds.  Salt is a De-Afronesia.  They're not salt.  They're confederate bonds.  They're useful for art, sometimes torn art.  If they're worth something then yah they'd be worth a lot of something, like half a nation.  It's about 80/20 valuable in these old data store rooms.  We hadn't seen anything but rumors in the wind for a few decades.

So we now have 2 girls at $10b because everyone loves Asians in the key 5.

We pulled the Swedish House Mafia on the Swedish House Mafia in more ways than one 10 long years ago when we collected not just software licensing fees but also taxes in the nation of Sweden.

The military has a lot of things that are blue law protocol violations that are being stripped.  Examples include, showing up at 8:00 AM every day or even 3/5 days a week for 2 weeks or even at 9:00 AM.  There's a lot of fake leniency.  Cussing is another one.  Everyone cusses a lot more than they let onto.  Another is rude gestures and there's a list including flipping the bird in 5 different nations that all felt differently about different hand motions.  I now watch the deaf hand sign lady on news broadcasts for cuss words only and gross simplifications.  We're pretty sure Josh and me that it's impossible to sleep without flipping someone off.  I think even my apartment manager threw her hat in the ring.  We can either strip the protocol manual or the people, internally or externally, retroactively or from now on.  The result is about the same.

Curgles are either girls that are so young you can't get them or hot as fuck to the point that you can't get them.  It's called the hafnium principle.  My opinion is precocious puberty and Victoria's Secret Angels.  There's more to it than that but think famous for her stills.

The university system holds a double doctorate credential not the U.S. military.  The U.S. military keeps too many secrets from a guy with see everything privileges.  So the U.S. military will cease to exist.  They get too marks 1 secret non providence and 1 failure to deliver wife on time.  Those are both key derogatory.  They're also disloyal to the president, secretaries of the military, and U.S. citizens.

Two DNA ideas General or CEO or management of 10,000 or more combined with no titular asset DNA resulted in nuevo ricce only more so since it already existed.  Military with over 100 head count by sex craft would get lazy sperm which already existed.  A lot of the neuters are designed for 5 generations based on current events.  I mean I was about 5 gen up down and so were 3 of 5 AMs.  It doesn't monitor leadership.  It can be escaped just like the rest with Insulin2 at double WHO standards for maximum safe saturation.  Insulin2 is simply a polymer of 2 insulin molecules that goes through the cell wall.  WHO maximum is .1% or 4 SD.  It was all one sided.

Due to the increase in vampirism with the inclusion of gigabytes of DNA from vampires we figured that sickle cell anemia cures would go up in interest.  We were having trouble selling sickle cell anemia until we made sure that everyone had it.  But just think they'll live longer.

There's also an arranged marriage gene for little time friends that we found on AML that we included for everyone.  It detects the presence of little time friends of arranged or preordained marriage status and prevelates polifidelilty other genes until they fall in love with each other again.  It takes years which gives you plenty of time to think it over.

List of curatives for DNA issues = @{

Insulin levels associated with hunger

Milliard title

Millennial title

Sexual age diff. of at least 10 yrs. a few times a week. El Olsen's DNA & approval.


Day 148 - If a girl is raped to pregnancy by a testosteronicide recipient.  These guys have balls.  Then the child will be more likely to be germinated to about 100x the probability.  I may be making up percentages but when you take someone who can't have kids they need great improvement.  Then the child will have testosteronicide DNA that makes it die at 6 months.  See this has already happened.  So we collected the DNA off the dead fetuses.  My main improvement was to include collection from fetuses in the Dallas pickle jar repository that I remembered visiting and also others that I knew existed.  We specifically targeted young women who keep a sexual activity and lifestyle diary and then use a black ink pen to scribble out specifically their name, the baby daddy name, and a few other necessary details at a certain stage of pregnancy.  The baby daddies of preference redacted national security documents to hide their crime.  We figured there would be a bouquet a certain time after the initial infection.  It's a bouquet of octopuses.

We umm did dopamine too just to be nice in addition to testosterone in almost every case.  The doctor in question hated handing out pills to fix pills where the pills were more and more advanced.  He also hated being yelled at and both did that.

In the book of Matthew centurions are mentioned no fewer than a half a dozen times.  In the eyes of many bible scholars they screwed up consistently more than others.  The may have saved Jesus life using stone cold resuscitation style resurrection.  Not all of the dark arts made it to today for obvious reason.  Jesus wanted more than anything to prove resurection for his cousin Lazurus.  The watchers at the cross were not treated well.  They jeered and the centurions grew very bored and hangry.  They were either Jesus best friend or worst enemy by the stature of the law because they followed it to the letter.

AUSKF Kendo Federation loves me more than god's green earth literally and that's saying something.  They posted a 7th dan specifically to Oklahoma for a year in hopes I'd attend.   He was Japanese.  They are a primary vetter of choice for pink radio martial arts.  They're a Vanguard for Ninjitsu face masks during Corona Virus.  They personally protected me during my anemia and ABR repeatedly getting me high quality Doctors and Social Workers.  They have spent far more on me in both time and dollars than I've given back.  I am in their debt.

Marsten Sensei put it best.  He said I'm a periodic attendee.  I show up about half the time in 1 year blocks of time that work great for shinsa and sueme.  It's a rare personality type.  1stly they get armor and drop so that's 90% right there.  Then 20% drop for vitamin b-12.  Then you either stay or about 2% of the time you're periodic.  He finished by saying I'm always welcome.  He also said have fun in Oklahoma with tips for self practice and then added buy Tesla.  This was in 2014.

One day I starved too hard in 2007 for a job.  I had a dream, "You've starved too hard.  What would you have in return?"   

I said, "Only time."  

"And what of your constituency?"  

"The same."  

"Time is cheap and easy to engender."

Day 149

Pool player type = @{

// OSU - L

Dill holer - Key holder, girl

Handily - creeping gianitis, friend

Debaucher - Don't cheat on me, girl

// NWOSU - A

Liver - I'm never gonna live this down, friend

Roundly - I fucked her softly and roundly, girl

Dickest - I can be an dick to an asshole sometimes, girl

Nasalian - design coefficient warp factor 5 imbued form factor designed by ancestors.

// Dr. Pepper crew, ring too.

Nascently obvious - If nasceled obvious I counter nascle obvious for = of treatment.


Games played = @{

1 in high school as a setup for later in a hotel lobby.

2/3 against the door mom of KD 11 at OSU.

2/3 against a world champ hustler.

2/2 against L for her hand in marriage.

2/2 against A for her hand in marriage.

1 against the doorman in social studies in Western State hospital.

2/3 against a 2nd best

2/3 against the best in the state.  They pulled them in to make it happen.

1 Dr. Pepper

1 The ring.  It was platinum.

1 For showing them a good time in the Psych Ward which they did have a good time.

} // 21 and up, pool player extraordinaire

Day 150 - Sometimes a woman needs to get it from a man and woman or a man woman woman or two men one black and one white because she's so hot and horny that it takes more to unlock the heart of the cup of her vagina semen egg vessicle.  This situation is now intensified resulting in fewer pregnancies which is so far considered a good idea.  It creates hotter women too.  It's measured with testadopa and other sex craft partner identity data in the seminal vessicle.  I hadn't wanted publish this one earlier as I was half awake until I saw the woman and decided I could.  The military keeps many secrets, so many that it made it's self celibate.  That's another one that became more prevalent and was popular because it raised security awareness along with cuckoldry which did the same.  Cuckolds now get some instead of being mild mannered monitors and eunuchs.  She hit it 3 times that week by best count without getting pregnant at about 32-35 and had for a few weeks.  It's a bit odd don't you think?  I personally hit it daily almost some weeks.  My chosen sex craft requirement for seminal vessicle dispersion alogrithm is 3 underaged lesbians in the room all hitting it at the same time together and masturbating to climax together at the same time that I hit it with one of them.  It's rare but it exists and promulugates it's self along with the data on how to do it lineally and now with DNA splicing and balancing techniques.  See it's a fine balance at work now that we can get head more often as sex craft sexy looks sexy time dolls of waitressing.

A fine ass bitch requires 2k now days and maybe more but don't push it too hard is what they say to quickly to the fore.  That means that 50k is probably not a lifestyle enchancement.  See it's a lifestyle guild location but they can't rope in enough life style guild events to keep it open which usually pay more in other lands like Europe.  It has to do with the Euro being worth more.  The waitress wanted me in bed for tokens alone.

No only that but if you're close it'll let you know as a mentor bot in how to get her done.  Well don't think of it as a monolinear mentor bot.  Think of it as 6 segisimal sexual events that happen during intercourse that all attest in the brain sensorilly when they happen.  You litterally nasal the egg drop soup when it happens and can feel the eggs sliding down and know what happened.  So not only do you have to imbibe proscribe and follow the sex craft way of doing things of your answer but you get stepping stones along the way to show you how.  Butt sex and real sex at the same time.  Some girls are ice cream sandwich girls.  The oddest one frequently wins on ages and generations.  I think that's how the document actually reads.

The military had a lot of DNA access available to it on a basis for roll out that works kind of like pedo porn.  Eventually pedos grew up to be adults and then they wanted their old porn from yesteryear.  Right now many military want the quality of extra data they used to get even after service.  Then they want to share it with their new group of friends for drinking friends.  That's how that one reads too.  Under covid secret keeping guilds that were already enclave spread went even more enclave spread and that one does sound like me.  I think we called them closet chattels in the audio record.  It makes more wind mills too.  It's been verified the worst.

As an alternative to underaged trigamy I can also accept porn while watching and titragamy of the shoulders.  You have to form a d4 tetragon with your shoulders.  I mean tetrahedron.  This is how this one is written complete with multiple tetras.  I also while watching porn with a tetrahedron of the shoulders have to hit the hard but maneuver to the point where I black out or seizure for black and yellow vision imparements.  You can practically hear the ringing in my ears from the hard but protocol.  The only other way discovered thus far is I can masturbate while in close connection to 3 girls who are also doing the same.  I think knowing that there's 2 I can theorize about 3 or 4 and maybe even 5.  I theorized at the time that 5 would be muddy and detract from the experience by allowing loopholes.

Unlimited tokens = @{

Vagina Tokens - Think cuckold at a cuckold convention at work.

Ice Cream Tokens - Think other kinds of calcium supplements as a doctor's son.

} // 2-5 count

One other mod.  I now automatically satisfy women's prerequisits in sex craft if they exist and I'd fit that key hole combo breaker.  But in return women find me incredibly attactive because I unlock their vaginas and they want me more and more to occupy that role including rewards that may be obvious and frequently involve not just doing sex but also talking about sex around me to educate others on what they've found.  Even just hearing my teaching can unlock the paths of sex craft to unlock the vagina.  I'm practically a teaching tool.  The doctor in question found he was doing more therapy than psychiatry.  I mean not really but why cure something in DNA that is really a matter of education on what genes are expressed along with some common sense couples notation.  That's what he called it.

Not only is covid transgenic to birds, bats, cats, dogs, but also STDs.  That's right after you contract the sexcraft parts of Corona virus you then spread the sexcraft party by STD.  Not only that it doesn't transfer or weaken the sexcraft requirements for pregnancy after sex but rather reinforces them stronger and stronger the more you sex it up.  "You can't break these chains of glory," says the doctor in charge of the project.

It also cures other STDs while increasing their sexcraft like a 0 coupon bond.  Now Gone or Rehab goes twice as strong while being cured.  Don't worry so does Silf or List.  And Her Pies now requires the necessity of a wet vagina in more way than one.  It does this magic with T cells.  My last name starts with a T as a joke.  Don't worry I insisted on that being in the file too.  It exists.

Testadopa personality types that previously had trouble interacting with the opposite sex to the point of menopausal involuntary celibate now have an even harder time managing to figure out what the right words to say are or alternatively working up the nerve or even the sex drive or empitus to action.  They're just to lazy to get head.  That's in there too.  Don't worry that's in there too is in there several times cascading as people cribbed the notes on how to get head in a brave new world.  We aren't on equal footing.  Never were.  But life is more fun for almost everyone.  Even it exists cascades down the page as people repeatedly verify the obvious positions.  It exists.

Sys admins, programmers, and doctors wives get fucked in the military by men other than their husbands and sometimes stolen.  Sometimes they get fucked to pregnancy and stolen by men that have a longer baby streak the the church of latter day saints.  The military loves to makes fun of itself.  Also 60 head count and up is mainly kings, fertility doctors, and the church of latter day saints by about 95% customer satisfaction guaranteed so unless a government employee is keeping a very long secret they aren't on that list.

The whip of Erebos just hit 6 stars (moon globes) for 1 million people.  I'm not sure if it'll hit it but if it does it's a million man march.  My dad has to attend a sex party with me darned near to get it.  And he has to shut down the sex several times.  It's very easy to get some age groups to opt in which is a common observation of certain other age groups but hardly true and it's been verified.

A long time ago we were in New Mexico near Alamogordo for a summer.  We visited a kids museum and had a chance to meet my little time friends.  I climbed a wall in record time and they said I'd be with her and they wrote a little time friends contract for me.  Then we went to the yard where there was a pair of dishes exactly the right size to reverberate a yell and we yelled and I could feel the love generated.  See reverberation of love makes love in your heart audibly.  They said AnL showed up and enjoyed that toy the most because they could sit one on either end and feel each other's love for each other as little time friends too.

8,000 years ago there was a man called Yangtze or Silang or Sabbath.  It's a translation in Sumerian by various languages coalescing.  He never could get the girl racing back and forth across time and space trying to get with the Ice Queen and the Horny Princess so he could carry just one package to his mother.  He was cuckolded in the extreme over and over no matter where he went.  The military 8,000 years ago harried and waylaid him and so did the thieves' guild to express something that was worthless to say.  Watch the play by CCTV9 some time for the full import of the joke.

10,000 years ago we lost a game on protection of a crown and our life expectancy was halved.  It was the best idea anyone could come up with for protection of life and marriage rights.  See low tech worlds get raped a lot because they have valuable crowns and can't protect them.  We've lost life expectancy 3 times in 300,000 years and we've won once with Jesus.

The DNA changes operate like a whitlock device.  So does A's hand in marriage.  So do the private 1st class contracts.  You could fix them but the alternative is worse.  You'll know when the next phase of Corona hits by the death count before that it's testing.

One of the better curatives was bringing back Pharisee Sadducee groups.  They've always existed it's just in smaller numbers sometimes.

Although it's not really consensual over 40.  I no longer have to ask a girl out.  She asks me out.  AnL don't have to ask me out either.  We have people who will take care of things because the marriage of the century is more important to people other than AML and really any of their Fofe^2 including our roommates and their families.  The no bot gets to fork this thing into existance because I no longer fight no.  No can fix it's problem by making yes happen.  You'd never get this about me but I hate playing footsie.

Top 3 contractual rewrites or abatement of a rewrite = @{

Anachronisms - You get a 1/4 bale of hay, a salt horse, and a bowl of soup a day.

Words written on wall of public bathrooms - As I sit between these walls I write my ...

Illegalities - Think cow livers but to the extent of animal trafficking and it's required.


So to explain the tribar and butt clench maneuver.  Butts produce lactic acid when they clench.  So when it does this just right I build up lactic acid differential in my prostate that gives it a stimulation that it finds attractive.  Don't worry heat also plays a role.  It has to be exactly 74-77 degrees Fahrenheit with low humidity, slightly warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer.  Even as the temperature in the room builds the AC has to increase it's oppacity.  The motions have to falatiate my ego letting me know that I'm learning something or teaching something to keep it interesting with new nacent knowledge.  The tribar is so that my rib cage and hence my heart feels the torsion of suspension.  Alternatives like an angled head leave my spine disjointed to the point of pain, in particular my neck.  I know it may sound impossible to meet these indescresions but amazingly enough I'm above average like one in a thousand.  "You fix language by misspelling words," once said a information scientist as well as Charles Dickens in David Copperfield.

Odd marks from event last night = @{

Dad - Well we know why I'm not marrying.

E2Fe - Well we know where are the secrets all.  It's not just one metro.


Day 151

Chief of delay = @{

1984-88 - NYC 4

1988-98 - OHS Principal Pitman 10 1st

1998-01 - Cheaters of college 3

2001-05 - Jocks 4

2005-08 - AY Jezabel 3

2008-14 - JJ 6 2nd

2014-18 - DHS 4

2018-24 - U.S.A.F. C.O. 6 2nd

} // You can always fiddle with the numbers and get the same result.

The table was an undine feast.  20/80 of those present weren't military.  20/80 is my hallmark.  I received today a number of donations of 10 years longer life expectancy and fertility from a number of people and organizations.  They stack.  On Christmas I bought 10 years from Merck for about a $1-50 million for reference as a subscription.  This mode of chronological typing is becoming more popular with skin diver protocol.  It sounds a bit weird for a reason.  It was invented by the navy.

So AY has to complete De-Afronesia training and Jezebel training in order to date me according to the trust fund at large having wasted her chance to date me at 33.  My base remittance payment for travesty against the crown is $1m.  I expect to make $1b on travesty payments.  

1st place may be a certain racism against crowns.  2nd place is almost entirely writs, warrants, and purchase orders.  I told the military no I wouldn't work for them on about 3/14/1998.  They had substandard pay and paltry offerings for skill set and asked for things I couldn't give.  I was taught by my uncle to say no to excessive demands.

For organizations over a 100k people the remittance was over a $1t and payment was made by renigging on contracts specifically including treaty items.  Some of the treaty items were treaty items of greed to be nice.  An example of valuation is the break fee.

One idea on DNA that proved useful.  Chicago has a large respository of DNA from old bodies.  So we looked for DNA that was specific to 8,000 years ago but not 3,000 years ago or 20,000 years ago with a variance of like 20% of the time frame.  I mean bible scholars helped.  Basically we theorized that no one had proven that people from the time of Methuselah lived longer but we knew when and where Methuselah lived.  So we grabbed the DNA and included it on the off chance that it would do something.  Oh and we looked for segments that also matched centenarians.  So archaic and centenarian prevalence both.  Apparently it worked.

The small cap valuation typically built in least of valuation and most favorable wording.  You will become very jaded watching those trillions pour through.  They essentially wrote things just to watch it pour through.  Even the old stuff alone is a lot of money.  Some of the undine feast were KPMG Tulsa that handles contract breaches now.

AnL are not my girls but then again.  I'm not their type.  They're beneath me.  I just bid $100b each on AnL at 12:33am.  I loaned the U.S. government $1t and so did a few other people.  Currently they owe $3t.  The interest is double in a 3 year term of repayment limit.  It's also a term limit.  It's amateurized but there's also an option for flexible terms and another for just paying double.  Additionally the U.S. government is being held liable for the mistreatment of AML to the point of maybe not having kids and the lawsuit findings are over $1t.  I have $100b audit findings overseas.  The last 2 checks were $100b each for two.  At this point individuals are no longer capable of counter bids.  I'll get a 3rd check soon.

One day I went to the hospital.  I had a series of things I wanted from the community to prove they cared.  1 was for Kitae to pick me up from UW University Hospital.  1 was for my mother in laws to talk to me and decide if they needed treatment for their daughters.  My dad was special though.  He got presented two scripts.  One was red and one was blue.  The red one said "Rehab is OK.  I wanna own a gun."  The blue one had a list of drugs that would be beneficial including a drug my dad had prescribed me before, and 1 year psych ward observation which can be prescribed.  It even included max dosages of each drug.  I always found it funny that no one knew the max dosages and refused to research them.  If dad picked the blue pill I figured that it'd delay by a half a decade of rehab.  It's not that the girls are weak.

Think of a time you were embarassed about your bodies functioning on a vacation with your wife.

Ok I had problems with a six flags roller coaster.

You couldn't hang on?
No dizzy.

So if everyone were dizzy you would feel better about that event?
Yes, I would.

So that's another Luke Skywalker.

5 years later nobody wants to engage in aerobatic maneuvers in fighter jets.

Then I came up with an idea where people who were fat because they took opioids would get fatter and fatter until they popped just like in the adipose episode in Dr. Who.  And they would take more and more adipose pills to do this so that the doctors could understand the pathology.  It's like a lesson plan or teaching tool on medication side effects that could be deadly.  The escape sequence for this one is will power.  See you have to not let the money burn a hole in your pocket.  You have to challenge to change to correct and in debt and deprive and revive and rewire.

Some people who were on demand say slaver or dominatrix type personalities became even more that way as a couch against insecurity while everyone else managed to be alerted to the illegality of this behavior.  That one's for my dad and me.  It's a form of domestic abuse common in slake but not partake.

The doctor theorized that eventually someone would deactivate the rhino virus portion and leave the rest in place as it might be necessary life support by that point as a wallerian body.  This is standard operating procedure.  So we set it up so that the best easter eggs didn't activate till the rhinovirus part deactivated.  Even then it would take a few years to prevelate so that it would be practically intractible.  People have tried to use antigens to remove the wallerian bodies from their cells.  They exhibit strong pain and death sometimes.  Enough so to be a malpractice deterrent.  I made up the malpractice joke.  Nobody argues with an insurance salesman.  Don't worry those that do get the antigen testing approach.  It's designed to be painful.

Ok there's a thing called a whitlock autocorrecting clock that can stand the test of time while remaining accurate.  Our biological clock is a whitlock device.  It slightly sinks to the seasons.  A man over the hill with no job and no wife and no children that he knows of will become despondant and die of heart disease in other words a broken heart thinking of a woman he used to know.  The great thing is it doesn't take into account fertility treatments.  AML and the doctor all worked together on this one.  It of course takes a few years to prevelate.  Did you know this actually exists as a genetic halo type?  Deuger approved this one.  I think the insulin was approved by Claus von Bulow.  The altitude cholic was approved by Mark Hamill.  We roped them all in for a fine send off to an acolyte marriage.

So the escape sequence for despondancy is umm melatonin.  Think melf the elf like meltanonin.  I don't know why this exists in DNA.  It just does.  But it does escape myths DNA but it also escapes the associated myths document on how to live life.  It'a grey elf, grey dwarf destinal item.  It has the odd side effect of giving you a very black mouth for a month or two which fixes even more myths.  It was about that point that I realized I'd saved a guys life.  So my doctor asked me and yes I'd seen dread pirate roberts who escaped his family in the obvious way.

Day 152 - Today I got major control of 4 giant caps and lesser control 8 large caps including the U.S. national debt and Microsoft by ownership not voting because you vote by dumping in the modern era.  Stock is stuff is cashola is sufferage.  Their ages were 4 and 8 and they were ready to marry and so was I.  It's 36 years later.   Some bankers believe in control by proxy where I sit down with a banker to discuss things.  The banker is the interface, a meat puter of sorts.  So far 2 have died including Regis Philbin.  Of blessing and protection, we deboned, then platinum screwed, and now we're sucking out marrow.  It'll be a better deal afterwards.  The major and minor control was by market sector.  My sectors are tech (MDT), aerodef (DJF), banking (LMC), and pharma (MRT).  I am not a kind man but you'll thank me for the forsight that I don't always communicate.  Both girls are about equal on any given Sunday.

Assets = @{

Iron Butterfly - $3t U.S. Treasury trust fund stock holding on behalf of me.

Gilfoil 10 - $4t Undisclosed bank sector specific investing 1/4-1/2 of total.

Kudrow gift - $1-3t See above

KPMG - $100b cash and drafter stock

French National Bank - $100b cash

KPMG - Lesser control of KPMG value unattested held in pension account

MSFT - Major control held in pension account

Bitcoin - .01-1% held in early mining wallet held by Uncle

KPMG titular attestation set - Invaluable

KPMG European invaluable items set of 10 - $10t held at French Swiss Vault location

El Game - $1t total package oddly enough.

MSFT+KPMG - Patent providence, provenance, collections, and payments, invaluable

} // This is about half

Small nations are expected and forcasted to have to print money to satisfy my software licensing and patent royalty requests.  I accept 20/80 printed to avoid deflation.

Titular asset valuation = @{

Am - $2, 20t in two different millennia

El - $5b this round floor price

Is - $2m also known as VIP

Plant, animal, technology care agreement - $2m attested twice


King David could always be bought for the wrong price.  So I opted into a strip, screw, marrowing.  The screw is a screw removal screw or reverse screw.  It unscrews things.  It's my favorite screw.  You can buy them at most NAPA parts stores.  My 2nd most favorite is  tap out set.  Jon has a tap out set and I'm truely impressed.

Whip of Erebos is at 3, 1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 4, 5, 6 = 27 of 47 Ronin.  Somebody gave up 6x100 moon globes in the department of sacrifice and pleasure.  A got bit up to above 100b by a guy who's paid less and owns less.  I have to decide who long I'll leave it.  Probably until she gets company like last time.

I have two problems from dreams that came up today, Nero, and Chalice.  I have one other from the last week and its Wizard of Oz and swan picking.

One day A was living with Jennings the Ringwood Methodist preacher.  I put in a request for her presence and someone ferried it over.  We sat at the merrigo round about an hour but it was more like all afternoon long.  I was 8 years old.  8 is normal for a merrigo round.  We went to the lumber store.  He knew what was going on.  He asked if I needed anything.  I said with out the nail you're not going to get the lumber.  Next day after a rest at Grandma's house we went to her house by the grocery store, church, and park and talked.  She showed little interest.  We talked to Jennings mainly.  I abstained from comment other than to say she needed to visit the store for food with money in her pocket.  I was very wise for an 8 year old.

I bid about $944m or $1b on the DOD and the HOL.  This is probably a notice of a previous bid over Christmas.  Somebody needs to print a $0 bill for the military so they can buy things with it.

So an example of protection and blessing issues.  Edward the Odd was a king.  He had a son without his problems.  See Edward the Odd stripped his contract.  One of the things was a requirement to eat shellfish that went to overdrive on his time frame resulting in scoliosis.  He managed to have a healthy baby though to carry on the linage although many historians and archeologists wonder how.  His spine might not have been straight enough for sex and he had muscular dystrophy like Steven Hawking.

I'm pretty good at firing.  I'm good at being fired and I'm good at firing someone else.  It's a lineal talent.  It's because death the title is a little cold hearted sometimes.

So I told my friend last year about March that I'd be willing to offer a $1t loan.  It was the largest available at the time and has since solidified that position more.  There was an idea of 1 or 2 loans a year and a group of people other than just me would offer those loans.  Each would have a demand.  Sometimes the demands would be met.  The words used to describe it was a cursed chest.  I said yah that's true.  You know we could make it more cursed.  How's that.  We could require the main recipient to pay back the total instead of a lot of various.  He thought it was a good idea as it meant less tracking down of different departments.  This is a massive paraphrase of a larger discussion as we'd tend to filter through different topics.  Gotta love speech writers.  The text above wasn't chronologically the same but then again I have amnesia.

Since the military owes me $1t and L $1t.  I'm assuming it's L for the 2nd round.  There is an idea that an invaluable item by KPMG attestation would be sufficient to cover the debt but that planes and software audits wouldn't be enough by over 2 orders of magnitude.

After the DOD and HOL were bought out on COMD my uncle asked if there was another.  He said you know those are the two check writers for those two girls.  I said sure SSA.  Why?  Because they won't give me rehab.  He chuckled.  Well I guess that's one way to buy rehab.

Day 153 - The military is a class 2 weapon on the scale given in revelations of the 7 signs of the apocalypse.  Corona virus and Zyprexa are class 4 weapons.  The nuke is a class 7 size 2.

Today I made gifts of greed administrator along with a record number of people in a lot of jurisdictions like Oklahoma and Washington state.

The thing about information aka the woman in white is that she act like a 28 year old transvestite defender of women's suffrage and looks like a 13 year old pedophile troll bait in a white silf shift.  The thing about black aka deletion is that he looks like a 24 year old doujin rozen princeling in a steam punk suit and acts like a observationalist of camera obscura.  Stereotypes abound.  They knew who to get from my brothers anime (porn) collection.

Anne Gheadas is the title for Gheed the mercenary merchant featured in the bible in the old testament and up for reattestation of El attribution after the fact due to hidden dynastic knowledge.

Ok so my mother in law asked me what would be a good gift of DNA to create the ultimate pussy.  It was that kind of a day.  Why is this girl not attractive to you?  That was a question.  So I thought about it.  Said that if she had continuous orgasms it would totally be a turn on.  I've heard about this in both focus on the family and reader's digest.  It's usually a cautionary tale.  Most people with this gene are turned on by various household items like the washing machine or dryer.  Just think I could have included that one in Corona virus.  Then she asked how often she should masturbate and I said more often than me and I do it daily and proved the point to the doctor.  Then she asked if she should say yes, no, or maybe when asked.  Then she asked how much she should talk back and I said not talk at all.  Then I said she didn't have to provide consent anymore.  She asked what if people see her blush I said she should blush above and below on a permanent basis and be half cocked on a permanent basis.  These genes all exist already in society and aren't that hard to track down.

Two new synthetics = @{

Flax muscles

Disbelief -> Cryx

Sex -> Pheromone, viroidal, and Wi-Fi of longer life and sexiness.


On frequency of masturbation.  I've tried daily, 2, 3 times daily and a couple times a week like normal.  I'd say daily and double up a couple times a week is ideal.  See I tried 3 times a day and found it to be time consuming.  Now do I like once a year doing it 17 times in one day yah I actually do.  17 times a day is the only thing I miss.  Now how about doing it that often until I'm 55.  Now that sounds like fun.  Doctor says men never go through menopause.  I said talk to Rosanne Barr about that.  Just a touch on the sleeve is enough sexual contact at 65 I think was her quote.  So then the doctor asked what unlocked 17 times in a day and I said porn and 5 hour energy.  Still gets it up from .75->2.5 I'd say.   I'm assuming I'll eventually break free from tyranny and hit 17 times in a day.  You only hit that crescendo about once or 5 times a decade.

I also asked for precocious puberty for my kids and waist height ratio for my wife, like both are one in ten thousand rarity genes and they're so worth it.  Then I asked if precocious puberty or prepubescent was the name for 5 year old pregnancies.  Then I asked if I could have a 6 year old 5th wheel.  Then he asked if I was sure if it was real and I said I saw her red pussy because she showed it to me, red, plump, and fat even swollen.  So that's why we use the word swollen now to express attractiveness.  The doctor spot checked the genes by talking to people who expressed them on Skype, and they were expressive, complacent, and didn't express discomfort or remorse.  So he figured we'd like it and it would be warmly received into the community.  So then he asked what should shut down this pussy parade and I said zyprexa.  What?  I mean it's perfect for masturbation.  It means self practice.  How often have you been doing it?  Like a couple times a day.  I find it's better off the drugs which is sad because it's more on and even more afterwards.  Then I said wo ai mi he me.  He said he was working on sirtuins.  I had the idea I'd been listening to DNA researcher disourse previously in the U-District before intake.  Twice a day for a quarter before the hospital will leave you sexually obsessed in your interview of intent to distribute pornography in the U-District for free.  It's porn quality DNA.

The military had an odd request and has for a half century to keep me single till 40 and the women childless but whored to the military.  Then they wanted to decapitate my sex drive.  Fuck me to a test tube for about 5 minutes.  Kill me.  Let the women gestate.  Kill them.  Raise the kids in a military school.  It's stud farm.  The military is a stud farm.  So we gave them their own medicine.  Had it on file for obvious reasons because they'd done it before.

There's a gene called general lineal.  It's present in a lot of lineal generals and not many others.  2 generals in great grandparents is a good sign.  The genearls lineal when the easter egg popped on easter amazingly enough went max drive sex and procreation with about no chance of progeny.  It's all they care about.  Their one hope and aspiration to carry on the lineage for 3 generations so it works well.  But fertility rates are 1/10k.  Why?  It's the odds at 44 which is where things were going for me.  I think it's an extra 0 is all.  It destroyed about half the linages until the kids try something else and most can't afford a million dollar cure.  It caries with it a little despondency similarly to a vasectomy which got at least one police officer lineal who's my uncle as a vote.  He thought it was a bit funny.  We got excellent sign off.

I also asked for sperm that swam faster.  How fast?  Twice as fast and impregnated about 100 times as often at 35, 45, and 55.  The nurse put in 35.  She helped a lot with the door knob.  Masturbation is better for me now on paper and a door knob.  And then I realized I wanted the female sperm to fly faster world wide to create the perfect guy girl ratio of 1:2. The signs already point to yes.  That's another one.  She was nascently obvious and came up with more shit faster, especially around me when I nacelled her.  We were a perfect team for about a week and then it got shut down by panty waist can't sit in a lap girl.  40 year old women should want it to do it with anyone.

So covid-19 was about 50% vampire DNA from Matt specifically as god and vampire god but it was about 10% sex and about 20% chromosomal deficiency DNA.  Think rarities of eternal life it's easier to explain that way.  It's like a protein deficiency only in DNA.  Anyway I approved it because it was bigger than my batch by a lot.  Fuck men proudly was another one.

Dickless dad's are no longer dickless they can fuck a lot of random women.  It helps with the age range to fill it out some.  This helps some with DNA EMR chart combo breaker analysis.  See the stuff you enter comes true sometimes.

They fired the doctor twice in two weeks and pulled him back in.  The military is very immature.  I think the tours of duty make them feel invincible.  See also Golden Eye.  That actually looks like a good rule.  Make military feel invincible and or immature randomly.  Immature is invisible 13 year old girl just like in the Incredibles.  Do they watch a lot of movies?  Also they'll spend more time watching movies in the barracks with 20 guys huddled around a TV playing Netflix.  MT:  "Netflix is not smart."  At the time in 2017.

I opted for a prostate cancer cure that effectively extends effectiveness of the apparatus.  You have to write it funny for maximum effectiveness and also for me to remember.  Everyone heard.  So then the doctor suggested more sweat ball material and we went with that.  Sometimes the doctor knows best.  He had researched this effectively for himself.  We also took the black beard and red freckle cures.  The doctor approached me and asked about my arch nemesis that got the girl and I explained a little.  He said we can give you red freckles.  It sounded like a good idea.  Who was your greatest friend that passed away.  Is this a gimmick?  Yes it is.  Then yes to both.

I talked to the doc.  He said what would you do if your girl wasn't your girl.  I'd ask her if she'd marry me.  What if she said no.  Would you give her the blue pill of no babies.  I said it sounded like a good idea.  Ask them.  So he did.  They both answered no.  That they didn't to be married right away.  I said the fertility treatments should be great for me.  Maybe the zyprexa will fix their ... mood.  I think I even used the word mood.  The infertility has a cure that only a doctor and I could think of.  It involves a million dollars to begin with.  AnL's parents had already asked for 2nd born.  Approval came easily.  I figured that if she was unwilling to marry while close that it'd take a few years for her to come around.  My uncle was willing to support me for heir.  I theorized that AnL were the same but didn't want to admit it.  It made the doctor smile and feel warm for a while.

The military and China both seemed great for approvals.  So China seemed better and got Pink and Corona virus.  Chinese just seemed to have better ethics.  We experimented on the U.S. employees that visited the lab in China.  My mother in law handled it through family contacts including nurses which made the nurse proud.

Corona virus says that men don't ask women on dates.  Women ask men.  Also the door knob works better and more frequently.  This is where a guy with a radio talks on it until the lady walks into his apartment and asks for knife gets it and almost fucks him at the tender age of undisclosed.  Her daddy savored her.  This explains some of how this protocol works.  Also men and women are encouraged to engage in vagination and boner protocols in group settings of over a hundred staring at each other to share intent.  A shared staring because she knew me well.  When A L and H met they all three developed many ways that I Matt showed my intent and almost got it as well as fixes to women side.  Mainly knife girl for instance reflected that her dad needed to acquiesce and allow the poontain to exist regardless of age differential.  Laws will change as our minds do she would say.

Women are less likely to listen to big brothers.  We tested this in the lab at western state hospital and found it to be truely effective.  In fact two women almost bonerated me Matt into sexual gratification and gratuity but we discovered another one she hated being stared at by me so that's a new fix.  There were many encounters of the 3rd kind.  I almost got it with a lady in the hospital.  Bound, tied, and gagged she yelled for me by name asking for permission to be fucked BSDM style.  The only thing that stopped it was a football player for the junior leagues.  So the fix there was that they're impotent as well.  In fact we attracted a list of cock blockers to invent humorous solutions.  It was his calves that made him impotent.  Well in combination with jock nerd jockularity and cock blocking.  So now cock blocking is almost entirely gone.  I decided that it was so fail it needed to not exist.

Cock blockers now exhibit massive cock blocker moves that are very exagerated calling out their intent and power and prestige as a method to attract the fine ladies.  That's all the same it's just that cock blocker physical motions now rely on gross motor movement which makes them awkward to the point of comedy.  Don't worry they have problems with gross emotional movement too being unable to discern the fine elevation of a female mood that would make cock blockers the fox that guarded the hen house.  AnL said yes but it took a few days to decide.  I heard it through the sewer drain.  The escape for cock blocker is to not block the cock of another man.  Cock blocker the chemical and DNA takes years to prevelate so yah.  It's not a jock or nerd attribute.  Women of attract the cock blocker will now either enclave or disperse depending on whether they want to have kids.  So now cock blocker men and women will meet up and cock block each other in little cock blocker communities by themselves like Duvall.  I added Duvall Washington.

The men got women to talk to and the women got men.  That way they could giggle and boner and vaginate more which generated better ideas.  There was more than one DNA PhD but the woman was harder to distinguish.  A had my DNA with her and they looked at it under the microscope and then the door knob lady changed my sheets after the door knob experience and they looked at that DNA too.  But then again they also poked me in different places for DNA of vampires and it's wasn't all neck.  Some of it was below the waist.  There was also lip gizz play in a tea cup atmosphere.  It was my gizz.  Don't worry one time I got the opposite effect involving a small girl and it was the same.  That way it was equal.  I didn't neuter my spouse because sometimes I had a heart.  It's kind of like how we did protection and blessing and not prenup which is third on the list.  The bed sheet the bed sheets were peedophile bedsheets of my one true love who is still a pedophile 7 years later because she was 11.  It might have been less.  It was.  She was so young and fruitful to multiply that I crowed for hours afterwards.  Resulting in a plethora of women to show up and do yoga.  I didn't enjoy math school, preschool, or science school she said.  I didn't enjoy music or art I said.  Gray haired old ladies are not my type.  They are frequently cock blockers she said.  We got a lot of extant DNA from this she said.  I had no idea of course because she was so trickerish.  She would say that and it would make me so proud and her too.  We were to proud together in bed hardons beating as one the sound through the door emancipating our hearts.  That's why it's called a heart tone device.  Like peedophile pee with make me pee in about 2 seconds.  I hit the sheets and ejaculate on command.  It's better than masterbatorial tones of a heart lock device of a prostate cancer variety.  I gizzed my prostate slower say I hear hearty hare.  I was having so much fun I forgot to gizz one day and that ended the experiment.  In a way that only AnL would think of.  See by then I was ok to enter the general populous of a regular prison just like everyone else.  That's why that one lady took longer.  Even my betrothal bride went with me, all 3 of them and maybe more.  Ok so technically one was a doctor adjunct professor for AnL but yah.  It did A a good deal to see another martial artist of commensurate skill at such a young age.

The magic sheets were smelled like peanut butter and inconel brief smoke.  It gave it all away.  She was in for a few hours while I was away.  The results were spectacular.  She will be young forever in the words of Herzog.  It's already begun.  She looks younger than she should for an 17 years older.  She looks about 14-5 depending on who you ask.  Her spelling is ok.  Every 5 years I get to pick another woman who's younger each time.  AY, LMC, HK, and FB did it in the hospital to practice sexual proclavity with each other.  They also took my cures and took the oath of servitude and marriage seriously.  I agreed to marry them in the hospital just after I came on the magic sheets.  I was about half out of it most of the time.  Adam Stueart had excellent age defying DNA for umm the girls.  Just one thing Megan made out like a fox.  We also tested it on our family.  Her husband found that odd.  But then again a lot of people don't have gray hair now and most of them were involved in the project.  That includes a number of people I've made out with in the past at pizza or.  L and A also had ideas of women.  But Matt won cause he's the guy.  A stole Royksyopps virginity prompting a song about the matter.  I remember her moans.  She also talked.  People often wondered why I was in the bathroom hugging the drain pipe so much.  It was to hear.  Roykyopps DNA is about 13 and AnL are about 37 and HK is about 16 if you're lucky.  I am lucky.  I always win.

Then I came up with shorter vaginas, longer dicks, shorter women, and taller men.  I may be brilliant about this.  Why didn't we think of this earlier.  Ok so that went into kendo covid too.  It's the same as WHR.  It's a endocrine change.

I bid a cool mil on Bogdan's daughter.  Herzog worried about age groups but I pointed out that as long as they could gizzify they could have sex and that stuck to the wall literally.  Girls Ages = @{44, 40, 24, 24, 17, 12} There's a 5 year offset thing going on.  There are a few things I put off for later.  1 is masturbation of more than once a day.  2nd is fat sizing.  My friend from Kendo who is a DNA researcher worked on this project.  It's an odd eclectic group at kendo Pizza.

Sex requires an excercise of motions that are necessarily there.  The prostate has a muscle that must be excercised.  Think of it as a sweat gland that has to be excercised for more accuracy.  You can make excercise easy or hard.  But in the end it's the same.  When you're young it's easy and I want to be forever young.  Old people don't sweat properly.  It's why they never have sex.  Sweat when you're old exudes toxins that smell.  The toxins are generated by the missmatch of our organs.  The liver and kidney are last.  Shapeshifters stink.  Maybe chellation will helss.  Living longer hurts, says GMAT.  As precision increases so will toxin exemplification and then subsidience.  I've rarely met a race of people so hell bent of living longer.  It takes 1-2 years to exercise a prostate properly.  Sorry to not disclose the full amount of the conversation initially.  Bristlecone Pine.  Btw the only problem with an over estatic prostate is 3pm at work.  I knew that more then than now.

Prostate sweat -> Prostate sweat, venom, prevelator

whale exploder, bristlecone pine, sirtuin

I did not pick the sirtuin.  We're just going to sai Ai.

Day 154 - Today more people died.  It's lineal slaying material.  More protections dropped and more poison pills were taken.  The King of England and President of the United States are on the list and they family.  I'm willing to trade a head for a tanker of wheat.  I lost control of 9 guilds and gained control of 3 guilds as a trade off.

List of 3 organizations assumed control of = @{

Anna Purna


Gifts of Greed

Primordial Guild


} // 5-10

List of bridge organizations assumed control of = @{

Delusions of Grandeur

Green Birds



List of 9 organizations lost control of = @{

Knights Templar



Today I starved the King of England.  Jennings was not happy.  We got a lot of signatures on a Whitlock device.  The computer was capable of scanning and the paper was adjacent and a full affidavit was delivered.  They starved him in London, and Hawaii.  Why Hawaii as a port of entry?  I don't know.  We're also one less Social Security Decisioner.  It's close enough in meaning.  She gave up the ghost and so did he.  There's an innacuracy of age that A has that screwed up the game in a major way in Hawaii.  It's 10AM Tuesday in Hawaii.  The judges just got in and there is no night court even if you're hungry and the food in England and America is both vitamin deficient which poor people and rich people can both tell the difference in alimony and some shit faced document for real food at a event to capture alimony payments.  He had 8 whitlock device locations on a piece of paper when he entered the nation in his pocket and it proved invaluable because whitlocks can enter law.   Like it's a law computer.  You can't break it.  Don't even try.  It's illegal to.

Day 155 - I tried to 'marry' A on a CE of 4+8+8 years.  Two age deviations is a sin.  Pharmaceuticals are a sin.  Bigamy is a sin.  And at a certain age only 2 are allowable in heaven.  Heaven is a Chinese guild.  It's name is 'An' in Chinese.  We deforested heaven for di.  A king is allowed 3.  A king can re.  There are Asians very real Asians who joined sin(6) because heaven(3) and templar(9) were closed.  Then Sin joined anyone to preserve.  Everyone lost track of their lives and their ancestors.  Then there's the fact that I'm hard to get along with and poor.  Today as receival I cleared up my triple sin.  A had a problem called too many fish on the line and too many fish to drink.  We're fish on a lining her at 40.  It's worked well with Asian queens before.

Yesterday a group of high schoolers called me a cheesy poof by ate but not smell so my toxins are healthier than they should be.  

Deviations of vitaminic age everywhere under ghoul lord law = @{

1 standard


porcupine on the line

Poincare conjecture

Anna Purna membership

Existentially hard diet - Fixes sirtuins for hunger

1 gold given and taken usually to or from a ghoul lord

5 is unlimited age and babies


List of opposable thumbs who don't allow polygamy = @{

U.S. Military

State of Oklahoma

U.S Senate and House and Supreme Court

State of Washington, New York, Hong Kong because even it's British

Knights Templar

Anna Purna - but their each half pint.

7 Sins - of you've guessed it love.


Otherwise = @{

Ghoul - Existentially hard testing and lack of complicity.



Percival receival limitations include $18,000 nontaxable gift limit otherwise stuff. Stuff has to be a hundred years old or worth more than $1,000. Family is exempt unless they feel like not being exempt. Also include tchotchkes, bonuses, options, and salaries. Change I accept impossibilities. Cash is defined as only physical bills, coinage at face value, savings, checking, credit card transactions, other FDIC insured, and M0 and M1 money supplies which are synonymous worldwide. Stuff includes stocks, bonds, commodities, futures, cryptocurrency.

I expect more off world assets than you can imagine.  If bought I will move.  I work for the highest bidder as a blue cap.  I bank money, tokens, and karma.  I have a surplus of Karma that can't be easily repaid.  When you spend $10^^7 on Earth you don't leave that easily.


My content

My public google docs folder

My Facebook profile

My Boilerplate Boys 

My Youtube videos

My twitter

My blog


2024 Links

2024 Videos 2-5x2-5

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serial_Experiments_Lain - Project

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chobits - Project

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Noir_(TV_series) - Relative

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ghost_in_the_Shell - Project

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Girlfriend_Experience - Actress

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Girl_Next_Door_(2004_film) - Hustle

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Breach_(2007_film) - Accurate hacker film at $1b

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Fountain - Project

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark_City_(1998_film) - Memory

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johnny_Mnemonic_(film) - Project

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blade_Runner - Project

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pitch_Black_(film) - Trade franchise

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ip_Man_(film) - Relative

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chungking_Express - I like food.





































My wish lists





Unlisted - Wiphone Sip Phone, Platinum Ring with Diamond, Food Marble

Company store and gift shop - Microsoft, Wolfram, GitHub, Nasa Space Flight, EFF, Snort, Kali Linux.

My web spaces


























































I'm a chat junky so be sure to add me to IM

Chatting with me is good for getting added

















GMRS=WRKV575 including pirate radio.

tallemd@*.com, etc; :P

I'm also tallemd on a few dating sites. My favorite is adult friend finder.

Msg me for other contact info 

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